# Change log ## master (unreleased) ## 1.4.0 (15/02/2016) * Update to rubocop 0.37.2. ([@nijikon][]) * Update ruby versions we test against. ([@nijikon][]) * Add `RSpec::NotToNot` cop. ([@miguelfteixeira][]) * Add `Rspec/AnyInstance` cop. ([@mlarraz][]) ## 1.3.1 * Fix auto correction issue - syntax had changed in RuboCop v0.31. ([@bquorning][]) * Add RuboCop clone to vendor folder - see #39 for details. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.3.0 * Ignore non string arguments for FilePathCop - thanks to @deivid-rodriguez. ([@geniou][]) * Skip DescribeMethod cop for tagged specs. ([@deivid-rodriguez][]) * Skip DescribeClass cop for feature/request specs. ([@deivid-rodriguez][]) ## 1.2.2 * Make `RSpec::ExampleWording` case insensitive. ([@geniou][]) ## 1.2.1 * Add `RSpec::VerifiedDoubles` cop. ([@andyw8][]) ## 1.2.0 * Drop support of ruby `1.9.2`. ([@geniou][]) * Update to RuboCop `~> 0.24`. ([@geniou][]) * Add `autocorrect` to `RSpec::ExampleWording`. This experimental - use with care and check the changes. ([@geniou][]) * Fix config loader debug output. ([@geniou][]) * Rename `FileName` cop to `FilePath` as a workaround - see [#19](https://github.com/nevir/rubocop-rspec/issues/19). ([@geniou][]) ## 1.1.0 * Add `autocorrect` to `RSpec::DescribedClass` cop. ([@geniou][]) ## 1.0.1 * Add `config` folder to gemspec. ([@pstengel][]) ## 1.0.rc3 * Update to RuboCop `>= 0.23`. ([@geniou][]) * Add configuration option for `CustomTransformation` to `FileName` cop. ([@geniou][]) ## 1.0.rc2 * Gem is no longer 20MB (sorry!). ([@nevir][]) * `RspecFileName` cop allows for method specs to organized into directories by class and type. ([@nevir][]) ## 1.0.rc1 * Update code to work with rubocop `>= 0.19`. ([@geniou][]) * Split `UnitSpecNaming` cop into `RSpecDescribeClass`, `RSpecDescribeMethod` and `RSpecFileName` and enabled them all by default. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecExampleWording` cop to prevent to use of should at the beginning of the spec description. ([@geniou][]) * Fix `RSpecFileName` cop for non-class specs. ([@geniou][]) * Adapt `RSpecFileName` cop to commen naming convention and skip spec with multiple top level describes. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecMultipleDescribes` cop to check for multiple top level describes. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecDescribedClass` to promote the use of `described_class`. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecInstanceVariable` cop to check for the usage of instance variables. ([@geniou][]) [@andyw8]: https://github.com/andyw8i [@bquorning]: https://github.com/bquorning [@deivid-rodriguez]: https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez [@geniou]: https://github.com/geniou [@jawshooah]: https://github.com/jawshooah [@nevir]: https://github.com/nevir [@nijikon]: https://github.com/nijikon [@pstengel]: https://github.com/pstengel [@miguelfteixeira]: https://github.com/miguelfteixeira [@mlarraz]: https://github.com/mlarraz