# Fact: augeasversion # # Purpose: Report the version of the Augeas library # # Resolution: # Loads ruby-augeas and reports the value of /augeas/version, the version of # the underlying Augeas library. # # Caveats: # The library version may not indicate the presence of certain lenses, # depending on the system packages updated, nor the version of ruby-augeas # which may affect support for the Puppet Augeas provider. # Versions prior to 0.3.6 cannot be interrogated for their version. # Facter.add(:augeasversion) do setcode do begin require 'augeas' aug = Augeas::open('/', nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD) ver = aug.get('/augeas/version') aug.close ver rescue Exception Facter.debug('ruby-augeas not available') end end end