require_relative '../helpers/indented_grid' Voom::Presenters.define(:static_header, namespace: :headers) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :component_drawer indented_grid do text 'The **static header** disappears when scrolling.' text 'It is the default header type and will never cover page content.' text 'You can expand the **Show Source** area below to see it in action.' end header title: 'Static Header', placement: :static do nav do item 'Headers' do event :click do loads '/headers' end end end end indented_grid do headline 'Headers' attach :code, file: __FILE__ end end Voom::Presenters.define(:fixed_header, namespace: :headers) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :component_drawer indented_grid do text 'The **fixed header** remains fixed to the top of the viewport when scrolling.' text 'A header can be made fixed via `placement: :fixed`, and can cover page content.' text 'You can expand the **Show Source** area below to see it in action.' end header title: 'Fixed Header', placement: :fixed do nav do item 'Headers' do event :click do loads '/headers' end end end end indented_grid do headline 'Headers' attach :code, file: __FILE__ end end Voom::Presenters.define(:headers) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :top_nav attach :component_drawer header 'Presenters Demo' do nav do item 'About (Header)' do event :click do loads :index end end item 'Components (Header)' do event :click do loads :components end end item 'Styles (Header)' do event :click do loads :styles end end end end page_title 'Page about headers' do icon :subtitles end indented_grid do headline 'Headers' text '* [Static](/headers/static_header): Hides when the viewport is scrolled' text '* [Fixed](/headers/fixed_header): Remains fixed at the top of the viewport' end indented_grid do attach :code, file: __FILE__ end end