# frozen_string_literal: true module ISO3166 module CountryFinderMethods FIND_BY_REGEX = /^find_(all_)?(country_|countries_)?by_(.+)/ SEARCH_TERM_FILTER_REGEX = /\(|\)|\[\]|,/ def search(query) country = new(query.to_s.upcase) country&.valid? ? country : nil end def [](query) search(query) end def find_all_by(attribute, val) attributes, lookup_value = parse_attributes(attribute, val) ISO3166::Data.cache.select do |_, v| country = Country.new(v) attributes.any? do |attr| Array(country.send(attr)).any? do |n| lookup_value === cached(n) { parse_value(n) } end end end end def method_missing(method_name, *arguments) matches = method_name.to_s.match(FIND_BY_REGEX) return_all = matches[1] super unless matches countries = find_by(matches[3], arguments[0], matches[2]) return_all ? countries : countries.last end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) matches = method_name.to_s.match(FIND_BY_REGEX) if matches && matches[3] instance_methods.include?(matches[3].to_sym) else super end end protected def find_by(attribute, value, obj = nil) find_all_by(attribute.downcase, value).map do |country| obj.nil? ? country : new(country.last) end end def parse_attributes(attribute, val) raise "Invalid attribute name '#{attribute}'" unless searchable_attribute?(attribute.to_sym) attributes = Array(attribute.to_s) attributes = %w[iso_long_name iso_short_name unofficial_names translated_names] if attribute.to_s == 'any_name' [attributes, parse_value(val)] end def parse_value(value) value = value.gsub(SEARCH_TERM_FILTER_REGEX, '').freeze if value.respond_to?(:gsub) strip_accents(value) end def searchable_attribute?(attribute) searchable_attributes.include?(attribute.to_sym) end def searchable_attributes # Add name and names until we complete the deprecation of the finders instance_methods - UNSEARCHABLE_METHODS + %i[name names any_name] end end end