bundle_audit: name: Bundle Audit description: Review Gem Dependencies for Security Issues tags: [critical, dependencies, ruby, dev] links: home: https://github.com/rubysec/bundler-audit install: https://github.com/rubysec/bundler-audit#install commands: install: 'bundle exec gem install bundler-audit' prepare: 'bundle exec bundle-audit update' review: 'bundle exec bundle-audit check --no-update' tests: name: Minitest description: Unit Tests & Coverage tags: [ruby, tests, dev] links: home: commands: review: "bundle exec rake" reports: open_on_fail: true local_file: coverage/index.html local_uri: 'file:///Users/garrettdimon/Code/reviewer/coverage/index.html#_AllFiles' env: testopts: --seed=$SEED # coverage: false reek: name: Reek description: Examine Ruby Classes for Code Smells tags: [ruby, quality, dev] links: home: https://github.com/troessner/reek install: https://github.com/troessner/reek#quickstart commands: install: 'bundle exec gem install reek' review: 'bundle exec reek' flags: color: documentation: flog: disabled: true # Flog provides guidance and is generally run solo name: Flog description: Reports your most tortured ruby code in an easy to read pain report. tags: [ruby, quality, dev] links: home: https://ruby.sadi.st/Flog.html install: https://ruby.sadi.st/Flog.html commands: install: 'bundle exec gem install flog' review: 'bundle exec flog -g lib' flags: threshold: 10 # Percentage. i.e. Show the most concerning 10% of results group: methods-only: flay: disabled: true # Flay provides guidance and is generally run solo name: Flay description: Review ruby code for structural similarities and refactoring opportunities. tags: [ruby, quality, dev] links: home: https://ruby.sadi.st/Flay.html install: https://ruby.sadi.st/Flay.html commands: install: 'bundle exec gem install flay' review: 'bundle exec flay ./lib' flags: liberal: summary: rubocop: name: Rubocop description: Review Ruby Syntax & Formatting for Consistency tags: [ruby, syntax] links: home: https://rubocop.org install: https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/1.13/installation.html ignore_syntax: https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/configuration.html#ignoredmethods disable_syntax: https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/configuration.html#disabling-cops-within-source-code commands: install: 'bundle exec gem install rubocop' review: 'bundle exec rubocop --parallel' format: 'bundle exec rubocop --auto-correct' files: flag: '' separator: ' ' flags: color: # The YARD Parser can also come in handy: # https://yardoc.org/types inch: disabled: true tags: [docs, ruby, dev] name: Inch description: Review Ruby Documentation Quality links: home: https://rrrene.org/inch/ usage: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/yard/file/docs/Tags.md commands: install: 'bundle exec gem install inch' review: 'bundle exec inch' yard: disabled: true tags: [docs, ruby, dev] name: Yard description: Generates Documentation links: home: https://yardoc.org usage: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/yard/file/docs/GettingStarted.md#using install: https://github.com/lsegal/yard#installing commands: install: 'bundle exec gem install yard' prepare: "yard doc 'lib/**/*.rb'" review: 'yard stats' serve: 'yard server --reload && open' generate: quiet_flag: '--quiet' alex: disabled: true tags: [language, docs] name: Yard description: Generates Documentation links: home: usage: install: commands: install: 'yarn global add alex' review: 'alex .' quiet_flag: '--quiet'