require 'rdf/turtle/terminals' require 'rdf/turtle/streaming_writer' module RDF::Turtle ## # A Turtle serialiser # # Note that the natural interface is to write a whole graph at a time. # Writing statements or Triples will create a graph to add them to # and then serialize the graph. # # @example Obtaining a Turtle writer class # RDF::Writer.for(:ttl) #=> RDF::Turtle::Writer # RDF::Writer.for("etc/test.ttl") # RDF::Writer.for(file_name: "etc/test.ttl") # RDF::Writer.for(file_extension: "ttl") # RDF::Writer.for(content_type: "text/turtle") # # @example Serializing RDF graph into an Turtle file #"etc/test.ttl") do |writer| # writer << graph # end # # @example Serializing RDF statements into an Turtle file #"etc/test.ttl") do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @example Serializing RDF statements into an Turtle string # RDF::Turtle::Writer.buffer do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @example Serializing RDF statements to a string in streaming mode # RDF::Turtle::Writer.buffer(stream: true) do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # The writer will add prefix definitions, and use them for creating @prefix definitions, and minting QNames # # @example Creating @base and @prefix definitions in output # RDF::Turtle::Writer.buffer(base_uri: "", prefixes: { # nil => "", # foaf: ""} # ) do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @author [Gregg Kellogg]( class Writer < RDF::Writer include StreamingWriter include RDF::Util::Logger format RDF::Turtle::Format # @return [Graph] Graph of statements serialized attr_accessor :graph ## # Writer options # @see def self.options super + [ symbol: :max_depth, datatype: Integer, on: ["--max-depth DEPTH"], description: "Maximum depth for recursively defining resources, defaults to 3.") {true}, symbol: :stream, datatype: TrueClass, on: ["--stream"], description: "Do not attempt to optimize graph presentation, suitable for streaming large graphs.") {true}, symbol: :default_namespace, datatype: RDF::URI, on: ["--default-namespace URI", :REQUIRED], description: "URI to use as default namespace, same as prefixes.") {|arg| RDF::URI(arg)}, symbol: :literal_shorthand, datatype: FalseClass, on: ["--no-literal-shorthand"], description: "Do not ttempt to use Literal shorthands fo numbers and boolean values.") {false}, ] end ## # Initializes the Turtle writer instance. # # @param [IO, File] output # the output stream # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options # @option options [Encoding] :encoding (Encoding::UTF_8) # the encoding to use on the output stream # @option options [Boolean] :canonicalize (false) # whether to canonicalize literals when serializing # @option options [Hash] :prefixes ( # the prefix mappings to use (not supported by all writers) # @option options [#to_s] :base_uri (nil) # the base URI to use when constructing relative URIs # @option options [Integer] :max_depth (3) # Maximum depth for recursively defining resources, defaults to 3 # @option options [Boolean] :standard_prefixes (false) # Add standard prefixes to @prefixes, if necessary. # @option options [Boolean] :stream (false) # Do not attempt to optimize graph presentation, suitable for streaming large graphs. # @option options [String] :default_namespace (nil) # URI to use as default namespace, same as `prefixes[nil]` # @option options [Boolean] :unique_bnodes (false) # Use unique node identifiers, defaults to using the identifier which the node was originall initialized with (if any). # @option options [Boolean] :literal_shorthand (true) # Attempt to use Literal shorthands for numbers and boolean values # @yield [writer] `self` # @yieldparam [RDF::Writer] writer # @yieldreturn [void] # @yield [writer] # @yieldparam [RDF::Writer] writer def initialize(output = $stdout, options = {}, &block) @graph = @uri_to_pname = {} @uri_to_prefix = {} options = {literal_shorthand: true}.merge(options) super do reset if block_given? case block.arity when 0 then instance_eval(&block) else end end end end ## # Adds a triple to be serialized # @param [RDF::Resource] subject # @param [RDF::URI] predicate # @param [RDF::Value] object # @return [void] def write_triple(subject, predicate, object) statement =, predicate, object) if @options[:stream] stream_statement(statement) else @graph.insert(statement) end end ## # Write out declarations # @return [void] `self` def write_prologue case when @options[:stream] stream_prologue else end super end ## # Outputs the Turtle representation of all stored triples. # # @return [void] # @see #write_triple def write_epilogue case when @options[:stream] stream_epilogue else @max_depth = @options[:max_depth] || 3 self.reset log_debug("\nserialize") {"graph: #{@graph.size}"} preprocess start_document order_subjects.each do |subject| unless is_done?(subject) statement(subject) end end end super end # Return a QName for the URI, or nil. Adds namespace of QName to defined prefixes # @param [RDF::Resource] resource # @return [String, nil] value to use to identify URI def get_pname(resource) case resource when RDF::Node return options[:unique_bnodes] ? resource.to_unique_base : resource.to_base when RDF::URI uri = resource.to_s else return nil end pname = case when @uri_to_pname.has_key?(uri) return @uri_to_pname[uri] when u = @uri_to_prefix.keys.sort_by {|u| u.length}.reverse.detect {|u| uri.index(u.to_s) == 0} # Use a defined prefix prefix = @uri_to_prefix[u] unless u.to_s.empty? prefix(prefix, u) unless u.to_s.empty? log_debug("get_pname") {"add prefix #{prefix.inspect} => #{u}"} uri.sub(u.to_s, "#{prefix}:") end when @options[:standard_prefixes] && vocab = RDF::Vocabulary.each.to_a.detect {|v| uri.index(v.to_uri.to_s) == 0} prefix = vocab.__name__.to_s.split('::').last.downcase @uri_to_prefix[vocab.to_uri.to_s] = prefix prefix(prefix, vocab.to_uri) # Define for output log_debug("get_pname") {"add standard prefix #{prefix.inspect} => #{vocab.to_uri}"} uri.sub(vocab.to_uri.to_s, "#{prefix}:") else nil end # Make sure pname is a valid pname if pname md = Terminals::PNAME_LN.match(pname) || Terminals::PNAME_NS.match(pname) pname = nil unless md.to_s.length == pname.length end @uri_to_pname[uri] = pname end # Take a hash from predicate uris to lists of values. # Sort the lists of values. Return a sorted list of properties. # @param [Hash{String => Array<Resource>}] properties A hash of Property to Resource mappings # @return [Array<String>}] Ordered list of properties. Uses predicate_order. def sort_properties(properties) # Make sorted list of properties prop_list = [] predicate_order.each do |prop| next unless properties[prop.to_s] prop_list << prop.to_s end properties.keys.sort.each do |prop| next if prop_list.include?(prop.to_s) prop_list << prop.to_s end log_debug("sort_properties") {prop_list.join(', ')} prop_list end ## # Returns the N-Triples representation of a literal. # # @param [RDF::Literal, String, #to_s] literal # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @return [String] def format_literal(literal, options = {}) case literal when RDF::Literal case @options[:literal_shorthand] && literal.valid? ? literal.datatype : false when RDF::XSD.boolean, RDF::XSD.integer, RDF::XSD.decimal literal.canonicalize.to_s when RDF::XSD.double literal.canonicalize.to_s.sub('E', 'e') # Favor lower case exponent else text = quoted(literal.value) text << "@#{literal.language}" if literal.has_language? text << "^^#{format_uri(literal.datatype)}" if literal.has_datatype? text end else quoted(literal.to_s) end end ## # Returns the Turtle representation of a URI reference. # # @param [RDF::URI] uri # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @return [String] def format_uri(uri, options = {}) md = uri.relativize(base_uri) log_debug("relativize") {"#{uri.to_ntriples} => #{md.inspect}"} if md != uri.to_s md != uri.to_s ? "<#{md}>" : (get_pname(uri) || "<#{uri}>") end ## # Returns the Turtle representation of a blank node. # # @param [RDF::Node] node # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @return [String] def format_node(node, options = {}) options[:unique_bnodes] ? node.to_unique_base : node.to_base end protected # Output @base and @prefix definitions def start_document @output.write("#{indent}@base <#{base_uri}> .\n") unless base_uri.to_s.empty? log_debug("start_document") {prefixes.inspect} prefixes.keys.sort_by(&:to_s).each do |prefix| @output.write("#{indent}@prefix #{prefix}: <#{prefixes[prefix]}> .\n") end end # Defines rdf:type of subjects to be emitted at the beginning of the graph. Defaults to rdfs:Class # @return [Array<URI>] def top_classes; [RDF::RDFS.Class]; end # Defines order of predicates to to emit at begninning of a resource description. Defaults to # `\[rdf:type, rdfs:label, dc:title\]` # @return [Array<URI>] def predicate_order; [RDF.type, RDF::RDFS.label, RDF::URI("")]; end # Order subjects for output. Override this to output subjects in another order. # # Uses #top_classes and #base_uri. # @return [Array<Resource>] Ordered list of subjects def order_subjects seen = {} subjects = [] # Start with base_uri if base_uri && @subjects.keys.include?(base_uri) subjects << RDF::URI(base_uri) seen[RDF::URI(base_uri)] = true end # Add distinguished classes top_classes.each do |class_uri| graph.query(predicate: RDF.type, object: class_uri).map {|st| st.subject}.sort.uniq.each do |subject| log_debug("order_subjects") {subject.to_ntriples} subjects << subject seen[subject] = true end end # Sort subjects by resources over bnodes, ref_counts and the subject URI itself recursable = @subjects.keys. select {|s| !seen.include?(s)}. map {|r| [r.node? ? 1 : 0, ref_count(r), r]}. sort subjects +={|r| r.last} end # Perform any preprocessing of statements required def preprocess # Load defined prefixes (@options[:prefixes] || {}).each_pair do |k, v| @uri_to_prefix[v.to_s] = k end prefix(nil, @options[:default_namespace]) if @options[:default_namespace] case when @options[:stream] else @options[:prefixes] = {} # Will define actual used when matched @graph.each {|statement| preprocess_statement(statement)} end end # Perform any statement preprocessing required. This is used to perform reference counts and determine required # prefixes. # @param [Statement] statement def preprocess_statement(statement) #log_debug("preprocess") {statement.to_ntriples} bump_reference(statement.object) @subjects[statement.subject] = true # Pre-fetch pnames, to fill prefixes get_pname(statement.subject) get_pname(statement.predicate) get_pname(statement.object) get_pname(statement.object.datatype) if statement.object.literal? && statement.object.datatype end # Returns indent string multiplied by the depth # @param [Integer] modifier Increase depth by specified amount # @return [String] A number of spaces, depending on current depth def indent(modifier = 0) " " * (@options.fetch(:log_depth, log_depth) * 2 + modifier) end # Reset internal helper instance variables def reset @lists = {} @references = {} @serialized = {} @subjects = {} end ## # Use single- or multi-line quotes. If literal contains \t, \n, or \r, use a multiline quote, # otherwise, use a single-line # @param [String] string # @return [String] def quoted(string) if string.to_s.match(/[\t\n\r]/) string = string.gsub('\\', '\\\\').gsub('"""', '\\"""') %("""#{string}""") else "\"#{escaped(string)}\"" end end private # Checks if l is a valid RDF list, i.e. no nodes have other properties. def is_valid_list?(l) #log_debug("is_valid_list?") {l.inspect} return l, graph: @graph).valid? end def do_list(l) list = l, graph: @graph) log_debug("do_list") {list.inspect} position = :subject list.each_statement do |st| next unless st.predicate == RDF.first log_debug {" list this: #{st.subject} first: #{st.object}[#{position}]"} path(st.object, position) subject_done(st.subject) position = :object end end def collection(node, position) return false if !is_valid_list?(node) #log_debug("collection") {"#{node.to_ntriples}, #{position}"} @output.write(position == :subject ? "(" : " (") log_depth {do_list(node)} @output.write(')') end # Can object be represented using a blankNodePropertyList? def p_squared?(resource, position) resource.node? && !@serialized.has_key?(resource) && ref_count(resource) <= 1 end # Represent an object as a blankNodePropertyList def p_squared(resource, position) return false unless p_squared?(resource, position) #log_debug("p_squared") {"#{resource.to_ntriples}, #{position}"} subject_done(resource) @output.write(position == :subject ? '[' : ' [') log_depth do num_props = predicateObjectList(resource, true) @output.write(num_props > 1 ? "\n#{indent} ]" : "]") end true end # Default singular resource representation. def p_default(resource, position) #log_debug("p_default") {"#{resource.to_ntriples}, #{position}"} l = (position == :subject ? "" : " ") + format_term(resource, options) @output.write(l) end # Represent a resource in subject, predicate or object position. # Use either collection, blankNodePropertyList or singular resource notation. def path(resource, position) log_debug("path") do "#{resource.to_ntriples}, " + "pos: #{position}, " + "()?: #{is_valid_list?(resource)}, " + "[]?: #{p_squared?(resource, position)}, " + "rc: #{ref_count(resource)}" end raise RDF::WriterError, "Cannot serialize resource '#{resource}'" unless collection(resource, position) || p_squared(resource, position) || p_default(resource, position) end def predicate(resource) log_debug("predicate") {resource.to_ntriples} if resource == RDF.type @output.write(" a") else path(resource, :predicate) end end # Render an objectList having a common subject and predicate def objectList(objects) log_debug("objectList") {objects.inspect} return if objects.empty? objects.each_with_index do |obj, i| if i > 0 && p_squared?(obj, :object) @output.write ", " elsif i > 0 @output.write ",\n#{indent(4)}" end path(obj, :object) end end # Render a predicateObjectList having a common subject. # @return [Integer] the number of properties serialized def predicateObjectList(subject, from_bpl = false) properties = {} @graph.query(subject: subject) do |st| (properties[st.predicate.to_s] ||= []) << st.object end prop_list = sort_properties(properties) - [RDF.first.to_s,] log_debug("predicateObjectList") {prop_list.inspect} return 0 if prop_list.empty? @output.write("\n#{indent(2)}") if properties.keys.length > 1 && from_bpl prop_list.each_with_index do |prop, i| begin @output.write(";\n#{indent(2)}") if i > 0 predicate(RDF::URI.intern(prop)) objectList(properties[prop]) end end properties.keys.length end # Can subject be represented as a blankNodePropertyList? def blankNodePropertyList?(subject) ref_count(subject) == 0 && subject.node? && !is_valid_list?(subject) end # Represent subject as a blankNodePropertyList? def blankNodePropertyList(subject) return false unless blankNodePropertyList?(subject) log_debug("blankNodePropertyList") {subject.to_ntriples} @output.write("\n#{indent} [") num_props = log_depth {predicateObjectList(subject, true)} @output.write(num_props > 1 ? "\n#{indent} ] ." : "] .") true end # Render triples having the same subject using an explicit subject def triples(subject) @output.write("\n#{indent}") path(subject, :subject) predicateObjectList(subject) @output.write(" .") true end def statement(subject) log_debug("statement") {"#{subject.to_ntriples}, bnodePL?: #{blankNodePropertyList?(subject)}"} subject_done(subject) blankNodePropertyList(subject) || triples(subject) @output.puts end def is_done?(subject) @serialized.include?(subject) end # Return the number of times this node has been referenced in the object position # @return [Integer] def ref_count(resource) @references.fetch(resource, 0) end # Increase the reference count of this resource # @param [RDF::Resource] resource # @return [Integer] resulting reference count def bump_reference(resource) @references[resource] = ref_count(resource) + 1 end # Mark a subject as done. def subject_done(subject) @serialized[subject] = true end end end