require 'set' require 'uri' require 'date' module Parameters class Param # Name of parameter attr_reader :name # Enforced type of the parameter attr_reader :type # Description of parameter attr_reader :description # # Creates a new Param object. # # @param [Symbol, String] name # The name of the parameter. # # @param [Class] type # The enforced type of the parameter. # # @param [String, nil] description # The description of the parameter. # def initialize(name,type=nil,description=nil) @name = name.to_sym @type = type @description = description end protected # Type classes and their coercion methods TYPE_COERSION = { Set => :coerce_set, Array => :coerce_array, URI => :coerce_uri, Regexp => :coerce_regexp, DateTime => :coerce_date, Date => :coerce_date, Symbol => :coerce_symbol, String => :coerce_string, Integer => :coerce_integer, Float => :coerce_float, true => :coerce_boolean } # # Coerces a given value into a specific type. # # @param [Class] type # The type to coerce the value into. # # @param [Object] value # The value to coerce. # # @return [Object] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_type(type,value) if value.nil? nil elsif type.kind_of?(Set) coerce_array(Array,value).map { |element| coerce_type(type.first,element) }.to_set elsif type.kind_of?(Array) coerce_array(Array,value).map do |element| coerce_type(type.first,element) end elsif (method_name = TYPE_COERSION[type]) self.send(method_name,type,value) else value end end # # Coerces a given value into the `type` of the param. # # @param [Object] value # The value to coerce. # # @return [Object] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce(value) coerce_type(@type,value) end # # Coerces a given value into a `Set`. # # @param [Set[Class]] type # An optional `Set` containing the type to coerce the elements # of the given value to. # # @param [Enumerable, Object] value # The value to coerce into a `Set`. # # @return [Set] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_set(type,value) if value.kind_of?(Set) value elsif (value.kind_of?(Enumerable) || value.respond_to?(:to_set)) value.to_set else Set[value] end end # # Coerces a given value into an `Array`. # # @param [Array[Class]] type # An optional `Array` containing the type to coerce the elements # of the given value to. # # @param [Enumerable, Object] value # The value to coerce into an `Array`. # # @return [Array] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_array(type,value) if value.kind_of?(Array) value elsif (value.kind_of?(Enumerable) || value.respond_to?(:to_a)) value.to_a else [value] end end # # Coerces a given value into a `URI`. # # @param [Class] type # The `URI` type to coerce to. # # @param [URI::Generic, #to_s] value # The value to coerce into a `URI`. # # @return [URI::Generic] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_uri(type,value) if value.kind_of?(type) value else URI.parse(value.to_s) end end # # Coerces a given value into a `Regexp`. # # @param [Class] type # The `Regexp` type to coerce to. # # @param [Regexp, #to_s] value # The value to coerce into a `Regexp`. # # @return [Regexp] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_regexp(type,value) if value.kind_of?(Regexp) value else end end # # Coerces a given value into a `Symbol`. # # @param [Class] type # The `Symbol` class. # # @param [#to_s] value # The value to coerce. # # @return [Symbol] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_symbol(type,value) if value.kind_of?(type) value else value.to_s.to_sym end end # # Coerces a given value into a `String`. # # @param [Class] type # The `String` class. # # @param [#to_s] value # The value to coerce into a `String`. # # @return [String] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_string(type,value) if value.kind_of?(type) value else value.to_s end end # # Coerces a given value into an `Integer`. # # @param [Class] # The Integer class. # # @param [String, #to_i] value # The value to coerce into an `Integer`. # # @return [Integer] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_integer(type,value) if value.kind_of?(type) value elsif value.kind_of?(String) base = if value[0..1] == '0x' 16 elsif value[0..0] == '0' 8 else 10 end value.to_i(base) elsif value.respond_to?(:to_i) value.to_i else 0 end end # # Coerces a given value into a `Float`. # # @param [Class] type # The `Float` class. # # @param [String, #to_f] value # The value to coerce into a `Float`. # # @return [Float] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_float(type,value) if value.kind_of?(type) value elsif (value.kind_of?(String) || value.respond_to?(:to_f)) value.to_f else 0.0 end end # # Coerces a given value into a `DateTime` or `Date`. # # @param [Class] type # The `DateTime` or `Date` class. # # @param [#to_s] value # The value to coerce into either a `Date` or `DateTime` object. # # @return [DateTime, Date] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_date(type,value) if value.kind_of?(type) value else type.parse(value.to_s) end end # # Coerces a given value into either a `true` or `false` value. # # @param [true] type # # @param [TrueClass, FalseClass, String, Symbol] value # The value to coerce into either a `true` or `false` value. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # The coerced value. # # @since 0.2.0 # def coerce_boolean(type,value) case value when FalseClass, NilClass, 'false', :false false else true end end end end