module Bhf::Platform class Base attr_reader :name, :objects, :page_name, :title, :title_zero, :title_singular def initialize(options) @objects = [] @name = @data = options.hash @settings = options.settings_base @user = @settings.user t_model_path = "activerecord.models.#{model.model_name.to_s.downcase}" model_name = I18n.t(t_model_path, count: 2, default: @name.pluralize.capitalize) @title = I18n.t("bhf.platforms.#{@name}.title", count: 2, default: model_name) model_name = I18n.t(t_model_path, count: 1, default: @name.singularize.capitalize) @title_singular = I18n.t("bhf.platforms.#{@name}.title", count: 1, default: model_name) model_name = I18n.t(t_model_path, count: 0, default: @name.singularize.capitalize) @title_zero = I18n.t("bhf.platforms.#{@name}.title", count: 0, default: model_name) @page_name = options.page_name end def pagination @pagination ||= end def get_objects(options = {}, paginate_options = nil) if user_scope? and @user chain = @user.send(table_value(:user_scope).to_sym) else chain = model if options[:scope].present? chain = chain.send options[:scope] elsif data_source chain = chain.send data_source end end if options[:order].present? and options[:direction].present? chain = chain.reorder("#{options[:order]} #{options[:direction]}") end if search? && options[:search].present? chain = do_search(chain, options[:search]) end if paginate_options && !sortable chain =[:page]).per(paginate_options[:per_page]) elsif chain == model chain = chain.all end @objects = chain end def model @model ||= if @data['model'] @data['model'] else @name end.classify.constantize end def model_name ActiveModel::Naming.singular(model) end def table_hide? table_value(:hide) == true || model.bhf_embedded? end def remove_excludes(attrs, excludes) return attrs unless excludes attrs.each_with_object([]) do |attribute, obj| next if excludes.include?( obj << attribute end end def fields return @fields if @fields tmp = default_attrs(form_value(:display), attributes) if sortable and ! form_value(:display) tmp = remove_excludes(tmp, [sortable_property.to_s]) end @fields = remove_excludes(tmp, form_value(:exclude)) end def columns return @columns if @columns tmp = default_attrs(table_columns, attributes[0..5]) if sortable and ! table_columns tmp = remove_excludes(tmp, [sortable_property.to_s]) end @columns = remove_excludes(tmp, table_value(:exclude)) end def definitions return @definitions if @definitions tmp = default_attrs(show_value(:display) || show_value(:definitions), attributes) @definitions = remove_excludes(tmp, show_value(:exclude)) end def has_file_upload? return true if form_value(:multipart) == true fields.each do |field| return true if field.form_type == :file end false end def search? table_value(:search) != false end def search_field? table_value(:search_field) != false end def custom_search table_value(:custom_search) end def custom_footer table_value(:custom_footer) end def table_columns table_value(:display) || table_value(:columns) end def custom_columns? table_columns.is_a?(Array) end def user_scope? @user && table_value(:user_scope) end def table @data['table'] end def show @data['show'] end def form @data['form'] end def hooks(method) if @data['hooks'] && @data['hooks'][method.to_s] @data['hooks'][method.to_s].to_sym end end def sortable table_value 'sortable' end def sortable_property (@data['sortable_property'] || :position).to_sym end def columns_count columns.count + (sortable ? 2 : 1) end def hide_edit table_value 'hide_edit' end def hide_create table_value('hide_create') || table_value('hide_new') || table_value('hide_add') end def show_duplicate table_value 'show_duplicate' end def hide_delete table_value('hide_delete') || table_value('hide_destroy') end def custom_link table_value 'custom_link' end def table_quick_edit table_value 'quick_edit' end def custom_partial table_value 'partial' end def read_data_source table_value(:source) || table_value(:scope) end def data_source temp_scope = read_data_source return unless temp_scope return temp_scope[0] if temp_scope.is_a?(Array) temp_scope end def scopes temp_scope = read_data_source return unless temp_scope.is_a?(Array) and temp_scope.count > 1 temp_scope.each_with_object([]) do |s, array| array << name: I18n.t("bhf.platforms.#{@name}.scopes.#{s}", default: s), value: s ) end end def show_extra_fields show_value(:extra_fields) end def entries_per_page table_value(:per_page) end private def do_search(chain, search_params) if table_value(:search) chain.send table_value(:search), search_params else chain.bhf_default_search(search_params) end end def find_platform_settings_for_link(link_name) if form_value(:links, link_name) != false if form_value(:links, link_name) @settings.find_platform_settings(form_value(:links, link_name)) else @settings.find_platform_settings(link_name.to_s.pluralize) || @settings.find_platform_settings(link_name.to_s.singularize) end end end def default_attrs(attrs, d_attrs) return d_attrs unless attrs attrs.each_with_object([]) do |name, obj| obj << ({ |field| name == }[0] ||{ name: name, link: find_platform_settings_for_link(name) })) ) end end def attributes return @attributes if @attributes all = {} model.columns_hash.each_pair do |name, props| next if sortable && name == sortable_property all[name] =, default_attribute_options(name).merge({ primary_key: model.bhf_primary_key })) end model.reflections.each_pair do |name, props| fk = props.foreign_key all[name.to_s] =, default_attribute_options(name).merge({ link: find_platform_settings_for_link(name), reorderble: model.bhf_attribute_method?(fk) })) if all.has_key?(fk) and fk != name.to_s all.delete(fk) end end @attributes = default_sort(all) end def default_sort(attrs) id = [] headlines = [] static_dates = [] output = [] attrs.each_pair do |key, value| if key == model.bhf_primary_key id << value elsif key == 'title' || key == 'name' || key == 'headline' headlines << value elsif key == 'created_at' || key == 'updated_at' static_dates << value else output << value end end id + headlines + output.sort_by(&:name) + static_dates end def default_attribute_options(name) { title: model.human_attribute_name(name), form_type: form_value(:types, name), display_type: table_value(:types, name), show_type: show_value(:types, name), info: I18n.t("bhf.platforms.#{@name}.infos.#{name}", default: '') } end def form_value(key, attribute = nil) lookup_value form, key, attribute end def table_value(key, attribute = nil) lookup_value table, key, attribute end def show_value(key, attribute = nil) lookup_value show, key, attribute end def lookup_value(main_key, key, attribute = nil) if main_key if attribute == nil main_key[key.to_s] elsif main_key[key.to_s] main_key[key.to_s][attribute.to_s] end end end end end