# FontAwesome5Rails font_awesome5_rails provides the [Font-Awesome5](https://fontawesome.com/) web fonts, stylesheets and javascripts as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline and with backwards compatibility with [font-awesome-rails](https://github.com/bokmann/font-awesome-rails) gem. This gem provides only Free icons from Font-Awesome. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'font_awesome5_rails' ``` In your `application.css`, include the css file: ```css *= require font_awesome5 ``` or if you prefer scss add this to your `application.css.scss` file: ```sass @import 'font_awesome5'; ``` In your `application.js`, include the javascript file: ```javascript #= require font_awesome5 ``` ## Usage Gem provides FontAwesome icons through helper. In your views just call `fa_icon`. ### Basic usage ```ruby fa_icon('camera-retro') # => fa_icon('camera-retro', style: 'color: Tomato') # => fa_icon('camera-retro', class: 'my-class', text: 'Camera', size: '3x') # => # => Camera ``` ### Animations and data attributes FontAwesome 5 provides new animations and data attributes. Here are some examples how to use them: ```ruby fa_icon('camera-retro', animation: 'spin') # => fa_icon('camera-retro', data: {'fa-transform': 'rotate-90'}) # => ``` More animation and data attributes can be found on [FontAwesome documentation](https://fontawesome.com/how-to-use/svg-with-js). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).