U: FXMap[f0.69999999999999996ffFC:FXMapperSettings{"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Grid BoxesT"Arrow Color" black"Paths as CurvesT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Box Number Color" grey"Create on ConnectionT"Font Objects" Times"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Location DescriptionF"Use Room CursorF"Box Border Color" black" Language"en"Automatic ConnectionT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Color" grey"Box BG Color" white"Font Text" Times" BG Color"dark grey"Following a Star"Gonzalo Garramuño0i[U:FXSection[[ U: FXRoom["Gaspar's Chamber""[ 000000U:FXConnection[ Fii[@,U;["Outside the Palace""[ 00@2000U; [ Fii[@5U;["Lower Terrace""[ U; [ Fii[@>U;["Ground Level""[ 0000@D0U; [ Fii[@GU;["West Street""[ 00@M0U; [ Fii[@PU;[" Beginning Travellers' Store" figs "[ @V000U; [ Fii[@YU;["Rugged Rug Room""[ @_0000000Fii "F[ii000Fii"It is a fairly small store, stuffed to the full with purchasable paraphernalia, various viable victuals, assorted trinkets, consumables and apparatus, not quite evenly divided between imperative impedimenta and unnecessary miscellany. There is an archway in the south wall, through which you can see a profusion of Persian rugs. You can't help thinking what a fire hazard this all makes.F[ii00U; [ Tii[@PU;["City Limits""[ 000@l0000Fii"pThe city comes to an abrupt stop here - the desert separated from civilisation by these strong, high walls.F[iiFii"uThe wide, dusty street leads west from east, surrounded by sandy buildings. It's wide, because it is one of the major routes through the city - a spoke, if you like, from the centre to the outskirts. And it's dusty due to its frequent use by travellers and merchants, most of whom employ camels, horses or personal chariots. A beginning traveller's store lies to the south.F[ii0Fii"It is darker here, in the shadow of the great palace that towers above you. A long set of steps lead up to the terrace that protrudes from its side. Wide, dusty streets lie west and south.F[ii0@;00000Fii"This lower terrace is slightly smaller and more rectangular than the one above. It serves as a rest-stop halfway up (and halfway down, of course) the side of the palace. Steps lead east, to the upper terrace, and north, to ground level below.F[ii0Fi i"UYou stand on the terrace of the great palace, gazing out at the night sky, with your friends and colleagues, Gaspar and Melchior. Here, in Babylon, on the western frontier of the Parthian Empire, you understand much about the movements of celestial objects. This night, however, there is an anomalous star, shining very brightly in the west.F[ii0Fi i"There's a bed in one corner of the room and at the foot of it is a pile of clothes and a rather large sword; against the opposite wall is Gaspar's desk, which has a map and several overturned goblets on it. A door to the balcony is to the west.F@5@>@P@Y@o@G@b[ @2@;@V@l@D@M@_"U;[[U;[" Bedroom""[ 0000U; [ Fii[@U;[" Hallway""[ @000U; [ Fii[@U;["Inn Lobby"$general Latin grammar cue card "[ @00000U; [ Fii[@U;["North Street""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Synagogue""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Centre of Synagogue""[ U; [ Fii[@@[ii000@000Fii"You are standing in the centre of the synagogue. The kohen is not far from you, addressing the congregation from a closed-off lectern. Pews surround a north-south aisle. You can also see a vase of myrrh, set on an altar.F[ii000@@U; [ Fii[@U;[" Vestry"vessel stylus clay tablet "[ 00@00000Fii"It's a small rectangular room containing a wardrobe and a large oak table. Its exit is east. Some counters line one corner of the room and a rope is hanging down from the ceiling just next to the wardrobe. Here, you take it, is where the priests change clothes.F[ii0Fii"MYou are standing at the back of a large synagogue that is draped in dark green hangings. The exit lies at the south end of a north-south aisle that leads through the pews. At the centre of the synagogue, a wizened priest addresses a less-than-substantial congregation in dull, heavy tones. An arched wooden door leads west from here.F[iiU; [ Fii[@U;["Inn Stables" 21 figs"[ 00000@00Fi i"These are the stables, provided by the inn, where you keep your steeds. Job and Deuter are sat here, resting, and Numbers is standing up, just stretching his legs it would seem. The provisions that you brought with you are in the relevant containers. The exit is south-west.F[ii@0U; [ Fii[@U;["Town Square""[ @0U; [ Fii[@U;["East Street""[ 00U; [ Fii[U;["East Quarter""[ 000000@0Fi i "A well - the town well no less - stands to the side of this small, walled courtyard. The dappled shade provided by a large tree would make this area pleasant for lunches on a Sunday afternoon. A street leads west towards the centre of town.F@[iiU; [ Fii[@U;["Roman Shop" dative case cue card dates "[ 0000000@Fi i "IIt's a smallish shop, dimly lit, with the bust of the Roman emperor on the left, and straight ahead, a single stone counter, behind which stands an assistant. Hanging from the walls are a plaque, a placard, a poster and a notice, and from the rafters above you comes the smell of woodshavings. The arched doorway leads northwest.F[ii00@0Fi i "The Eastern Street is a straight, wide road that seems unusually smooth: no pot-holes or macroscopic pebbles to trip over. Perhaps the Romans have cleared it recently. An archway leads to some sort of Roman shop to the southeast, and the street opens out to a courtyard further east.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@U;["Town Market""[ @0U; [ Fii[@U;["!At the Novelty Novelty Stall""[ 000000@0Fi i "It's hard to tell whether or not this is a novelty stall or a stall that sells novelties - it's both really. The stall is L-shaped, but with an intricate pattern carved out of it at the corner. There are pretty purple banners hung between posts that support the colourful silk roof, and there are also flags atop the posts. The items for sale are highly eclectic: there's a big abacus, some frankincense, an ornate jar, a wooden camel ornament, a bell and an accusative case cue card.F[iiU; [ Fii[@U;["At the Music Stall""[ 0000000@Fi i "The wooden, canopied stall holds a range of musical instruments, and is headed by a pleasant-looking man with a moustache. He's selling a trumpet, a shofar, a zither and a shepherd's pipe. There is also, interestingly, a parrot, who is perched on the stall.F[iiU; [ Fii[U;["At the Food Stall""[ @0000000Fii "What delectable delights fill this fine food stall! There are a flask of milk, a loaf of bread, a box of pomegranates, some honey, a juicy melon and a handful of olives.F@[iiU; [ Fii[U;["At the Tools Stall""[ 0@%000000Fii "The thin man here is selling a variety of tools. Propped up against the stall are a shovel, a spade and a fork. On the stall itself are a scimitar, a hammer and a long blade.F@[iiU; [ Fii[@U;["Pawn Shop""[ 00@000000Fii "The pawn broker's is a small square shop, absolutely covered in pieces of paper that are pinned up on the walls, and even, remarkably, the ceiling. The pawn broker himself is standing behind a pane of glass, tapping his fingers impatiently on the counter in front of him.F[ii0Fii "The market is thronging with people going about their daily business. You can see a stall selling musical instruments to the south-east, and one selling foodstuffs to the south; to the south-west you see some spades, shovels and forks propped up against a stall. There is also an interesting-looking stall to the east. The town centre to the north, and the pawn broker's to the west, may offer solace for the hard up.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@U;["West Street""[ 00@=000U; [ Fii[@@@@[ii0Fii "F[ii0Fii "oThe town square sports a central statue that has a circular stone base. Around it, straight roads lead off in all four cardinal directions, with a signpost near the statue to show the ways: a north-pointing sign reads "Synagogue"; the east-pointing component reads "The Roman Shop"; the west-pointing sign reads "Out of Town" and the south-pointing one says "Market".F[ii000Fii"As you step out into the street, your senses are attacked with all the sounds, smells and sights - all these people going about their daily lives, their speech sounding different, their clothes, the livestock that some people are bringing through every so often. You're quite tempted to TALK TO SOMEONE - though you know you'll have to be reticent about discussing your origins, in case it attracts too much attention.F[ii0Fi i"It is a reasonably spacious lobby, with a stone counter and little else. The innkeeper is out. A square window looks upon the street outside, and the door is open, ready for you to begin your exploration.F[ii000Fi i".The hallway is even darker than your room, being surrounded on all sides by other rooms of the inn. It is lit by oil lamps hanging from the walls. Some natural light does also emanate from a staircase to the south. Gaspar's room is northwest of here; Melchior's, northeast. Your room is straight north.F[ii000Fi i"CThis room is in stark contrast to the luxury you are accustomed to back home. It is dark - with only one small window facing north, and there is a simple flat bed against the east wall. The room is stony, but reasonably warm. Sounds of the town outside stream through the window. It is a new day in Roman-occupied Iudaea...F@@@@@@3@@@@@@@@@@@@@([@@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@@=@@%@F"i i