require "business/calendar" require "time" RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with(:rspec) { |mocks| mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true } config.raise_errors_for_deprecations! end describe Business::Calendar do describe ".load" do let(:dummy_calendar) { { "working_days" => ["monday"] } } before do fixture_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'calendars') described_class.load_paths = [fixture_path, { "foobar" => dummy_calendar }] end context "when given a calendar from a custom directory" do subject { described_class.load("ecb") } after { described_class.load_paths = nil } it "loads the yaml file" do expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file) { |path| expect(path).to match(/ecb\.yml$/) }.and_return({}) subject end it { be_a Business::Calendar } context "that also exists as a default calendar" do subject { Business::Calendar.load("bacs") } it "uses the custom calendar" do expect(subject.business_day?(Date.parse("25th December 2014"))). to eq(true) end end end context "when loading a calendar as a hash" do subject { described_class.load("foobar") } it { be_a Business::Calendar } end context "when given a calendar that does not exist" do subject { Business::Calendar.load("invalid-calendar") } specify { expect { subject }.to raise_error(/No such calendar/) } end context "when given a calendar that has invalid keys" do subject { Business::Calendar.load("invalid-keys") } specify { expect { subject }.to raise_error("Only valid keys are: holidays, working_days, extra_working_dates") } end context "when given real business data" do let(:data_path) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'business', 'data') } it "validates they are all loadable by the calendar" do Dir.glob("#{data_path}/*").each do |filename| calendar_name = File.basename(filename, ".yml") calendar = Business::Calendar.load(calendar_name) expect(calendar.working_days.length).to be >= 1 end end end end describe "#set_working_days" do let(:calendar) {{}) } let(:working_days) { [] } subject { calendar.set_working_days(working_days) } context "when given valid working days" do let(:working_days) { %w( mon fri ) } before { subject } it "assigns them" do expect(calendar.working_days).to eq(working_days) end context "that are unnormalised" do let(:working_days) { %w( Monday Friday ) } it "normalises them" do expect(calendar.working_days).to eq(%w( mon fri )) end end end context "when given an invalid business day" do let(:working_days) { %w( Notaday ) } specify { expect { subject }.to raise_error(/Invalid day/) } end context "when given nil" do let(:working_days) { nil } it "uses the default business days" do expect(calendar.working_days).to eq(calendar.default_working_days) end end end describe "#set_holidays" do let(:calendar) {{}) } let(:holidays) { [] } before { calendar.set_holidays(holidays) } subject { calendar.holidays } context "when given valid business days" do let(:holidays) { ["1st Jan, 2013"] } it { is_expected.not_to be_empty } it "converts them to Date objects" do subject.each { |h| expect(h).to be_a Date } end end context "when given nil" do let(:holidays) { nil } it { be_empty } end end describe "#set_extra_working_dates" do let(:calendar) {{}) } let(:extra_working_dates) { [] } before { calendar.set_extra_working_dates(extra_working_dates) } subject { calendar.extra_working_dates } context "when given valid business days" do let(:extra_working_dates) { ["1st Jan, 2013"] } it { is_expected.not_to be_empty } it "converts them to Date objects" do subject.each { |h| expect(h).to be_a Date } end end context "when given nil" do let(:holidays) { nil } it { be_empty } end end context "when holiday is also a working date" do subject do ["2018-01-06"], extra_working_dates: ["2018-01-06"]) end it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) .with_message('Holidays cannot be extra working dates') end end context "when working date on working day" do subject do ["mon"], extra_working_dates: ["Monday 26th Mar, 2018"]) end it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) .with_message('Extra working dates cannot be on working days') end end # A set of examples that are supposed to work when given Date and Time # objects. The implementation slightly differs, so i's worth running the # tests for both Date *and* Time. shared_examples "common" do describe "#business_day?" do let(:calendar) do ["9am, Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"], extra_working_dates: ["9am, Sunday 6th Jan, 2013"]) end subject { calendar.business_day?(day) } context "when given a business day" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { be_truthy } end context "when given a non-business day" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Saturday 5th Jan, 2013") } it { be_falsey } end context "when given a business day that is a holiday" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { be_falsey } end context "when given a non-business day that is a working date" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Sunday 6th Jan, 2013") } it { be_truthy } end end describe "#working_day?" do let(:calendar) do ["9am, Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"], extra_working_dates: ["9am, Sunday 6th Jan, 2013"]) end subject { calendar.working_day?(day) } context "when given a working day" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { be_truthy } end context "when given a non-working day" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Saturday 5th Jan, 2013") } it { be_falsey } end context "when given a working day that is a holiday" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { be_truthy } end context "when given a non-business day that is a working date" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Sunday 6th Jan, 2013") } it { be_truthy } end end describe "#holiday?" do let(:calendar) do ["9am, Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"], extra_working_dates: ["9am, Sunday 6th Jan, 2013"]) end subject { } context "when given a working day that is not a holiday" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { be_falsey } end context "when given a non-working day that is not a holiday day" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Saturday 5th Jan, 2013") } it { be_falsey } end context "when given a day that is a holiday" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { be_truthy } end context "when given a non-business day that is no a holiday" do let(:day) { date_class.parse("9am, Sunday 6th Jan, 2013") } it { be_falsey } end end describe "#roll_forward" do let(:calendar) do ["Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"]) end subject { calendar.roll_forward(date) } context "given a business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date) } end context "given a non-business day" do context "with a business day following it" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + day_interval) } end context "followed by another non-business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Saturday 5th Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + 2 * day_interval) } end end end describe "#roll_backward" do let(:calendar) do ["Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"]) end subject { calendar.roll_backward(date) } context "given a business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date) } end context "given a non-business day" do context "with a business day preceeding it" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - day_interval) } end context "preceeded by another non-business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Sunday 6th Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - 2 * day_interval) } end end end describe "#next_business_day" do let(:calendar) do ["Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"]) end subject { calendar.next_business_day(date) } context "given a business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + day_interval) } end context "given a non-business day" do context "with a business day following it" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + day_interval) } end context "followed by another non-business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Saturday 5th Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + 2 * day_interval) } end end end describe "#previous_business_day" do let(:calendar) do ["Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"]) end subject { calendar.previous_business_day(date) } context "given a business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Thursday 3nd Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - day_interval) } end context "given a non-business day" do context "with a business day before it" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - day_interval) } end context "preceeded by another non-business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Sunday 6th Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - 2 * day_interval) } end end end describe "#add_business_days" do let(:extra_working_dates) { [] } let(:calendar) do ["Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013"], extra_working_dates: extra_working_dates) end let(:delta) { 2 } subject { calendar.add_business_days(date, delta) } context "given a business day" do context "and a period that includes only business days" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + delta * day_interval) } end context "and a period that includes a weekend" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Friday 4th Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + (delta + 2) * day_interval) } end context "and a period that includes a working date weekend" do let(:extra_working_dates) { ["Sunday 6th Jan, 2013"] } let(:date) { date_class.parse("Friday 4th Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + (delta + 1) * day_interval) } end context "and a period that includes a holiday day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Monday 31st Dec, 2012") } it { eq(date + (delta + 1) * day_interval) } end end context "given a non-business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Tuesday 1st Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date + (delta + 1) * day_interval) } end end describe "#subtract_business_days" do let(:extra_working_dates) { [] } let(:calendar) do ["Thursday 3rd Jan, 2013"], extra_working_dates: extra_working_dates) end let(:delta) { 2 } subject { calendar.subtract_business_days(date, delta) } context "given a business day" do context "and a period that includes only business days" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Wednesday 2nd Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - delta * day_interval) } end context "and a period that includes a weekend" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Monday 31st Dec, 2012") } it { eq(date - (delta + 2) * day_interval) } end context "and a period that includes a working date weekend" do let(:extra_working_dates) { ["Saturday 29th Dec, 2012"] } let(:date) { date_class.parse("Monday 31st Dec, 2012") } it { eq(date - (delta + 1) * day_interval) } end context "and a period that includes a holiday day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Friday 4th Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - (delta + 1) * day_interval) } end end context "given a non-business day" do let(:date) { date_class.parse("Thursday 3rd Jan, 2013") } it { eq(date - (delta + 1) * day_interval) } end end describe "#business_days_between" do let(:holidays) do ["Wed 27/5/2014", "Thu 12/6/2014", "Wed 18/6/2014", "Fri 20/6/2014", "Sun 22/6/2014", "Fri 27/6/2014", "Thu 3/7/2014"] end let(:extra_working_dates) do ["Sun 1/6/2014", "Sat 28/6/2014", "Sat 5/7/2014"] end let(:calendar) do holidays, extra_working_dates: extra_working_dates) end subject do calendar.business_days_between(date_class.parse(date_1), date_class.parse(date_2)) end context "starting on a business day" do let(:date_1) { "Mon 2/6/2014" } context "ending on a business day" do context "including only business days" do let(:date_2) { "Thu 5/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including only business days & weekend days" do let(:date_2) { "Mon 9/6/2014" } it { eq(5) } end context "including only business days, weekend days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Thu 29/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "The 3/6/2014" } it { eql(4) } end context "including only business days & holidays" do let(:date_1) { "Mon 9/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Fri 13/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Fri 13/6/2014" } it { eq(8) } end context "including business, weekend, hoilday days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Thu 26/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "The 1/7/2014" } it { eql(3) } end end context "ending on a weekend day" do context "including only business days & weekend days" do let(:date_2) { "Sun 8/6/2014" } it { eq(5) } end context "including business & weekend days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Thu 29/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Sun 3/6/2014" } it { eq(4) } end context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Sat 14/6/2014" } it { eq(9) } end context "including business, weekend & holiday days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Thu 26/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Tue 2/7/2014" } it { eq(4) } end end context "ending on a holiday" do context "including only business days & holidays" do let(:date_1) { "Mon 9/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Thu 12/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Thu 12/6/2014" } it { eq(8) } end context 'including business, weekend, holiday days & business date' do let(:date_1) { "Wed 28/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Thu 12/6/2014" } it { eq(11) } end end context "ending on a working date" do let(:date_1) { "Fri 4/7/2014" } context "including only business days & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Sat 5/7/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including business, weekend days & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Tue 8/7/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business, weekend days, holidays & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Wed 25/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Tue 8/7/2014" } it { eq(8) } end end end context "starting on a weekend" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 7/6/2014" } context "ending on a business day" do context "including only business days & weekend days" do let(:date_2) { "Mon 9/6/2014" } it { eq(0) } end context "including business, weekend days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 31/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Tue 3/6/2014" } it { eq(2) } end context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Fri 13/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business, weekend, holilday days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 31/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Fri 13/6/2014" } it { eq(8) } end end context "ending on a weekend day" do context "including only business days & weekend days" do let(:date_2) { "Sun 8/6/2014" } it { eq(0) } end context "including business, weekend days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 31/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Sun 8/6/2014" } it { eql(5) } end context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Sat 14/6/2014" } it { eq(4) } end context "including business, weekend, holiday days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 31/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Sun 14/6/2014" } it { eql(9) } end end context "ending on a holiday" do context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Thu 12/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business, weekend days & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 31/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Thu 12/6/2014" } it { eq(8) } end end context "ending on a working date" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 31/5/2014" } context "including only weekend days & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Sat 2/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including business, weekend days & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Tue 4/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business, weekend days, holidays & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Tue 13/6/2014" } it { eq(8) } end end end context "starting on a holiday" do let(:date_1) { "Thu 12/6/2014" } context "ending on a business day" do context "including only business days & holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Fri 13/6/2014" } it { eq(0) } end context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Thu 19/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business, weekend days, holidays & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Fri 27/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Tue 1/7/2014" } it { eq(2) } end end context "ending on a weekend day" do context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Sun 15/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including business, weekend days, holidays & working date" do let(:date_1) { "Fri 27/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Sun 29/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end end context "ending on a holiday" do context "including only business days & holidays" do let(:date_1) { "Wed 18/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Fri 20/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including business, weekend days, and holidays" do let(:date_2) { "Wed 18/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including business/weekend days, holidays & working date" do let(:date_1) { "27/5/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Thu 12/6/2014" } it { eq(11) } end end context "ending on a working date" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 27/6/2014" } context "including only holiday & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Sat 29/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including holiday, weekend days & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Tue 30/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including business, weekend days, holidays & working date" do let(:date_2) { "Tue 2/7/2014" } it { eq(3) } end end end context 'starting on a working date' do let(:date_1) { "Sun 1/6/2014" } context "ending on a working day" do context "including only working date & working day" do let(:date_2) { "Wed 4/6/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including working date, working & weekend days" do let(:date_2) { "Tue 10/6/2014" } it { eq(6) } end context "including working date, working & weekend days & holiday" do let(:date_2) { "Tue 13/6/2014" } it { eq(8) } end end context "ending on a weekend day" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 28/6/2014" } context "including only working date & weekend day" do let(:date_2) { "Sun 29/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including working date, weekend & working days" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 5/7/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Wed 9/7/2014" } it { eq(3) } end context "including working date, weekend & working days & holiday" do let(:date_2) { "Fri 4/7/2014" } it { eq(4) } end end context "ending on a holiday" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 28/6/2014" } context "including only working date & holiday" do let(:holidays) { ["Mon 2/6/2014"] } let(:date_1) { "Sun 1/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Mon 2/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including working date, holiday & weekend day" do let(:holidays) { ["Mon 30/6/2014"] } let(:date_2) { "Mon 30/6/2014" } it { eq(1) } end context "including working date, holiday, weekend & working days" do let(:date_2) { "Thu 3/7/2014" } it { eq(4) } end end context "ending on a working date" do context "including working dates, weekend & working days" do let(:date_1) { "Sat 28/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Sat 5/7/2014" } it { eq(4) } end end end context "if a calendar has a holiday on a non-working (weekend) day" do context "for a range less than a week long" do let(:date_1) { "Thu 19/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Tue 24/6/2014" } it { eq(2) } end context "for a range more than a week long" do let(:date_1) { "Mon 16/6/2014" } let(:date_2) { "Tue 24/6/2014" } it { eq(4) } end end end end context "(using Date objects)" do let(:date_class) { Date } let(:day_interval) { 1 } it_behaves_like "common" end context "(using Time objects)" do let(:date_class) { Time } let(:day_interval) { 3600 * 24 } it_behaves_like "common" end context "(using DateTime objects)" do let(:date_class) { DateTime } let(:day_interval) { 1 } it_behaves_like "common" end end