class Jazzy def self.headers(path) paths = [] Find.find(path) do |path| if (path =~ /.*\.h$/) and not (path =~ /.*private\.h$/i) and not (path =~ /test.*\//i) paths << File.expand_path(path) end end return paths end def self.document(path) bin_path = File.expand_path(File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__),'../bin')) klass = string = `#{bin_path}/SwiftHeader #{path}` a = string.split(/^\[/); swift = a[0]; rawmap = "[\n"+a[-1] rawmap.gsub!(/(key.\w+):/,'"\1":') rawmap.gsub!(/(source..+),/,'"\1",') xml = `#{bin_path}/ASTDump #{path}` doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml) results = doc.xpath("//*[@file='#{path}']") #results = doc.find_all { |node| node.attribute("file") && node.attribute("file").strip.chomp == path.strip.chomp } # Fill in Overview top = results.first #next if e.attribute("file") && e.attribute("file").text != path #print top #exit klass[:name] = top.xpath("Name").text klass[:usr] = top.xpath("USR").text klass[:declaration] = {} klass[:declaration][:objc] = top.xpath("Declaration").text.strip klass[:abstract] = top.xpath("Abstract/Para").text.strip paras = []; top.xpath("./Discussion/Para").each {|p| paras << p.text.strip } klass[:discussion] = paras.join("\n\n") # Only usable if Swift Header can be correctly generated unless rawmap.include? "<>" swiftmap = {} map = {} JSON.parse(rawmap).each do |element| next unless element[""].downcase == klass[:name].downcase # more than one matching element? element["key.entities"].each do |e| swiftmap[e["key.usr"]] = {} swiftmap[e["key.usr"]]["declaration"] = swift.byteslice(e["key.offset"], e["key.length"]) swiftmap[e["key.usr"]]["name"] = e[""] end # Inherits klass[:inherits] = [] element["key.inherits"].each { |i| klass[:inherits] << { usr: i["key.usr"], name: i[""] } } unless map["key.inherits"].nil? # Conforms to klass[:conforms] = [] element["key.conforms"].each { |c| klass[:conforms] << { usr: c["key.usr"], name: c[""] } } unless map["key.conforms"].nil? end end # Import klass[:import] = swift.split("\n")[0].chomp.gsub('import ', '') # Fill in Properties klass[:properties] = [] results[1..-1].each do |e| next unless == "Other" property = {} property[:usr] = e.xpath("USR").text property[:name] = {} property[:name][:objc] = e.xpath("Name").text if !swiftmap.nil? && swiftmap[property[:usr]] property[:name][:swift] = swiftmap[property[:usr]]["name"] else property[:name][:swift] = "Could not be generated" end property[:term] = property[:usr] property[:declaration] = {} property[:declaration][:objc] = e.xpath("Declaration").text.strip if !swiftmap.nil? && swiftmap[property[:usr]] property[:declaration][:swift] = swiftmap.nil? else property[:declaration][:swift] = "Could not be generated" end property[:abstract] = e.xpath("Abstract/Para").text.strip paras = []; e.xpath("Discussion/Para").each {|p| paras << p.text.strip } property[:discussion] = paras.join("\n\n") unless paras.length == 0 klass[:properties] << property end #puts klass[:properties] # Fill in Methods klass[:methods] = [] results[1..-1].each do |e| next unless == "Function" method = {} method[:usr] = e.xpath("USR").text method[:name] = {} method[:name][:objc] = e.xpath("Name").text if !swiftmap.nil? && swiftmap[method[:usr]] method[:name][:swift] = swiftmap[method[:usr]]["name"] else method[:name][:swift] = "Could not be generated" end next if method[:usr].include?('(py)') method[:term] = method[:usr].split(')')[-1] method[:declaration] = {} method[:declaration][:objc] = e.xpath("Declaration").text if !swiftmap.nil? && swiftmap[method[:usr]] method[:declaration][:swift] = swiftmap[method[:usr]]["declaration"] else method[:declaration][:swift] = "Could not be generated" end method[:abstract] = e.xpath("Abstract/Para").text.strip paras = []; e.xpath("Discussion/Para").each {|p| paras << p.text.strip } method[:discussion] = paras.join("\n\n") unless paras.length == 0 method[:result] = e.xpath("ResultDiscussion/Para").text.strip method[:parameters] = [] parameters = []; e.xpath("//Parameter").each do |p| param = {} param[:name] = p.xpath("Name").text param[:discussion] = p.xpath("Discussion/Para").text.strip method[:parameters] << param end klass[:methods] << method end klass.render end def self.assets(dir) Dir.mkdir(File.join(dir,'CSS')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(dir,'JavaScript')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(dir,'Images')) FileUtils.cp_r(Dir[File.expand_path(File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__),'assets/*'))],dir) end end require 'mustache' require 'redcarpet' require 'nokogiri' require 'json' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions' require 'date' require 'uri' require "jazzy/klass.rb" require "jazzy/jazzhtml.rb"