require 'log4r' require 'util/miq-xml' require 'util/runcmd' require 'metadata/VmConfig/VmConfig' require 'VolumeManager/MiqNativeVolumeManager' require 'fs/MiqMountManager' module MiqNativeMountManager LSHW = "lshw" def self.mountVolumes lshwXml = MiqUtil.runcmd("#{LSHW} -xml") nodeHash = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } doc = MiqXml.load(lshwXml) doc.find_match("//node").each { |n| nodeHash[n.attributes["id"].split(':', 2)[0]] << n } hardware = "" nodeHash["disk"].each do |d| diskid = d.find_first('businfo').get_text.to_s next unless diskid sn = d.find_first('size') # If there's no size node, assume it's a removable drive. next unless sn busType, busAddr = diskid.split('@', 2) if busType == "scsi" f1, f2 = busAddr.split(':', 2) f2 = f2.split('.')[1] busAddr = "#{f1}:#{f2}" else busAddr['.'] = ':' end diskid = busType + busAddr filename = d.find_first('logicalname').get_text.to_s hardware += "#{diskid}.present = \"TRUE\"\n" hardware += "#{diskid}.filename = \"#{filename}\"\n" end cfg = volMgr = (MiqMountManager.mountVolumes(volMgr, cfg)) end end # module MiqNativeMountManager if __FILE__ == $0 # # Formatter to output log messages to the console. # class ConsoleFormatter < Log4r::Formatter def format(event) ( ? : + "\n" end end $log = 'toplog' $log.level = Log4r::DEBUG'err_console', :formatter => ConsoleFormatter) $log.add 'err_console' puts "Log debug?: #{$log.debug?}" rootTrees = MiqNativeMountManager.mountVolumes if rootTrees.nil? || rootTrees.empty? puts "No root filesystems detected" exit end $miqOut = $stdout rootTrees.each do |r| r.toXml(nil) end rootTree = rootTrees[0] if rootTree.guestOS == "Linux" puts puts "Files in /:" rootTree.dirForeach("/") { |f| puts "\t#{f}" } puts puts "All files in /test_mount:" rootTree.findEach("/test_mount") { |f| puts "\t#{f}" } elsif rootTree.guestOS == "Windows" puts puts "Files in C:/" rootTree.dirForeach("C:/") { |f| puts "\t#{f}" } ["E:/", "F:/"].each do |drive| puts puts "All files in #{drive}" rootTree.findEach(drive) { |f| puts "\t#{f}" } end else puts "Unknown guest OS: #{rootTree.guestOS}" end end