<%= "Week #{suggestion.week} - Started on #{view_membership(patient, @group).start_date_american}" %>
Suggestion: <%= suggestion.detailed_suggestion %>
<% if suggestion.detailed_suggestion == {} %>Week # | Date | PHQ-9 Score | <%= render partial: "think_feel_do_engine/coach/patient_dashboards/phq_summary", collection: suggestion.assessments, as: :tested_weeks, locals: { test_summary: suggestion.results } %>
<%= fa_icon("copy") %> PHQ9 assessment missing this week - values copied from previous assessment.
<%= fa_icon("ban") %> PHQ9 assessment missing this week - no previous assessment data to copy from.
<%= fa_icon("question") %> PHQ9 assessment missing answers for up to 3 questions - using 1.5 to fill them in.
<%= fa_icon("question-circle") %> PHQ9 assessment missing answers for more than 3 questions - data unreliable