class PasswordResetsController < ApplicationController skip_before_action :authenticate <% if options.lockable? -%> before_action :require_locking, only: :create <% end -%> before_action :set_<%= singular_table_name %>, only: :update def create if @<%= singular_table_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find_by(email: params[:email], verified: true) IdentityMailer.with(<%= singular_table_name %>: @<%= singular_table_name %>).password_reset_provision.deliver_later else render json: { error: "You can't reset your password until you verify your email" }, status: :not_found end end def update if @<%= singular_table_name %>.update(<%= "#{singular_table_name}_params" %>) render json: @<%= singular_table_name %> else render json: @<%= singular_table_name %>.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end private def set_<%= singular_table_name %> @<%= singular_table_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find_signed!(params[:token], purpose: :password_reset) rescue render json: { error: "That password reset link is invalid" }, status: :bad_request end def <%= "#{singular_table_name}_params" %> params.permit(:password, :password_confirmation) end <% if options.lockable? %> def require_locking Locking.lock_on("password_reset_lock_#{request.remote_ip}", wait: 1.hour, attempts: 10) do render json: { error: "You've exceeded the maximum number of attempts" }, status: :too_many_requests end end <% end -%> end