# GamesDice [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/neilslater/games_dice.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/neilslater/games_dice) A library for simulating dice, intended for constructing a variety of dice systems as used in role-playing and board games. ## Description GamesDice is a gem to automate or simulate a variety of dice rolling systems found in board games and role-playing games. GamesDice is designed for systems used to generate integer results, and that do not require the player to make decisions or apply other rules from the game. There are no game mechanics implemented in GamesDice (such as the chance to hit in a combat game). The main features of GamesDice are * Uses string dice descriptions, the basics of which are familiar to many game players e.g. '2d6 + 3' * Supports common features of dice systems automatically: * Re-rolls that replace or modify the previous roll * Counting number of "successes" from a set of dice * Keeping the best, or worst, results from a set of dice * Can explain how a result was achieved in terms of the individual die rolls * Can calculate probabilities and expected values (experimental feature) ## Special Note on Versions Prior to 1.0.0 The author is using this code as an exercise in gem "best practice". As such, the gem will have a limited set of functionality prior to version 1.0.0, and there should be many small release increments before then. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'games_dice' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install games_dice ## Usage require 'games_dice' dice = GamesDice.create '4d6+3' dice.roll # => 17 (e.g.) ## Library API Although you can refer to the documentation for the contained classes, and use it if needed to build some exotic dice systems, the recommended way to use GamesDice is to create GamesDice::Dice objects via the factory methods from the GamesDice module, and then use those objects to simulate dice rolls, explain the results or calculate probabilties as required. ### GamesDice factory methods #### GamesDice.create dice = GamesDice.create dice_description, prng Converts a string such as '3d6+6' into a GamesDice::Dice object Parameters: * dice_description is a string such as '3d6' or '2d4-1'. See String Dice Descriptions below for possibilities. * prng is optional, if provided it should be an object that has a method 'rand( integer )' that works like Ruby's built-in rand method Returns a GamesDice::Dice object. ### GamesDice::Dice instance methods Example results given for '3d6'. Unless noted, methods do not take any parameters. #### dice.roll Simulates rolling the dice as they were described in the constructor, and keeps a record of how the simulation result was achieved. dice.roll # => 12 #### dice.result Returns the value from the last call to roll. This will be nil if no roll has been made yet. dice.result # => nil dice.roll dice.result # => 12 #### dice.max Returns the maximum possible value from a roll of the dice. Dice with the possibility of rolling progressively higher and higher values will return an arbitrary high value. dice.max # => 18 #### dice.min Returns the minimum possible value from a roll of the dice. Dice with the possibility of rolling progressively lower and lower values will return an arbitrary low value. dice.min # => 3 #### dice.minmax Convenience method, returns an array [ dice.min, dice.max ] dice.minmax # => [3,18] #### dice.probabilities Calculates probability distribution for the dice. Note that some distributions, involving keeping a number best or worst results, can take significant time to calculate. Returns a GamesDice::Probabilities object that describes the probability distribution. probabilities = dice.probabilities ### GamesDice::Probabilities instance methods #### probabilities.to_h Returns a hash representation of the probability distribution. Each keys is a possible result from rolling the dice (an Integer), and the associated value is the probability of a roll returning that value (a Float). #### probabilities.max Returns maximum value in the probability distribution. This may not be the theoretical maximum possible on the dice, if for example the dice can roll open-ended high results. #### probabilities.min Returns minimum value in the probability distribution. This may not be the theoretical minimum possible on the dice, if for example the dice can roll open-ended low results. ## String Dice Descriptions The dice descriptions are a mini-language. A simple six-sided die is described like this: 1d6 where the first integer is the number of dice to add together, and the second number is the number of sides on each die. Spaces are allowed before the first number, and after the dice description, but not between either number and the "d". The dice mini-language allows for adding and subtracting integers and groups of dice in a list, e.g. 2d6 + 1d4 1d100 + 1d20 - 5 That is the limit of combining dice and constants though, no multiplications, or bracketed constructs like "(1d8)d8" - you can still use games_dice to help simulate these, but you will need to add your own code to do so. ### Die Modifiers After the number of sides, you may add one or more modifiers, that affect all of the dice in that "NdX" group. A die modifier can be a single character, e.g. 1d10x A die modifier can also be a single letter plus an integer value, e.g. 1d6r1 More complex die modifiers are possible, with parameters supplied in square brackets, and multiple modifiers should combine as expected e.g. 5d10r[10,add]k2 #### Rerolls You can specify that dice rolling certain values should be re-rolled, and how that re-roll should be interpretted. The simple form specifies a low value that will automatically trigger a one-time replacement: 1d6r1 When rolled, this die will score from 1 to 6. If it rolls a 1, it will roll again automatically and use that result instead. #### Maps You can specify that the value shown on each die is converted to some other set of values. If you add at least one map modifier, all unmapped values will map to 0 by default. The simple form specifies a value above which the result is considered to be 1, as in "one success": 3d10m6 When rolled, this will score from 0 to 3 - the number of the ten-sided dice that scored 6 or higher. #### Keepers You can specify that only a sub-set of highest or lowest dice values will contribute to the final total. The simple form indicates the number of highest value dice to keep. 5d10k2 When rolled, this will score from 2 to 20 - the sum of the two highest scoring ten-sided dice, out of five. #### Aliases Some combinations of modifiers crop up in well-known games, and have been allocated single-character short codes. This is an alias for "exploding" dice: 5d10x When rolled, this will score from 5 to theoretically any number, as results of 10 on any die mean that die rolls again and the result is added on. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request