require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/survey_section' class Survey include Columnizer # Context, Content, Reference, Expiry, Display, Children attr_accessor :id, :parser attr_accessor :title, :description attr_accessor :access_code, :reference_identifier, :data_export_identifier, :common_namespace, :common_identitier attr_accessor :active_at, :inactive_at attr_accessor :css_url, :custom_class attr_accessor :survey_sections @@current_survey = nil def self.current_survey @@current_survey end def self.current_survey=(value) @@current_survey = value puts "Assigning current survey #{@@current_survey.title}" end # id, parser, and title required def initialize(id, parser, title, options = {}) = id self.parser = parser self.title = title self.survey_sections = [] self.access_code = Columnizer.to_normalized_column(title) # self.default_options(title).merge(options).each{|key,value| self.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)} Survey.current_survey = self end # def default_options(title) # {} # end # This method_missing magic does all the heavy lifting for the DSL def method_missing(missing_method, *args, &block) m_name = missing_method.to_s if (section_match = m_name.match(/(\Asection)_?(.*)/)) build_survey_section(section_match[3].to_s, *args, &block) # Parse "section" method, create new section in this survey else puts " ERROR: '#{m_name}' not valid method_missing name" end end def build_survey_section(reference_identifier, title, &block) puts " Section: #{title}" if block_given? new_survey_section =, self, title, {:display_order => self.survey_sections.size + 1, :reference_identifier => reference_identifier}) new_survey_section.instance_eval(&block) add_survey_section(new_survey_section) puts " Section added" else puts " ERROR: A section cannot be empty!" end end def new_survey_section_id self.parser.new_survey_section_id end def add_survey_section(survey_section) self.survey_sections << survey_section end # Used to find questions for dependency linking def find_question_by_reference(ref_id) question = nil count = 0 while question.nil? and count < self.survey_sections.size question = self.survey_sections[count].find_question_by_reference(ref_id) count += 1 end question end def reconcile_dependencies @survey_sections.each do |section| section.questions.each do |question| question.dependency.dependency_conditions.each { |con| con.reconcile_dependencies} unless question.dependency.nil? end end end def yml_attrs instance_variables.sort - ["@parser", "@survey_sections"] end def to_yml out = [ %(survey_#{@id}:) ] yml_attrs.each{|a| out << " #{a[1..-1]}: #{instance_variable_get(a).is_a?(String) ? "\"#{instance_variable_get(a)}\"" : instance_variable_get(a) }"} (out << nil ).join("\r\n") end def to_file "survey -#{self.title}- written to file...", File::CREAT|File::APPEND|File::WRONLY) {|f| f << to_yml} end end