opal_filter "String" do fails "String#=== ignores subclass differences" fails "String#=== returns false if obj does not respond to to_str" fails "String#=== returns obj == self if obj responds to to_str" fails "String#=== returns obj == self if obj responds to to_str" fails "String#=~ raises a TypeError if a obj is a string" fails "String#[] calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#[] calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#[] raises a TypeError if the given index is nil" fails "String#[] raises a TypeError if the given index can't be converted to an Integer" fails "String#[] with index, length returns nil if the length is negative" fails "String#[] with index, length calls to_int on the given index and the given length" fails "String#[] with index, length calls to_int on the given index and the given length" fails "String#[] with index, length raises a TypeError when idx or length can't be converted to an integer" fails "String#[] with index, length raises a TypeError when the given index or the given length is nil" fails "String#[] with Range returns nil if the beginning of the range falls outside of self" fails "String#[] with Range calls to_int on range arguments" fails "String#[] with Range calls to_int on range arguments" fails "String#[] with Range handles repeated application" fails "String#[] with Regexp returns the matching portion of self" fails "String#[] with Regexp returns nil if there is no match" fails "String#[] with Regexp sets $~ to MatchData when there is a match and nil when there's none" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index returns the capture for the given index" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index returns nil if there is no match" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index returns nil if there is no capture for the given index" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index raises a TypeError when the given index can't be converted to Integer" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index raises a TypeError when the given index is nil" fails "String#[] with Regexp, index sets $~ to MatchData when there is a match and nil when there's none" fails "String#[] with String returns other_str if it occurs in self" fails "String#[] with String returns nil if there is no match" fails "String#[] with String doesn't call to_str on its argument" fails "String#[] with String returns a subclass instance when given a subclass instance" fails "String#dup does not copy constants defined in the singleton class" fails "String#dup does not modify the original string when changing dupped string" fails "String#end_with? converts its argument using :to_str" fails "String#end_with? returns true if other is empty" fails "String#each_line accepts a string separator" fails "String#each_line passes self as a whole to the block if the separator is nil" fails "String#each_line yields paragraphs (broken by 2 or more successive newlines) when passed ''" fails "String#each_line uses $/ as the separator when none is given" fails "String#each_line yields subclass instances for subclasses" fails "String#each_line tries to convert the separator to a string using to_str" fails "String#each_line tries to convert the separator to a string using to_str" fails "String#each_line does not care if the string is modified while substituting" fails "String#each_line raises a TypeError when the separator can't be converted to a string" fails "String#each_line accept string separator" fails "String#each_line raises a TypeError when the separator is a symbol" fails "String#each_line returns an enumerator when no block given" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement inserts the replacement around every character when the pattern collapses" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement respects $KCODE when the pattern collapses" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement doesn't freak out when replacing ^" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement returns a copy of self with all occurrences of pattern replaced with replacement" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement supports \\G which matches at the beginning of the remaining (non-matched) string" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement replaces \\1 sequences with the regexp's corresponding capture" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement treats \\1 sequences without corresponding captures as empty strings" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement replaces \\& and \\0 with the complete match" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement replaces \\` with everything before the current match" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement replaces \\' with everything after the current match" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement replaces \\+ with the last paren that actually matched" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement treats \\+ as an empty string if there was no captures" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement maps \\\\ in replacement to \\" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement handles pattern collapse without $KCODE" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement raises a TypeError when replacement can't be converted to a string" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement sets $~ to MatchData of last match and nil when there's none" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash returns a copy of self with all occurrences of pattern replaced with the value of the corresponding hash key" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash ignores keys that don't correspond to matches" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash returns an empty string if the pattern matches but the hash specifies no replacements" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash ignores non-String keys" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash uses a key's value as many times as needed" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash uses the hash's default value for missing keys" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash coerces the hash values with #to_s" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash coerces the hash values with #to_s" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash uses the hash's value set from default_proc for missing keys" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash sets $~ to MatchData of last match and nil when there's none for access from outside" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash doesn't interpolate special sequences like \\1 for the block's return value" fails "String#gsub with pattern and block sets $~ for access from the block" fails "String#gsub with pattern and block restores $~ after leaving the block" fails "String#gsub with pattern and block sets $~ to MatchData of last match and nil when there's none for access from outside" fails "String#index raises a TypeError if passed a Symbol" fails "String#intern does not special case certain operators" fails "String#intern special cases +(binary) and -(binary)" fails "String#lines accepts a string separator" fails "String#lines should split on the default record separator and return enumerator if not block is given" fails "String#lines splits using default newline separator when none is specified" fails "String#lines splits self using the supplied record separator and passes each substring to the block" fails "String#lines passes self as a whole to the block if the separator is nil" fails "String#lines yields paragraphs (broken by 2 or more successive newlines) when passed ''" fails "String#lines yields subclass instances for subclasses" fails "String#lines returns self" fails "String#lines tries to convert the separator to a string using to_str" fails "String#lines tries to convert the separator to a string using to_str" fails "String#lines does not care if the string is modified while substituting" fails "String#lines raises a TypeError when the separator can't be converted to a string" fails "String#lines accept string separator" fails "String#lines raises a TypeError when the separator is a symbol" fails "String#lines returns an array when no block given" fails "String#lstrip returns a copy of self with leading whitespace removed" fails "String#next returns the successor by increasing the rightmost alphanumeric (digit => digit, letter => letter with same case)" fails "String#next increases the next best alphanumeric (jumping over non-alphanumerics) if there is a carry" fails "String#next increases the next best character if there is a carry for non-alphanumerics" fails "String#next adds an additional character (just left to the last increased one) if there is a carry and no character left to increase" fails "String#partition with String accepts regexp" fails "String#partition with String sets global vars if regexp used" fails "String#partition with String converts its argument using :to_str" fails "String#partition with String converts its argument using :to_str" fails "String#partition with String raises an error if not convertible to string" fails "String#rindex with object raises a TypeError if obj isn't a String, Fixnum or Regexp" fails "String#rindex with object tries to convert obj to a string via to_str" fails "String#rindex with String ignores string subclasses" fails "String#rindex with String returns nil if the substring isn't found" fails "String#rindex with String raises a TypeError when given offset is nil" fails "String#rindex with Regexp behaves the same as String#rindex(string) for escaped string regexps" fails "String#rindex with Regexp returns the index of the first match from the end of string of regexp" fails "String#rindex with Regexp sets $~ to MatchData of match and nil when there's none" fails "String#rindex with Regexp starts the search at the given offset" fails "String#rindex with Regexp supports \\G which matches at the given start offset" fails "String#rindex with Regexp tries to convert start_offset to an integer via to_int" fails "String#rindex with Regexp raises a TypeError when given offset is nil" fails "String#rstrip returns a copy of self with trailing whitespace removed" fails "String#rstrip returns a copy of self with all trailing whitespace and NULL bytes removed" fails "String#slice calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#slice calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#slice raises a TypeError if the given index is nil" fails "String#slice raises a TypeError if the given index can't be converted to an Integer" fails "String#slice with index, length returns nil if the length is negative" fails "String#slice with index, length calls to_int on the given index and the given length" fails "String#slice with index, length calls to_int on the given index and the given length" fails "String#slice with index, length raises a TypeError when idx or length can't be converted to an integer" fails "String#slice with index, length raises a TypeError when the given index or the given length is nil" fails "String#slice with Range returns nil if the beginning of the range falls outside of self" fails "String#slice with Range calls to_int on range arguments" fails "String#slice with Range calls to_int on range arguments" fails "String#slice with Range handles repeated application" fails "String#slice with Regexp returns the matching portion of self" fails "String#slice with Regexp returns nil if there is no match" fails "String#slice with Regexp sets $~ to MatchData when there is a match and nil when there's none" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index returns the capture for the given index" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index returns nil if there is no match" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index returns nil if there is no capture for the given index" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index raises a TypeError when the given index can't be converted to Integer" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index raises a TypeError when the given index is nil" fails "String#slice with Regexp, index sets $~ to MatchData when there is a match and nil when there's none" fails "String#slice with String returns other_str if it occurs in self" fails "String#slice with String returns nil if there is no match" fails "String#slice with String doesn't call to_str on its argument" fails "String#slice with String returns a subclass instance when given a subclass instance" fails "String#slice with Regexp, group" fails "String#split with String returns subclass instances based on self" fails "String#split with Regexp respects $KCODE when splitting between characters" fails "String#split with Regexp includes all captures in the result array" fails "String#split with Regexp does not include non-matching captures in the result array" fails "String#split with Regexp returns subclass instances based on self" fails "String#split with Regexp does not call constructor on created subclass instances" fails "String#split with String does not call constructor on created subclass instances" fails "String#squeeze negates sets starting with ^" fails "String#squeeze squeezes all chars in a sequence" fails "String#squeeze raises an ArgumentError when the parameter is out of sequence" fails "String#start_with? ignores arguments not convertible to string" fails "String#start_with? converts its argument using :to_str" fails "String#strip returns a new string with leading and trailing whitespace removed" fails "String#strip returns a copy of self with trailing NULL bytes and whitespace" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement supports \\G which matches at the beginning of the string" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\1 sequences with the regexp's corresponding capture" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement treats \\1 sequences without corresponding captures as empty strings" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\& and \\0 with the complete match" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\` with everything before the current match" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\' with everything after the current match" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\+ with the last paren that actually matched" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement treats \\+ as an empty string if there was no captures" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement sets $~ to MatchData of match and nil when there's none" fails "String#sub with pattern and block sets $~ for access from the block" fails "String#sub with pattern and block sets $~ to MatchData of last match and nil when there's none for access from outside" fails "String#sub with pattern and block doesn't raise a RuntimeError if the string is modified while substituting" fails "String#succ returns the successor by increasing the rightmost alphanumeric (digit => digit, letter => letter with same case)" fails "String#succ increases the next best alphanumeric (jumping over non-alphanumerics) if there is a carry" fails "String#succ increases the next best character if there is a carry for non-alphanumerics" fails "String#succ adds an additional character (just left to the last increased one) if there is a carry and no character left to increase" fails "String#sum returns a basic n-bit checksum of the characters in self" fails "String#sum tries to convert n to an integer using to_int" fails "String#sum tries to convert n to an integer using to_int" fails "String#sum returns sum of the bytes in self if n less or equal to zero" fails "String#to_str returns a new instance of String when called on a subclass" fails "String#to_sym does not special case certain operators" fails "String#to_sym special cases +(binary) and -(binary)" fails "String#tr raises an ArgumentError a descending range in the replacement as containing just the start character" fails "String#tr raises an ArgumentError a descending range in the source as empty" fails "String#tr translates chars not in from_string when it starts with a ^" fails "String#tr tries to convert from_str and to_str to strings using to_str" fails "String#tr tries to convert from_str and to_str to strings using to_str" fails "String#tr_s translates chars not in from_string when it starts with a ^" fails "String#tr_s tries to convert from_str and to_str to strings using to_str" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\\\\\+ with \\\\+" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\\\\1 with \\" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement replaces \\\1 with \1" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash returns a copy of self with the first occurrence of pattern replaced with the value of the corresponding hash key" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash removes keys that don't correspond to matches" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash ignores non-String keys" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash uses a key's value only a single time" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash uses the hash's default value for missing keys" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash coerces the hash values with #to_s" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash uses the hash's value set from default_proc for missing keys" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash sets $~ to MatchData of first match and nil when there's none for access from outside" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash doesn't interpolate special sequences like \\1 for the block's return value" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash untrusts the result if the original string is untrusted" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash untrusts the result if a hash value is untrusted" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash taints the result if the original string is tainted" fails "String#sub with pattern and Hash taints the result if a hash value is tainted" fails "String#casecmp independent of case for non-ASCII characters returns -1 when numerically less than other" fails "String#casecmp independent of case for non-ASCII characters returns 1 when numerically greater than other" fails "String#byteslice returns the character code of the character at the given index" fails "String#byteslice returns nil if index is outside of self" fails "String#byteslice calls to_int on the given index" fails "String#byteslice raises a TypeError if the given index is nil" fails "String#byteslice raises a TypeError if the given index can't be converted to an Integer" fails "String#byteslice with index, length returns the substring starting at the given index with the given length" fails "String#byteslice with index, length always taints resulting strings when self is tainted" fails "String#byteslice with index, length returns nil if the offset falls outside of self" fails "String#byteslice with index, length returns nil if the length is negative" fails "String#byteslice with index, length calls to_int on the given index and the given length" fails "String#byteslice with index, length raises a TypeError when idx or length can't be converted to an integer" fails "String#byteslice with index, length raises a TypeError when the given index or the given length is nil" fails "String#byteslice with index, length returns subclass instances" fails "String#byteslice with index, length handles repeated application" fails "String#byteslice with Range returns the substring given by the offsets of the range" fails "String#byteslice with Range returns nil if the beginning of the range falls outside of self" fails "String#byteslice with Range returns an empty string if range.begin is inside self and > real end" fails "String#byteslice with Range always taints resulting strings when self is tainted" fails "String#byteslice with Range returns subclass instances" fails "String#byteslice with Range calls to_int on range arguments" fails "String#byteslice with Range works with Range subclasses" fails "String#byteslice with Range handles repeated application" fails "String#count counts occurrences of chars from the intersection of the specified sets" fails "String#count negates sets starting with ^" fails "String#count counts all chars in a sequence" fails "String#count raises if the given sequences are invalid" fails "String#count calls #to_str to convert each set arg to a String" fails "String#count raises a TypeError when a set arg can't be converted to a string" fails "String#delete returns a new string with the chars from the intersection of sets removed" fails "String#delete raises an ArgumentError when given no arguments" fails "String#delete negates sets starting with ^" fails "String#delete deletes all chars in a sequence" fails "String#delete respects backslash for escaping a -" fails "String#delete raises if the given ranges are invalid" fails "String#delete taints result when self is tainted" fails "String#delete tries to convert each set arg to a string using to_str" fails "String#delete raises a TypeError when one set arg can't be converted to a string" fails "String#delete returns subclass instances when called on a subclass" fails "String#each_byte returns an enumerator when no block given" fails "String#each_byte keeps iterating from the old position (to new string end) when self changes" fails "String#each_byte passes each byte in self to the given block" fails "String#== returns obj == self if obj responds to to_str" fails "String#== returns false if obj does not respond to to_str" fails "String#eql? when given a non-String returns false" fails "String#hex treats leading characters of self as a string of hex digits" fails "String#initialize with an argument raises a RuntimeError on a frozen instance when self-replacing" fails "String#initialize with an argument raises a RuntimeError on a frozen instance that is modified" fails "String#initialize with an argument raises a TypeError if other can't be converted to string" fails "String#initialize with an argument tries to convert other to string using to_str" fails "String#initialize with an argument replaces the encoding of self with that of other" fails "String#initialize with an argument does not trust self if other is trusted" fails "String#initialize with an argument untrusts self if other is untrusted" fails "String#initialize with an argument does not untaint self if other is untainted" fails "String#initialize with an argument taints self if other is tainted" fails "String#initialize with an argument replaces the content of self with other" fails "String#initialize with an argument returns self" fails "String#initialize with no arguments does not raise an exception when frozen" fails "String#initialize is a private method" fails "String#upto passes successive values, starting at self and ending at other_string, to the block" fails "String#upto calls the block once even when start eqals stop" fails "String#upto doesn't call block with self even if self is less than stop but stop length is less than self length" fails "String#upto doesn't call block if stop is less than self and stop length is less than self length" fails "String#upto doesn't call the block if self is greater than stop" fails "String#upto stops iterating as soon as the current value's character count gets higher than stop's" fails "String#upto returns self" fails "String#upto tries to convert other to string using to_str" fails "String#upto raises a TypeError if other can't be converted to a string" fails "String#upto does not work with symbols" fails "String#upto returns an enumerator when no block given" fails "String#upto returns non-alphabetic characters in the ASCII range for single letters" fails "String#upto stops before the last value if exclusive" fails "String#upto on sequence of numbers calls the block as Integer#upto" fails "String#* always taints the result when self is tainted" fails "String#* returns subclass instances" fails "String#* raises a RangeError when given integer is a Bignum" fails "String#* raises an ArgumentError when given integer is negative" fails "String#* tries to convert the given argument to an integer using to_int" fails "String.new returns a binary String" fails "String.new raises TypeError on inconvertible object" fails "String.new is called on subclasses" fails "String.new returns an instance of a subclass" fails "String.new returns a new string given a string argument" fails "String.new returns a fully-formed String" fails "String#+ taints the result when self or other is tainted" fails "String#+ when self is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with the argument's encoding uses self's encoding if both are empty" fails "String#+ when self is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with the argument's encoding uses self's encoding if the argument is empty" fails "String#+ when self is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with the argument's encoding uses the argument's encoding if self is empty" fails "String#+ when self is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with the argument's encoding raises Encoding::CompatibilityError if neither are empty" fails "String#+ when the argument is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with self's encoding uses self's encoding if both are empty" fails "String#+ when the argument is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with self's encoding uses self's encoding if the argument is empty" fails "String#+ when the argument is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with self's encoding uses the argument's encoding if self is empty" fails "String#+ when the argument is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with self's encoding raises Encoding::CompatibilityError if neither are empty" fails "String#+ when self and the argument are in different ASCII-compatible encodings uses self's encoding if both are ASCII-only" fails "String#+ when self and the argument are in different ASCII-compatible encodings uses self's encoding if the argument is ASCII-only" fails "String#+ when self and the argument are in different ASCII-compatible encodings uses the argument's encoding if self is ASCII-only" fails "String#+ when self and the argument are in different ASCII-compatible encodings raises Encoding::CompatibilityError if neither are ASCII-only" fails "String#+ when self is ASCII-8BIT and argument is US-ASCII uses ASCII-8BIT encoding" fails "String#rpartition with String raises an error if not convertible to string" fails "String#rpartition with String converts its argument using :to_str" fails "String#rpartition with String affects $~" fails "String#rpartition with String accepts regexp" fails "String#rpartition with String always returns 3 elements" fails "String#rpartition with String returns an array of substrings based on splitting on the given string" end