module HyperResource::Modules::Bless ## Returns this resource as an instance of +self.resource_class+. ## The returned object will share structure with the source object; ## beware. def blessed return self unless self.namespace end ## Returns the class into which this resource should be cast. ## If the object is not loaded yet, or if +self.namespace+ is ## not set, returns +self.class+. ## ## Otherwise, +resource_class+ looks at the returned content-type, and ## attempts to match a 'type=...' modifier. Given a namespace of ## +FooAPI+ and a response content-type of ## "application/vnd.foocorp.fooapi.v1+json;type=User", this should ## return +FooAPI::User+ (even if +FooAPI::User+ hadn't existed yet). def resource_class return self.class unless self.namespace return self.class unless type_name = self.data_type_name class_name = "#{self.namespace}::#{type_name}". gsub(/[^_0-9A-Za-z:]/, '') ## Return data type class if it exists klass = eval(class_name) rescue :sorry_dude return klass if klass.is_a?(Class) ## Data type class didn't exist -- create namespace (if necessary), ## then the data type class if self.namespace != '' nsc = eval(self.namespace) rescue :bzzzzzt unless nsc.is_a?(Class) Object.module_eval "class #{self.namespace} < #{self.class}; end" end end Object.module_eval "class #{class_name} < #{self.namespace}; end" eval(class_name) end ## Inspects the response, and returns a string describing this ## resource's data type. ## ## By default, this method looks for a +type=...+ modifier in the ## response's +Content-type+. Override this method in a ## HyperResource subclass in order to implement different data type ## detection. def data_type_name return nil unless self.response return nil unless content_type = self.response['content-type'] return nil unless m=content_type.match(/;\s* type=(? [0-9A-Za-z:]+)/x) m[:type][0].upcase + m[:type][1..-1] end end