require 'digest/sha1' require 'email_validator' require 'clearance/token' module Clearance # Required to be included in your configued user class, which is `User` by # default, but can be changed with {Configuration#user_model=}. # # class User # include Clearance::User # # # ... # end # # This will also include methods exposed by your password strategy, which can # be configured with {Configuration#password_strategy=}. By default, this is # {PasswordStrategies::BCrypt}. # # ## Validations # # These validations are added to the class that the {User} module is mixed # into. # # * If {#email_optional?} is false, {#email} is validated for presence, # uniqueness and email format (using the `email_validator` gem in strict # mode). # * If {#skip_password_validation?} is false, {#password} is validated # for presence. # # ## Callbacks # # * {#normalize_email} will be called on `before_validation` # * {#generate_remember_token} will be called on `before_create` # # @!attribute email # @return [String] The user's email. # # @!attribute encrypted_password # @return [String] The user's encrypted password. # # @!attribute remember_token # @return [String] The value used to identify this user in their {Session} # cookie. # # @!attribute confirmation_token # @return [String] The value used to identify this user in the password # reset link. # # @!attribute password_changing # @return [String] Transient (non-persisted) attribute that is set to # `true` when {#update_password} is called. This value is read by # {#skip_password_validation?} to determine if password validations need # to be run. # # @!attribute [r] password # @return [String] Transient (non-persisted) attribute that is set when # updating a user's password. Only the {#encrypted_password} is persisted. # # @!method password= # Sets the user's encrypted_password by using the configured Password # Strategy's `password=` method. By default, this will be # {PasswordStrategies::BCrypt#password=}, but can be changed with # {Configuration#password_strategy}. # # @see PasswordStrategies # @return [void] # # @!method authenticated? # Check's the provided password against the user's encrypted password using # the configured password strategy. By default, this will be # {PasswordStrategies::BCrypt#authenticated?}, but can be changed with # {Configuration#password_strategy}. # # @see PasswordStrategies # @param [String] password # The password to check. # @return [Boolean] # True if the password provided is correct for the user. # # @!method self.authenticate # Finds the user with the given email and authenticates them with the # provided password. If the email corresponds to a user and the provided # password is correct for that user, this method will return that user. # Otherwise it will return nil. # # @return [User, nil] # # @!method self.find_by_normalized_email # Finds the user with the given email. The email with be normalized via # {#normalize_email}. # # @return [User, nil] # # @!method self.normalize_email # Normalizes the provided email by downcasing and removing all spaces. # This is used by {find_by_normalized_email} and is also called when # validating a user to ensure only normalized emails are stored in the # database. # # @return [String] # module User extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_accessor :password_changing attr_reader :password include Validations include Callbacks include password_strategy end # @api private module ClassMethods def authenticate(email, password) if user = find_by_normalized_email(email) if password.present? && user.authenticated?(password) return user end end end def find_by_normalized_email(email) find_by_email normalize_email(email) end def normalize_email(email) email.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, "") end private def password_strategy Clearance.configuration.password_strategy || PasswordStrategies::BCrypt end end # @api private module Validations extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do validates :email, email: { strict_mode: true }, presence: true, uniqueness: { allow_blank: true }, unless: :email_optional? validates :password, presence: true, unless: :skip_password_validation? end end # @api private module Callbacks extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_validation :normalize_email before_create :generate_remember_token end end # Generates a {#confirmation_token} for the user, which allows them to reset # their password via an email link. # # Calling `forgot_password!` will cause the user model to be saved without # validations. Any other changes you made to this user instance will also # be persisted, without validation. It is inteded to be called on an # instance with no changes (`dirty? == false`). # # @return [Boolean] Was the save successful? def forgot_password! generate_confirmation_token save validate: false end # Generates a new {#remember_token} for the user, which will have the effect # of signing all of the user's current sessions out. This is called # internally by {Session#sign_out}. # # Calling `reset_remember_token!` will cause the user model to be saved # without validations. Any other changes you made to this user instance will # also be persisted, without validation. It is inteded to be called on an # instance with no changes (`dirty? == false`). # # @return [Boolean] Was the save successful? def reset_remember_token! generate_remember_token save validate: false end # Sets the user's password to the new value, using the `password=` method on # the configured password strategy. By default, this is # {PasswordStrategies::BCrypt#password=}. # # This also has the side-effect of blanking the {#confirmation_token} and # rotating the `#remember_token`. # # Validations will be run as part of this update. If the user instance is # not valid, the password change will not be persisted, and this method will # return `false`. # # @return [Boolean] Was the save successful? def update_password(new_password) self.password_changing = true self.password = new_password if valid? self.confirmation_token = nil generate_remember_token end save end private # Sets the email on this instance to the value returned by # {.normalize_email} # # @return [String] def normalize_email = self.class.normalize_email(email) end # Always false. Override this method in your user model to allow for other # forms of user authentication (username, Facebook, etc). # # @return [false] def email_optional? false end # Always false. Override this method in your user model to allow for other # forms of user authentication (username, Facebook, etc). # # @return [false] def password_optional? false end # True if {#password_optional?} is true or if the user already has an # {#encrypted_password} that is not changing. # # @return [Boolean] def skip_password_validation? password_optional? || (encrypted_password.present? && !password_changing) end # Sets the {#confirmation_token} on the instance to a new value generated by # {}. The change is not automatically persisted. If you would like # to generate and save in a single method call, use {#forgot_password!}. # # @return [String] The new confirmation token def generate_confirmation_token self.confirmation_token = end # Sets the {#remember_token} on the instance to a new value generated by # {}. The change is not automatically persisted. If you would like # to generate and sace in a single method call, use # {#reset_remember_token!}. # # @return [String] The new remember token def generate_remember_token self.remember_token = end private_constant :Callbacks, :ClassMethods, :Validations end end