rocket starter
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0.0.3→ ‘rocketstarter’
Here is Japanese version of manual.
What is this?
This gem is tool for creating new rails application.
The Rocket-starter can set up basic directories and svn/git repositories for your applications when you want to start it.
If you want, you can use the git and the RaPT gem and a list of plugins.
- create basic directories
- commit to subversion or git repositories
- set svn:ignore property or .gitignore file.
- install plugins
- use RaPT gem for managing plugins (Optional)
- write password to config/database.yml
- create databases before finish by ‘rake db:create:all’ command
gem install rocketstarter
Demonstration of usage
Usage: rocket_starter project-name [options] Usage: rocket_starter --init [options] Usage: rocket_starter --check [options] and more... Usage: rocket_starter --help
How to use
1. Set environment valiable if you want to change a config file path.
$ export ROCKET_STARTER_CONF=~/.rocket_starter
2. Create config file.
$ rocketstarter --init
3. Modify default values and plugin list.
$ vi ~/.rocket_starter $ vi ~/useful_plugins
4. Test for setting
$ rocketstarter --check
5. Create project.
$ cd source-dir $ rocketstarter project_name --scmuri=
6. Execute sqld4r if you want
$ cd project_name/rails/project_name $ sqld4r /path/to/DBDesigner.xml
How to submit patches
Read the 8 steps for fixing other people’s code and for section 8b: Submit patch to Google Groups, use the Google Group above.
You can fetch the source from either:
- rubyforge: MISSING IN ACTION
TODO – You can not created a RubyForge project, OR have not run rubyforge config
yet to refresh your local rubyforge data with this projects’ id information.
When you do this, this message will magically disappear!
Or you can hack website/index.txt and make it all go away!!
Build and test instructions
cd rocketstarter rake test rake install_gem
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
Comments are welcome. Send an email to maimuzo via the forum
Yusuke Ohmichi(maimuzo), 30th June 2008
Theme extended from Paul Battley