# encoding: UTF-8 require 'timeout' module Graticule #:nodoc: module Geocoder #:nodoc: class Multi # The Multi geocoder allows you to use multiple geocoders in succession. # # geocoder = Graticule.service(:multi).new( # Graticule.service(:google).new("api_key"), # Graticule.service(:yahoo).new("api_key"), # ) # geocoder.locate '49423' # <= tries geocoders in succession # # The Multi geocoder will try the geocoders in order if a Graticule::AddressError # is raised. You can customize this behavior by passing in a block to the Multi # geocoder. For example, to try the geocoders until one returns a result with a # high enough precision: # # geocoder = Graticule.service(:multi).new(geocoders) do |result| # [:address, :street].include?(result.precision) # end # # Geocoders will be tried in order until the block returned true for one of the results # # Use the :timeout option to specify the number of seconds to allow for each # geocoder before raising a Timout::Error (defaults to 10 seconds). # # Graticule.service(:multi).new(geocoders, :timeout => 3) # def initialize(*geocoders, &acceptable) @options = {:timeout => 10, :async => false}.merge(geocoders.extract_options!) @acceptable = acceptable || Proc.new { true } @geocoders = geocoders end def locate(address) @lookup = @options[:async] ? ParallelLookup.new : SerialLookup.new last_error = nil @geocoders.each do |geocoder| @lookup.perform do begin result = nil Timeout.timeout(@options[:timeout]) do result = geocoder.locate address end result if @acceptable.call(result) rescue => e last_error = e nil end end end @lookup.result || raise(last_error || AddressError.new("Couldn't find '#{address}' with any of the services")) end class SerialLookup #:nodoc: def initialize @blocks = [] end def perform(&block) @blocks << block end def result result = nil @blocks.detect do |block| result = block.call end result end end class ParallelLookup #:nodoc: def initialize @threads = [] @monitor = Monitor.new end def perform(&block) @threads << Thread.new do self.result = block.call end end def result=(result) if result @monitor.synchronize do @result = result @threads.each(&:kill) end end end def result @threads.each(&:join) @result end end end end end