(function($) { $.fn.cloneFields = function(opts){ var defaults = { itemWrapper: ".item", skipContainer: '.your-container' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, opts); return $.dynamicFields.cloneFields(this, options); }; $.fn.removeFields = function(opts){ var defaults = { confirmationMessage: 'Are you sure?' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, opts); var $items = this.parent(); var destroy_field = $items.find("input[name$='[_destroy]']"); if (confirm(options.confirmationMessage)) { if (destroy_field[0] != undefined) { destroy_field.val('true'); $items.hide(); }else { if ($items.siblings().find(".remove_dynamic_field")[0] != undefined){ $items.remove(); }else { $items.hide(); $items.find(":input").each(function(){ $(this).prop('disabled', true); }) } } return true; }else{ return false; } }; $.dynamicFields = { findNumber: function(str){ return parseInt(str.replace(/[^0-9]/ig, '')); }, cloneFields: function(fields, options){ var origin = fields.find(options.itemWrapper + ":last"); if (origin[0] != undefined) { var item = origin.clone().show(); item.find(options.skipContainer).remove(); var item_num = $.dynamicFields.findNumber(item.find(':input:first').attr('id')) + 1; var new_id; var new_name; item.find("input[name$='[_destroy]']").remove(); // don't need to copy the _destroy field item.find(':input').each(function(){ $(this).prop('disabled', false); if ($(this).attr('id')) { new_id = $(this).attr('id').replace(/\d/, ''+item_num); $(this).attr('id', new_id); } if ($(this).attr('name')){ new_name = $(this).attr('name').replace(/\d/, ''+item_num); $(this).attr('name', new_name); } // reset all fields if ($(this)[0].type == 'textarea' || $(this)[0].type == 'text' || $(this)[0].type.match(/select/)){ $(this).val(""); }else if ($(this)[0].type == 'radio'){ $(this).attr("checked", false); }else if ($(this)[0].type == 'checkbox'){ $(this).attr("checked", false); } }); item.find('label').each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('for')){ new_id = $(this).attr('for').replace(/\d/, ''+item_num); $(this).attr('for', new_id); } }); item.insertAfter(origin); return item; } } }; })(jQuery);