def include_global_namespaces(namespaces) namespaces.each { |namespace| include(eval(namespace)) } end module IronNails class << self # The Configuration instance used to configure the Rails environment def configuration @@configuration end def configuration=(configuration) @@configuration = configuration end def logger IRONNAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER end def root if defined?(IRONNAILS_ROOT) IRONNAILS_ROOT else nil end end def env IRONNAILS_ENV end def version IronNails::VERSION::STRING end end # This structure has been heavily inspired by the rails framework. # The Configuration class holds all the parameters for the Initializer # Usually, you'll create a Configuration file implicitly through the block # running on the Initializer, but it's also possible to create # the Configuration instance in advance and pass it in # like this: # # config = # class Initializer def initialize(configuration) IronNails.configuration = configuration initialize_logger set_constants require_binaries include_namespaces require_application_files end def = yield configuration if block_given? initializer = new configuration initializer end def configuration IronNails.configuration end def set_constants logger.debug "setting application constants", IRONNAILS_FRAMEWORKNAME end # If the IRONNAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER constant is already set, this initialization # routine does nothing. If the constant is not set, and Configuration#logger # is not +nil+, this also does nothing. Otherwise, a new logger instance # is created at Configuration#log_path, with a default log level of # Configuration#log_level. # # If the log could not be created, the log will be set to output to # +STDERR+, with a log level of +WARN+. def initialize_logger # if the environment has explicitly defined a logger, use it return if defined?(IRONNAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER) unless logr = configuration.logger begin logr = logr.level = IronNails::Logging::BufferedLogger.const_get(configuration.log_level.to_s.upcase) if configuration.environment == "production" logr.auto_flushing = false logr.set_non_blocking_io end rescue StandardError => e logr = logr.level = IronNails::Logging::BufferedLogger::WARN logr.warn( "IronNails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that #{configuration.log_path} exists and is chmod 0666. " + "The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed. #{e}" ) end logr.debug "initializing logger", IRONNAILS_FRAMEWORKNAME end silence_warnings { Object.const_set "IRONNAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER", logr } end def logger IRONNAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER end def require_binaries logger.debug "requiring binaries from bin", IRONNAILS_FRAMEWORKNAME configuration.assembly_paths.each do |path| require_files path, :dll end end def include_namespaces logger.debug "Including namespaces", IRONNAILS_FRAMEWORKNAME #include_global_namespaces configuration.namespaces configuration.namespaces.each { |namespace| Object.send :include, eval(namespace) } end def require_application_files logger.debug "requiring application files", IRONNAILS_FRAMEWORKNAME configuration.application_paths.each do |path| require_files path, :rb end end def require_files(path, extension) Dir.glob("#{File.expand_path(path)}/*.#{extension}").each do |file| # puts "#{file}" require "#{file}" unless configuration.excluded_file? file end end end end