Given /^minable is already installed$/ do install_minable end Given /^I install minable to "([^"]*)"$/ do |path| end Then /^the sass directories(?: with "([^"]+)" prefix)? should have been generated$/ do |prefix| sass_directories = ["components", "framework", "helpers", "modules", "templates"]!{ |directory| minable_path(prefix, directory) } check_directory_presence(sass_directories, true) end Then /^the master minable partial should have been generated(?: within "([^"]+)" directory)?$/ do |prefix| check_file_presence([minable_path(prefix, '_minable.scss')], true) end Then /^minable should not have been generated$/ do check_directory_presence(['minable'], false) end Then /^the output should contain the current version of Minable$/ do step %(the output should contain exactly "Minable #{Minable::VERSION}\n") end