## Master (unreleased) ## 0.4.3 ### Bug Fixes * [#1063][]: Fix comment issues when using postgres ([@jancel][]) ## 0.4.2 ### Enhancements * [#822][]: Automatically include js and css to precompile list ([@jschwindt][]) * [#1033][]: Site title accepts a proc that is rendered in the context of the view ([@pcreux][]) * [#70][]: Form blocks are now rendered within the context of the view ([@gregbell][]) * [#70][]: Filter's collections are now eval'd in the context of the view ([@gregbell][]) * [#1032][]: The html body now includes a class for the namespace name ([@mattvague][]) * [#1013][]: Hide the count from one specific scope using `:show_count => false` ([@latortuga][]) ### Bug Fixes * [#34][]: Comments now work with models using string ids ([@jancel][]) * [#1041][]: When `table_for` collection is empty it no longer outputs a blank array in Ruby 1.9 ([@jancel][], [#1016][]) * [#983][]: Fixed compatibility with pry-rails ([@pcreux][]) * [#409][]: Install generator handles custom class names for user ([@gregbell][]) ## 0.4.1 ### Enhancements * [#865][]: Pages support the `#page_action` to add custom controller actions to a page ([@BoboFraggins][]) * Columns component now supports column spans, max and min widths ([@gregbell][]) * [#497][]: Custom pagination settings per resource ([@pcreux][]) * [#993][]: Login form now focuses on email ([@mattvague][]) * [#865][]: Add `:if` support to sidebar sections ([@BoboFraggins][]) * [#865][]: Added `:scope_count => false` to the index to hide scope counts in generated scopes ([@BoboFraggins][]) ### Bug Fixes * [#101][]: Global nav now works with RackBaseURI ([@gregbell][]) * [#960][]: Global nav works when scoped in rails routes ([@gregbell][]) * [#994][]: Fix index page check collection.limit(1).exists? causes exception when ordering by virtual colum ([@latortuga][], [@gregbell][]) * [#971][]: Fix SQL when sorting tables with a column named "group" ([@ggilder][]) ### Dependencies * [#978][]: Support for Inherited Resources 1.3.0 ([@fabiormoura][]) ### Contributors 75 Commits by 12 authors * Bruno Bonamin * David Radcliffe * Dinesh Majrekar * Erik Michaels-Ober * Fábio Maia * Gabriel Gilder * Greg Bell * Kyle Macey * Matt Vague * Oldani Pablo * Peter Fry * Philippe Creux * Søren Houen ## 0.4.0 ### Upgrade Notes If you're running on Rails 3.0.x, make sure to run `rails generate active_admin:assets` since we've changed both the CSS and JS files. ### Deprecations * In the initializer `config.allow_comments_in = []` is now `config.allow_comments = true`. Use the new namespace specific configurations to allow or disallow configuration within a specific namespace. * Removed `Object#to_html` in favour of `to_s`. Any Arbre components implementing a `to_html` method need to be updated to use `to_s` instead. ### New Features * Namespace specific configurations in the initializer ([@gregbell][]) * [#624][]: Set an image as the site title using `config.site_title_image` in the Active Admin initializer. ([@mattvague][]) * [#758][]: Create a standalone page in Active Admin using `ActiveAdmin.register_page` ([@pcreux][]) * [#723][]: Register stylesheets with a media type ([@macfanatic][]) ### Enhancements * [#428][]: Paginated Collection now supports `:param_name` and `:download_links`. These two additions allow you to use the `paginated_collection` component multiple times on show screens. ([@samvincent][]) * [#527][]: Refactored all form helpers to use Formtastic 2([@ebeigarts][]) * [#551][]: Dashboards can now be conditionally displayed using `:if` ([@samvincent][]) * [#555][]: scopes now accept `:if`. They only get displayed if the proc returns true ([@macfanatic][]) * [#601][]: Breadcrumbs are internationalized ([@vairix-ssierra][]) * [#605][]: Validations on ActiveAdmin::Comment should work with `accepts_nested_attributes_for` ([@DMajrekar ][]) * [#623][]: Index table can sort on any table using `:sort => 'table.column'` ([@ZequeZ][]) * [#638][]: Add `:label` option to `status_tag` component ([@fbuenemann][]) * [#644][]: Added proper I18n support to pagination ([@fbuenemann][]) * [#689][]: Scopes preserve title when provided as a string ([@macfanatic][]) * [#711][]: Styles update. Now sexier and more refined design. Redesigned Scopes. Split css into smaller files. ([@mattvague][]) * [#741][]: Default media type of css is now "all" instead of "screen" ([@sftsang][]) * [#751][]: Pagination numbers work with a custom `[@per_page][]` ([@DMajrekar][]) * `default_actions` in an index table only display implemented actions ([@watson][]) ### Bug Fixes * [#590][]: Comments now work in the default namespace ([@jbarket][]) * [#780][]: Fix stack level too deep exception when logout path is setup to use `:logout_path` named route. ([@george][]) * [#637][]: Fix scope all I18n ([@fbuenemann][]) * [#496][]: Remove global `Object#to_html` [@ebeigarts][] * [#470][], [#154][]: Arbre properly supports blocks that return Numeric values ([@bobbytables][], [@utkarshkukreti][], [@gregbell][]) * [#897][]: Fix count display for collections with GROUP BY [@comboy][] ### Dependencies * [#468][]: Removed vendored jQuery. Now depends on the jquery-rails gem. If you're running Rails 3.0.x (no asset pipeline), make sure to run `rails generate active_admin:assets` to generate the correct files. ([@gregbell][]) * [#527][]: Active Admin now requires Formtastic 2.0 or greater ([@ebeigarts][]) * [#711][]: Active admin now depends on Bourbon > 1.0.0. If you're using Rails 3.0.x, make sure to run `rails generate active_admin:assets` to ensure you have the correct css files ([@mattvague][]) * [#869][]: Upgraded Kaminari to >= 0.13.0 and added support for `Kaminari.config.page_method_name`. Active Admin should now be happy if `will_paginate` is installed with it. ([@j][]-manu) * [#931][]: Support for Rails 3.2 added ([@mperham][]) ### Contributors 274 commits by 42 authors * Greg Bell * Philippe Creux * Matt Vague * Felix Bünemann * Matthew Brewer * Edgars Beigarts * Mike Perham * Sam Vincent * Kieran Klaassen * Jonathan Barket * Ankur Sethi * Dinesh Majrekar * comboy * Juan E. Pemberthy * Leandro Moreira * Manu * Marc Riera * Radan Skorić * Rhys Powell * Sebastian Sierra * Sherman Tsang * Szymon Przybył * Thomas Watson Steen * Tim Habermaas * Yara Mayer * Zequez * asancio * emmek * Alexey Noskov * igmizo * Alli * Bendik Lynghaug * Douwe Homans * Eric Koslow * Eunsub Kim * Garami Gábor * George Anderson * Henrik Hodne * Ivan Storck * Jeff Dickey * John Ferlito * Josef Šimánek ## 0.3.4 2 commits by 2 authors ### Bug Fixes * Fix reloading issues across operating systems. * Fix issue where SASS was recompiling on every request. This can seriously decrease the load time of applications when running in development mode. Thanks [@dhiemstra][] for tracking this one down! ### Contributors * Danny Hiemstra * Greg Bell ## 0.3.3 1 commit by 1 author ### Enhancements * Only reload Active Admin when files in the load paths have changed. This is a major speed increase in development mode. Also helps with memory consumption because we aren't reloading Active admin all the time. ### Contributors * Greg Bell ## 0.3.2 45 commits by 15 contributors ### Enhancements * Site title can now be a link. Use config.site_title_link in config/initializers/active_admin.rb * i18n support for Japanese * i18n support for Bulgarian * i18n support for Swedish ### Bug Fixes * DeviseGenerator respects singular table names * Active Admin no longer assumes sass-rails is installed * Arbre::Context passes methods to the underlying html which fixes issues on different types of servers (and on Heroku) * [#45][]: Fix for multibyte characters ([@tricknotes][]) * [#505][]: Fix titlebar height when no breadcrumb ([@mattvague][]) * Fixed vertical align in dashboard * Fixed i18n path's for multi-word model names ### Dependencies * Formtastic 2.0.0 breaks Active Admin. Locking to < 2.0.0 ### Contributors * Amiel Martin * Christian Hjalmarsson * Edgars Beigarts * Greg Bell * Jan Dupal * Joe Van * Mark Roghelia * Mathieu Martin * Matt Vague * Philippe Creux * Ryunosuke SATO * Sam Vincent * Trace Wax * Tsvetan Roustchev * l4u ## 0.3.1 * Only support InheritedResources up to 1.2.2 ## 0.3.0 326 commits by 35 contributors ### New Features * I18n! Now supported in 10 languages! * Customizeable CSV ([@pcreux][], [@gregbell][]) * Menus now support `if` and `priority` (Moritz Lawitschka) * Rails 3.1 support * Asset pipeline support ([@gregbell][]) * `skip_before_filter` now supported in DSL ([@shayfrendt][]) * Added a blank slate design ([@mattvague][]) * Collection and Member actions use the Active Admin layout ([@gregbell][]) ### Enhancements * Better I18n config file loading ([@fabiokr][]) * `TableFor` now supports I18n headers ([@fabiokr][]) * `AttributesTable` now supports I18n attributes ([@fabiokr][]) * Member actions all use CSS class `member_link` ([@doug316][]) * Made `status_tag` an Arbre component ([@pcreux][]) * CSV downloads have sexy names such as "articles-2011-06-21.csv" ([@pcreux][]) * Created `ActiveAdmin::Setting` to easily create settings ([@gregbell][]) * New datepicker styles ([@mattvague][]) * Set `[@page_title][]` in member action to render a custom title ([@gregbell][]) * [#248][]: Settable logout link options in initializer ([@gregbell][]) * Added a DependencyChecker that warns if dependencies aren't met ([@pcreux][]) ### Bug Fixes * [#52][]: Fix update action with STI models ([@gregbell][]) * [#122][]: Fix sortable columns on nested resources ([@knoopx][]) * Fix so that Dashboard Sections can appear in root namespace ([@knoopx][]) * [#131][]: Fixed `status_tag` with nil content ([@pcreux][]) * [#110][]: Fixed dropdown menu floats in Firefox ([@mattvague][]) * Use quoted table names ([@krug][]) * Fixed CSS float of `.paginated_collection_contents` bug in Firefox ([@mattvague][]) * Removed unwanted gradient in IE in attribute table headers ([@emzeq][]) * [#222][]: Added `Arbre::Context#length` for Rack servers ([@gregbell][]) * [#255][]: Fixed problem with dropdown menus in IE8 and IE9 ([@mattvague][]) * [#235][]: Default sort order should use primary_key ([@gregbell][]) * [#197][]: Fixed issues with #form params disappearing ([@rolfb][]) * [#186][]: Fixes for when `default_namespace = false` ([@gregbell][]) * [#135][]: Comments on STI classes redirect correctly ([@gregbell][]) * [#77][]: Fixed performance issue where ActiveRecord::Base.all was being called ([@pcreux][]) * [#332][]: Fixed Devise redirection when in false namespace ([@gregbell][]) * [#171][]: Fixed issue where class names would clash with HTML object names ([@gregbell][]) * [#381][]: Fixed issues with Devise < 1.2 ([@pcreux][]) * [#369][]: Added support for pluralized model names such as News ([@gregbell][]) * [#42][]: Default forms work with polymorphic associations ([@mattvague][]) ### Dependencies * Switched from will_paginate to Kaminari for pagination ([@mwindwer][]) * Removed dependency on InheritedViews ([@gregbell][]) * Removed Jeweler. Using Bundler and a gemspec ([@gregbell][]) ### Contributors * Armand du Plessis * Aurelio Agundez * Bruno Bonamin * Chris Ostrowski * Corey Woodcox * DeLynn Berry * Doug Puchalski * Fabio Kreusch * Greg Bell * Ismael G Marin C * Jackson Pires * Jesper Hvirring Henriksen * Josef Šimánek * Jørgen Orehøj Erichsen * Liborio Cannici * Matt Vague * Matthew Windwer * Moritz Lawitschka * Nathan Le Ray * Nicolas Mosconi * Philippe Creux * Rolf Bjaanes * Ryan D Johnson * Ryan Krug * Shay Frendt * Steve Klabnik * Tiago Rafael Godinho * Toby Hede * Vijay Dev * Víctor Martínez * doabit * hoverlover * nhurst * whatthewhat * Łukasz Anwajler ## 0.2.2 (2011-05-26) 68 Commits by 13 Contributors ### Features & Enhancements * Arbre includes self closing tags ([#100][]) * Controller class & action added to body as CSS classes ([#99][]) * HAML is not required by default ([#92][]) * Devise login now respects Devise.authentication_keys ([#69][]) * Active Admin no longer uses ActiveRecord::Base#search ([#28][]) * Resource's can now override the label in the menu ([#48][]) * Subdirectories are now loaded in the Active Admin load path ### Bug Fixes * Sort order now includes table name ([#38][]) * Fixed table_for 'odd', 'even' row classes ([#96][]) * Fixed Devise installation if AdminUser already exists ([#95][]) * Fixed issues when ActiveAdmin.default_namespaces is false ([#32][]) * Added styles for missing HTML 5 inputs ([#31][]) * Fixed issue if adding empty Active Admin Comment ([#21][]) * Fixed layout issues in FF 4 ([#22][]) * Use Sass::Plugin.options[:css_location] instead of Rails.root ([#55][]) ### Test Suite * Update RSpec to latest & fix specs (Thanks Ben Marini & Jeremt Ruppel!) ([#100][]) * Added tests for STI models ([#52][]) ### Contributors * Ben Marini * Bookis Smuin * Caley Woods * Doug Puchalski * Federico Romero * Greg Bell * Ian MacLeod * Jeremy Ruppel * Jordan Sitkin * Juha Suuraho * Mathieu Martin * Paul Annesley * Philippe Creux ## 0.2.1 (2011-05-12) ### Bug Fixes * Fixed issue with dashboard rendering a sidebar ## 0.2.0 (2011-05-12) 0.2.0 is essentially an entire re-write of Active Admin. Here are some of the highlights. 250 commits. Enough said. ### Features & Enhancements * Full visual redesign * Integrated Devise for authentication * Brand new view and component layer called Arbre (Project coming soon) * Added ActiveAdmin::Comments ### Bug Fixes * Too many to list! Been in production for close to a year ## 0.1.1 (2010-09-15) ### Bug Fixes * Fixed issues running on Ruby 1.9.2 ## 0.1.0 * Initial release [#21]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/21 [#22]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/22 [#28]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/28 [#31]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/31 [#32]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/32 [#34]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/34 [#38]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/38 [#42]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/42 [#45]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/45 [#48]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/48 [#52]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/52 [#55]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/55 [#69]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/69 [#70]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/70 [#77]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/77 [#92]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/92 [#95]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/95 [#96]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/96 [#99]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/99 [#100]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/100 [#101]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/101 [#110]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/110 [#122]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/122 [#131]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/131 [#135]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/135 [#154]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/154 [#171]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/171 [#186]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/186 [#197]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/197 [#222]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/222 [#235]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/235 [#248]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/248 [#255]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/255 [#332]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/332 [#369]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/369 [#381]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/381 [#409]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/409 [#428]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/428 [#468]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/468 [#470]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/470 [#496]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/496 [#497]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/497 [#505]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/505 [#527]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/527 [#551]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/551 [#555]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/555 [#590]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/590 [#601]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/601 [#605]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/605 [#623]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/623 [#624]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/624 [#637]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/637 [#638]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/638 [#644]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/644 [#689]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/689 [#711]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/711 [#723]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/723 [#741]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/741 [#751]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/751 [#758]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/758 [#780]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/780 [#822]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/822 [#865]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/865 [#869]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/869 [#897]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/897 [#931]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/931 [#960]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/960 [#971]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/971 [#978]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/978 [#983]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/983 [#993]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/993 [#994]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/994 [#1013]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/1013 [#1016]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/1016 [#1032]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/1032 [#1033]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/1033 [#1041]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/1041 [#1063]: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/1063 [@BoboFraggins]: https://github.com/BoboFraggins [@DMajrekar]: https://github.com/DMajrekar [@ZequeZ]: https://github.com/ZequeZ [@bobbytables]: https://github.com/bobbytables [@comboy]: https://github.com/comboy [@dhiemstra]: https://github.com/dhiemstra [@doug316]: https://github.com/doug316 [@ebeigarts]: https://github.com/ebeigarts [@emzeq]: https://github.com/emzeq [@fabiokr]: https://github.com/fabiokr [@fabiormoura]: https://github.com/fabiormoura [@fbuenemann]: https://github.com/fbuenemann [@george]: https://github.com/george [@ggilder]: https://github.com/ggilder [@gregbell]: https://github.com/gregbell [@j]: https://github.com/j [@jancel]: https://github.com/jancel [@jbarket]: https://github.com/jbarket [@jschwindt]: https://github.com/jschwindt [@knoopx]: https://github.com/knoopx [@krug]: https://github.com/krug [@latortuga]: https://github.com/latortuga [@macfanatic]: https://github.com/macfanatic [@mattvague]: https://github.com/mattvague [@mperham]: https://github.com/mperham [@mwindwer]: https://github.com/mwindwer [@page_title]: https://github.com/page_title [@pcreux]: https://github.com/pcreux [@per_page]: https://github.com/per_page [@rolfb]: https://github.com/rolfb [@samvincent]: https://github.com/samvincent [@sftsang]: https://github.com/sftsang [@shayfrendt]: https://github.com/shayfrendt [@tricknotes]: https://github.com/tricknotes [@utkarshkukreti]: https://github.com/utkarshkukreti [@vairix]: https://github.com/vairix [@watson]: https://github.com/watson