# frozen_string_literal: true require 'base64' require 'find' require 'json' require 'logging' require 'open3' require 'bolt/error' require 'bolt/task' require 'bolt/apply_result' require 'bolt/util/puppet_log_level' module Bolt class Applicator def initialize(inventory, executor, modulepath, plugin_dirs, pdb_client, hiera_config, max_compiles) # lazy-load expensive gem code require 'concurrent' @inventory = inventory @executor = executor @modulepath = modulepath @plugin_dirs = plugin_dirs @pdb_client = pdb_client @hiera_config = hiera_config ? validate_hiera_config(hiera_config) : nil @pool = Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor.new(max_threads: max_compiles) @logger = Logging.logger[self] @plugin_tarball = Concurrent::Delay.new do build_plugin_tarball do |mod| search_dirs = [] search_dirs << mod.plugins if mod.plugins? search_dirs << mod.pluginfacts if mod.pluginfacts? search_dirs << mod.files if mod.files? search_dirs end end end private def libexec @libexec ||= File.join(Gem::Specification.find_by_name('bolt').gem_dir, 'libexec') end def custom_facts_task @custom_facts_task ||= begin path = File.join(libexec, 'custom_facts.rb') file = { 'name' => 'custom_facts.rb', 'path' => path } metadata = { 'supports_noop' => true, 'input_method' => 'stdin', 'implementations' => [ { 'name' => 'custom_facts.rb' }, { 'name' => 'custom_facts.rb', 'remote' => true } ] } Bolt::Task.new(name: 'apply_helpers::custom_facts', files: [file], metadata: metadata) end end def catalog_apply_task @catalog_apply_task ||= begin path = File.join(libexec, 'apply_catalog.rb') file = { 'name' => 'apply_catalog.rb', 'path' => path } metadata = { 'supports_noop' => true, 'input_method' => 'stdin', 'implementations' => [ { 'name' => 'apply_catalog.rb' }, { 'name' => 'apply_catalog.rb', 'remote' => true } ] } Bolt::Task.new(name: 'apply_helpers::apply_catalog', files: [file], metadata: metadata) end end def query_resources_task @query_resources_task ||= begin path = File.join(libexec, 'query_resources.rb') file = { 'name' => 'query_resources.rb', 'path' => path } metadata = { 'supports_noop' => true, 'input_method' => 'stdin', 'implementations' => [ { 'name' => 'query_resources.rb' }, { 'name' => 'query_resources.rb', 'remote' => true } ] } Bolt::Task.new(name: 'apply_helpers::query_resources', files: [file], metadata: metadata) end end def compile(target, ast, plan_vars) trusted = Puppet::Context::TrustedInformation.new('local', target.host, {}) facts = @inventory.facts(target).merge('bolt' => true) catalog_input = { code_ast: ast, modulepath: @modulepath, pdb_config: @pdb_client.config.to_hash, hiera_config: @hiera_config, target: { name: target.host, facts: facts, variables: @inventory.vars(target).merge(plan_vars), trusted: trusted.to_h }, inventory: @inventory.data_hash } bolt_catalog_exe = File.join(libexec, 'bolt_catalog') old_path = ENV['PATH'] ENV['PATH'] = "#{RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir']}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{old_path}" out, err, stat = Open3.capture3('ruby', bolt_catalog_exe, 'compile', stdin_data: catalog_input.to_json) ENV['PATH'] = old_path # stderr may contain formatted logs from Puppet's logger or other errors. # Print them in order, but handle them separately. Anything not a formatted log is assumed # to be an error message. logs = err.lines.map do |l| begin JSON.parse(l) rescue StandardError l end end logs.each do |log| if log.is_a?(String) @logger.error(log.chomp) else log.map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.each do |level, msg| bolt_level = Bolt::Util::PuppetLogLevel::MAPPING[level] @logger.send(bolt_level, "#{target.name}: #{msg.chomp}") end end end raise(ApplyError, target.name) unless stat.success? JSON.parse(out) end def validate_hiera_config(hiera_config) if File.exist?(File.path(hiera_config)) data = File.open(File.path(hiera_config), "r:UTF-8") { |f| YAML.safe_load(f.read, [Symbol]) } unless data['version'] == 5 raise Bolt::ParseError, "Hiera v5 is required, found v#{data['version'] || 3} in #{hiera_config}" end hiera_config end end def apply(args, apply_body, scope) raise(ArgumentError, 'apply requires a TargetSpec') if args.empty? type0 = Puppet.lookup(:pal_script_compiler).type('TargetSpec') Puppet::Pal.assert_type(type0, args[0], 'apply targets') @executor.report_function_call('apply') options = {} if args.count > 1 type1 = Puppet.lookup(:pal_script_compiler).type('Hash[String, Data]') Puppet::Pal.assert_type(type1, args[1], 'apply options') options = args[1] end # collect plan vars and merge them over target vars plan_vars = scope.to_hash %w[trusted server_facts facts].each { |k| plan_vars.delete(k) } targets = @inventory.get_targets(args[0]) apply_ast(apply_body, targets, options, plan_vars) end # Count the number of top-level statements in the AST. def count_statements(ast) case ast when Puppet::Pops::Model::Program count_statements(ast.body) when Puppet::Pops::Model::BlockExpression ast.statements.count else 1 end end def apply_ast(raw_ast, targets, options, plan_vars = {}) ast = Puppet::Pops::Serialization::ToDataConverter.convert(raw_ast, rich_data: true, symbol_to_string: true) r = @executor.log_action('apply catalog', targets) do futures = targets.map do |target| Concurrent::Future.execute(executor: @pool) do @executor.with_node_logging("Compiling manifest block", [target]) do compile(target, ast, plan_vars) end end end result_promises = targets.zip(futures).flat_map do |target, future| @executor.queue_execute([target]) do |transport, batch| @executor.with_node_logging("Applying manifest block", batch) do catalog = future.value raise future.reason if future.rejected? arguments = { 'catalog' => Puppet::Pops::Types::PSensitiveType::Sensitive.new(catalog), 'plugins' => Puppet::Pops::Types::PSensitiveType::Sensitive.new(plugins), '_noop' => options['_noop'] } callback = proc do |event| if event[:type] == :node_result event = event.merge(result: ApplyResult.from_task_result(event[:result])) end @executor.publish_event(event) end results = transport.batch_task(batch, catalog_apply_task, arguments, options, &callback) Array(results).map { |result| ApplyResult.from_task_result(result) } end end end @executor.await_results(result_promises) end # Allow for report to exclude event metrics (apply_result doesn't require it to be present) resource_counts = r.ok_set.map { |result| result.event_metrics&.fetch('total') }.compact @executor.report_apply(count_statements(raw_ast), resource_counts) if !r.ok && !options['_catch_errors'] raise Bolt::ApplyFailure, r end r end def plugins @plugin_tarball.value || raise(Bolt::Error.new("Failed to pack module plugins: #{@plugin_tarball.reason}", 'bolt/plugin-error')) end def build_plugin_tarball # lazy-load expensive gem code require 'minitar' require 'zlib' start_time = Time.now sio = StringIO.new output = Minitar::Output.new(Zlib::GzipWriter.new(sio)) Puppet.lookup(:current_environment).override_with(modulepath: @plugin_dirs).modules.each do |mod| search_dirs = yield mod parent = Pathname.new(mod.path).parent files = Find.find(*search_dirs).select { |file| File.file?(file) } files.each do |file| tar_path = Pathname.new(file).relative_path_from(parent) @logger.debug("Packing plugin #{file} to #{tar_path}") stat = File.stat(file) content = File.binread(file) output.tar.add_file_simple( tar_path.to_s, data: content, size: content.size, mode: stat.mode & 0o777, mtime: stat.mtime ) end end duration = Time.now - start_time @logger.debug("Packed plugins in #{duration * 1000} ms") output.close Base64.encode64(sio.string) ensure output&.close end end end