module Fog module Compute class Google class Mock include Fog::Google::Shared attr_reader :extra_global_projects def initialize(options) shared_initialize(options[:google_project], GOOGLE_COMPUTE_API_VERSION, GOOGLE_COMPUTE_BASE_URL) @extra_global_projects = options.fetch(:google_extra_global_projects, []) end def @data ||= do |hash, key| case key when "debian-cloud" hash[key] = { :images => { "debian-8-jessie-v20161215" => { "archiveSizeBytes" => "3436783050", "creationTimestamp" => "2016-12-15T12 =>53 =>12.508-08 =>00", "description" => "Debian, Debian GNU/Linux, 8 (jessie), amd64 built on 2016-12-15", "diskSizeGb" => "10", "family" => "debian-8", "id" => "7187216073735715927", "kind" => "compute#image", "licenses" => [ "{api_version}/projects/debian-cloud/global/licenses/debian-8-jessie" ], "name" => "debian-8-jessie-v20161215", "rawDisk" => { "containerType" => "TAR", "source" => "" }, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-8-jessie-v20161215", "sourceType" => "RAW", "status" => "READY" } } } when "centos-cloud" hash[key] = { :images => { "centos-6-v20161212" => { "archiveSizeBytes" => "3942360630", "creationTimestamp" => "2016-12-14T10 =>30 =>52.053-08 =>00", "description" => "CentOS, CentOS, 6, x86_64 built on 2016-12-12", "diskSizeGb" => "10", "family" => "centos-6", "id" => "5262726857160929587", "kind" => "compute#image", "licenses" => [ "{api_version}/projects/centos-cloud/global/licenses/centos-6" ], "name" => "centos-6-v20161212", "rawDisk" => { "containerType" => "TAR", "source" => "" }, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/centos-cloud/global/images/centos-6-v20161212", "sourceType" => "RAW", "status" => "READY" }, "centos-7-v20161212" => { "archiveSizeBytes" => "4491098988", "creationTimestamp" => "2016-12-14T10 =>29 =>44.741-08 =>00", "description" => "CentOS, CentOS, 7, x86_64 built on 2016-12-12", "diskSizeGb" => "10", "family" => "centos-7", "id" => "8650499281020268919", "kind" => "compute#image", "licenses" => [ "{api_version}/projects/centos-cloud/global/licenses/centos-7" ], "name" => "centos-7-v20161212", "rawDisk" => { "containerType" => "TAR", "source" => "" }, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/centos-cloud/global/images/centos-7-v20161212", "sourceType" => "RAW", "status" => "READY" } } } else hash[key] = { :target_http_proxies => { "test-target-http-proxy" => { "kind" => "compute#targetHttpProxy", "id" => "1361932147851415729", "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00", "name" => "test-target-http-proxy", "description" => "", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/targetHttpProxies/test-target-http-proxy", "urlMap" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/urlMaps/test-url-map" } }, :url_maps => { "test-url-map" => { "kind" => "compute#urlMap", "id" => "1361932147851415729", "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00", "name" => "test-url-map", "description" => "", "hostRules" => [], "pathMatchers" => [], "tests" => [], "defaultService" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/backendServices/fog-backend-service-test", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/urlMaps/test-url-map" } }, :target_pools => { "test-target-pool" => { "kind" => "compute#targetPool", "id" => "1361932147851415729", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/regions/us-central1/targetPools/test-target-pool", "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00", "name" => "test-target-pool", "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/regions/us-central1", "healthChecks" => ["{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/httpHealthChecks/test-check"], "instances" => ["{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/zones/us-central1-a/instances/test-instance"] } }, :http_health_checks => { "test-http-health-check" => { "checkIntervalSec" => 5, "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00", "healthyThreshold" => 2, "id" => "1361932147851415729", "kind" => "compute#httphealthCheck", "name" => "test-http-health-check", "port" => 80, "requestPath" => "/", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/httpHealthChecks/test-http-health-check", "timeoutSec" => 5, "unhealthyThreshold" => 2 } }, :global_forwarding_rules => { "test-global-forwarding-rule" => { "kind" => "compute#forwardingRule", "id" => "1361932147851415729", "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00", "name" => "test-global-forwarding-rule", "IPAddress" => "", "IPProtocol" => "TCP", "portRange" => "80-80", "target" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/targetHttpProxies/proxy", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/forwardngRules/test-global-forwarding-rule" } }, :forwarding_rules => { "test-forwarding-rule" => { "kind" => "compute#forwardingRule", "id" => "1361932147851415729", "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00", "name" => "test-forwarding-rule", "IPAddress" => "", "IPProtocol" => "TCP", "portRange" => "80-80", "target" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/regions/us-central1/targetPools/target_pool", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/regions/us-central1/forwardngRules/test-forwarding-rule", "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/regions/us-central1" } }, :target_instances => { "test-target-instance" => { "kind" => "compute#targetInstance", "name" => "test-target-instance", "natPolicy" => "NO_NAT", "zone" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/zones/us-central1-a", "instance" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/zones/us-central1-a/instances/test-instance", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/zones/us-central1-a/targetInstances/test-target-instance", "id" => "1361932147851415729", "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00" } }, :backend_services => { "test-backend-service" => { "kind" => "compute#backend_service", "id" => "1361932147851415729", "creationTimestamp" => "2014-08-23T10:06:13.951-07:00", "name" => "test-backend-service", "description" => "", "backends" => [ { "description" => "", "group" => "{@project}/zones/us-central1-a/zoneViews/name", "balancingMode" => "RATE", "capacityScaler" => 1.1, "maxRate" => 0.5 } ], "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{@project}/global/backendServices/test-backend-service" } }, :servers => { "fog-1" => { "kind" => "compute#instance", "id" => "1361932147851415727", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-09-26T04:55:43.881-07:00", "zone" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a", "status" => "RUNNING", "name" => "fog-1380196541", "tags" => { "fingerprint" => "42WmSpB8rSM=" }, "machineType" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/n1-standard-1", "canIpForward" => false, "networkInterfaces" => [ { "network" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/global/networks/default", "networkIP" => "", "name" => "nic0", "accessConfigs" => [ { "kind" => "compute#accessConfig", "type" => "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT", "name" => "External NAT", "natIP" => "" } ] } ], "disks" => [ { "kind" => "compute#attachedDisk", "index" => 0, "type" => "PERSISTENT", "mode" => "READ_WRITE", "source" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a/disks/fog-1", "deviceName" => "persistent-disk-0", "boot" => true } ], "metadata" => { "kind" => "compute#metadata", "fingerprint" => "5_hasd_gC3E=", "items" => [ { "key" => "ssh-keys", "value" => "sysadmin:ssh-rsa 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"creationTimestamp" => "2013-09-26T02:56:13.115-07:00", "name" => "europe-west1-a", "description" => "europe-west1-a", "status" => "UP", "maintenanceWindows" => [ { "name" => "2014-01-18-planned-outage", "description" => "maintenance zone", "beginTime" => "2014-01-18T12:00:00.000-08:00", "endTime" => "2014-02-02T12:00:00.000-08:00" } ], "quotas" => [ { "metric" => "INSTANCES", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "CPUS", "limit" => 24.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 2048.0, "usage" => 0.0 } ], "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/europe-west1" }, "us-central1-a" => { "kind" => "compute#zone", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a", "id" => "6562457277909136262", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-09-26T02:56:13.116-07:00", "name" => "us-central1-a", "description" => "us-central1-a", "status" => "UP", "maintenanceWindows" => nil, "quotas" => [ { "metric" => "INSTANCES", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 1.0 }, { "metric" => "CPUS", "limit" => 24.0, "usage" => 1.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 2048.0, "usage" => 0.0 } ], "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central1" }, "us-central1-b" => { "kind" => "compute#zone", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-b", "id" => "8701502109626061015", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-09-26T02:56:13.124-07:00", "name" => "us-central1-b", "description" => "us-central1-b", "status" => "UP", "maintenanceWindows" => [{ "name" => "2013-10-26-planned-outage", "description" => "maintenance zone", "beginTime" => "2013-10-26T12:00:00.000-07:00", "endTime" => "2013-11-10T12:00:00.000-08:00" }], "quotas" => [ { "metric" => "INSTANCES", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "CPUS", "limit" => 24.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 2048.0, "usage" => 0.0 } ], "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central1" }, "us-central2-a" => { "kind" => "compute#zone", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central2-a", "id" => "13611654493253680292", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-09-26T02:56:13.125-07:00", "name" => "us-central2-a", "description" => "us-central2-a", "status" => "UP", "maintenanceWindows" => [ { "name" => "2013-10-12-planned-outage", "description" => "maintenance zone", "beginTime" => "2013-10-12T12:00:00.000-07:00", "endTime" => "2013-10-27T12:00:00.000-07:00" } ], "quotas" => [ { "metric" => "INSTANCES", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "CPUS", "limit" => 24.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS", "limit" => 16.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 2048.0, "usage" => 0.0 } ], "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central2" } }, :regions => { "us-central1" => { "creationTimestamp" => "2014-01-21T10:30:54.895-08:00", "description" => "us-central1", "id" => "18201118976141502843", "kind" => "compute#region", "name" => "us-central1", "quotas" => [ { "metric" => "CPUS", "limit" => 1050.0, "usage" => 28.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 10_000.0, "usage" => 292.0 }, { "metric" => "STATIC_ADDRESSES", "limit" => 10.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "IN_USE_ADDRESSES", "limit" => 1050.0, "usage" => 30.0 }, { "metric" => "SSD_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 1024.0, "usage" => 0.0 } ], "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central1", "status" => "UP", "zones" => [ "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a", "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-b", "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-f" ] }, "europe-west1" => { "creationTimestamp" => "2014-01-21T10:30:54.891-08:00", "description" => "europe-west1", "id" => "18201118976141502843", "kind" => "compute#region", "name" => "europe-west1", "quotas" => [ { "metric" => "CPUS", "limit" => 24.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 2048.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "STATIC_ADDRESSES", "limit" => 7.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "IN_USE_ADDRESSES", "limit" => 23.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "SSD_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 1024.0, "usage" => 0.0 } ], "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/erope-west1", "status" => "UP", "zones" => [ "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/europe-west1-a", "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/europe-west1-b" ] }, "asia-east1" => { "creationTimestamp" => "2014-01-21T10:30:54.895-08:00", "description" => "asia-east1", "id" => "18201118976141502843", "kind" => "compute#region", "name" => "asia-east1", "quotas" => [ { "metric" => "CPUS", "limit" => 1050.0, "usage" => 28.0 }, { "metric" => "DISKS_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 10_000.0, "usage" => 292.0 }, { "metric" => "STATIC_ADDRESSES", "limit" => 10.0, "usage" => 0.0 }, { "metric" => "IN_USE_ADDRESSES", "limit" => 1050.0, "usage" => 30.0 }, { "metric" => "SSD_TOTAL_GB", "limit" => 1024.0, "usage" => 0.0 } ], "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/asia-east1", "status" => "UP", "zones" => [ "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/asia-east1-a", "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/asia-east1-b", "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/asia-east1-c" ] } }, :machine_types => do |machine_types_hash, zone| machine_types_hash[zone] = { "f1-micro" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "4618642685664990776", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-04-25T13:32:49.088-07:00", "name" => "f1-micro", "description" => "1 vCPU (shared physical core) and 0.6 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 1, "memoryMb" => 614, "imageSpaceGb" => 0, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 4, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "3072", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/f1-micro" }, "g1-small" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "7224129552184485774", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-04-25T13:32:45.550-07:00", "name" => "g1-small", "description" => "1 vCPU (shared physical core) and 1.7 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 1, "memoryMb" => 1740, "imageSpaceGb" => 0, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 4, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "3072", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/g1-small" }, "n1-highcpu-2" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043554592196512955", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:46:10.572-08:00", "name" => "n1-highcpu-2", "description" => "2 vCPUs, 1.8 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 2, "memoryMb" => 1843, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highcpu-2" }, "n1-highcpu-2-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043555176034896271", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:47:07.825-08:00", "name" => "n1-highcpu-2-d", "description" => "2 vCPUs, 1.8 GB RAM, 1 scratch disk (870 GB)", "guestCpus" => 2, "memoryMb" => 1843, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 870 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highcpu-2-d" }, "n1-highcpu-4" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043555705736970382", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:48:06.087-08:00", "name" => "n1-highcpu-4", "description" => "4 vCPUs, 3.6 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 4, "memoryMb" => 3686, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highcpu-4" }, "n1-highcpu-4-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043556330284250611", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:49:07.563-08:00", "name" => "n1-highcpu-4-d", "description" => "4 vCPUS, 3.6 GB RAM, 1 scratch disk (1770 GB)", "guestCpus" => 4, "memoryMb" => 3686, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 1770 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highcpu-4-d" }, "n1-highcpu-8" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043556949665240937", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:50:15.128-08:00", "name" => "n1-highcpu-8", "description" => "8 vCPUs, 7.2 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 8, "memoryMb" => 7373, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highcpu-8" }, "n1-highcpu-8-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043557458004959701", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:51:04.549-08:00", "name" => "n1-highcpu-8-d", "description" => "8 vCPUS, 7.2 GB RAM, 2 scratch disks (1770 GB, 1770 GB)", "guestCpus" => 8, "memoryMb" => 7373, "imageSpaceGb" 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"scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 870 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highmem-2-d" }, "n1-highmem-4" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043552263604939569", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:42:08.983-08:00", "name" => "n1-highmem-4", "description" => "4 vCPUs, 26 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 4, "memoryMb" => 26_624, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highmem-4" }, "n1-highmem-4-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043552953632709737", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:43:17.400-08:00", "name" => "n1-highmem-4-d", "description" => "4 vCPUs, 26 GB RAM, 1 scratch disk (1770 GB)", "guestCpus" => 4, "memoryMb" => 26_624, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 1770 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highmem-4-d" }, "n1-highmem-8" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043553584275586275", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:44:25.985-08:00", "name" => "n1-highmem-8", "description" => "8 vCPUs, 52 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 8, "memoryMb" => 53_248, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highmem-8" }, "n1-highmem-8-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "13043554021673472746", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-11-16T11:45:08.195-08:00", "name" => "n1-highmem-8-d", "description" => "8 vCPUs, 52 GB RAM, 2 scratch disks (1770 GB, 1770 GB)", "guestCpus" => 8, "memoryMb" => 53_248, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 1770 }, { "diskGb" => 1770 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-highmem-8-d" }, "n1-standard-1" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12907738072351752276", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:48:14.670-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-1", "description" => "1 vCPU, 3.75 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 1, "memoryMb" => 3840, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-1" }, "n1-standard-1-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12908559201265214706", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:48:34.258-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-1-d", "description" => "1 vCPU, 3.75 GB RAM, 1 scratch disk (420 GB)", "guestCpus" => 1, "memoryMb" => 3840, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 420 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-1-d" }, "n1-standard-2" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12908559320241551184", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:48:56.867-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-2", "description" => "2 vCPUs, 7.5 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 2, "memoryMb" => 7680, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-2" }, "n1-standard-2-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12908559582417967837", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:49:19.448-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-2-d", "description" => "2 vCPUs, 7.5 GB RAM, 1 scratch disk (870 GB)", "guestCpus" => 2, "memoryMb" => 7680, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 870 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-2-d" }, "n1-standard-4" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12908559692070444049", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:49:40.050-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-4", "description" => "4 vCPUs, 15 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 4, "memoryMb" => 15_360, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-4" }, "n1-standard-4-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12908559991903153608", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:50:05.677-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-4-d", "description" => "4 vCPUs, 15 GB RAM, 1 scratch disk (1770 GB)", "guestCpus" => 4, "memoryMb" => 15_360, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 1770 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-4-d" }, "n1-standard-8" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12908560197989714867", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:50:42.334-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-8", "description" => "8 vCPUs, 30 GB RAM", "guestCpus" => 8, "memoryMb" => 30_720, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-8" }, "n1-standard-8-d" => { "kind" => "compute#machineType", "id" => "12908560709887590691", "creationTimestamp" => "2012-06-07T13:51:19.936-07:00", "name" => "n1-standard-8-d", "description" => "8 vCPUs, 30 GB RAM, 2 scratch disks (1770 GB, 1770 GB)", "guestCpus" => 8, "memoryMb" => 30_720, "imageSpaceGb" => 10, "scratchDisks" => [ { "diskGb" => 1770 }, { "diskGb" => 1770 } ], "maximumPersistentDisks" => 16, "maximumPersistentDisksSizeGb" => "10240", "zone" => zone, "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/#{zone}/machineTypes/n1-standard-8-d" } } end, :images => {}, :disks => { "fog-1" => { "kind" => "compute#disk", "id" => "3338131294770784461", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-12-18T19:47:10.583-08:00", "zone" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a", "status" => "READY", "name" => "fog-1", "sizeGb" => "10", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a/disks/fog-1", "sourceImage" => "{api_version}/projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-7-wheezy-v20131120", "sourceImageId" => "17312518942796567788", "type" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a/diskTypes/pd-standard" }, "fog-2" => { "kind" => "compute#disk", "id" => "3338131294770784462", "creationTimestamp" => "2013-12-18T19:47:10.583-08:00", "zone" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a", "status" => "READY", "name" => "fog-2", "sizeGb" => "10", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a/disks/fog-1", "type" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/zones/us-central1-a/diskTypes/pd-ssd" } }, :subnetworks => { "fog-1" => { "kind" => "compute#subnetwork", "id" => "6680781458098159920", "creationTimestamp" => "2016-03-19T19:13:51.613-07:00", "gatewayAddress" => "", "name" => "fog-1", "network" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/global/networks/fog-example", "ipCidrRange" => "", "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central1", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/fog-1" }, "fog-2" => { "kind" => "compute#subnetwork", "id" => "6680781458098159921", "creationTimestamp" => "2016-03-19T19:13:51.613-07:00", "gatewayAddress" => "", "name" => "fog-2", "network" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/global/networks/fog-example", "ipCidrRange" => "", "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/europe-west1", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/europe-west1/subnetworks/fog-2" }, "fog-3" => { "kind" => "compute#subnetwork", "id" => "6680781458098159923", "creationTimestamp" => "2016-03-19T19:13:51.613-07:00", "gatewayAddress" => "", "name" => "fog-3", "network" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/global/networks/fog-elsewhere-example", "ipCidrRange" => "", "region" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central1", "selfLink" => "{api_version}/projects/#{key}/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/fog-3" } }, :operations => {} } end end end def self.reset @data = nil end def data(project = @project)[project] end def reset_data # not particularly useful because it deletes zones end def random_operation "operation-#{Fog::Mock.random_numbers(13)}-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(13)}-#{Fog::Mock.random_hex(8)}" end end end end end