require File.expand_path("../test_helper", __FILE__) require 'rbconfig' class TestCollection < Test::Unit::TestCase @@connection ||= standard_connection(:op_timeout => 10) @@db = @@connection.db(MONGO_TEST_DB) @@test = @@db.collection("test") @@version = @@connection.server_version def setup @@test.remove end def test_capped_method @@db.create_collection('normal') assert !@@db['normal'].capped? @@db.drop_collection('normal') @@db.create_collection('c', :capped => true, :size => 100_000) assert @@db['c'].capped? @@db.drop_collection('c') end def test_optional_pk_factory @coll_default_pk = @@db.collection('stuff') assert_equal BSON::ObjectId, @coll_default_pk.pk_factory @coll_default_pk = @@db.create_collection('more-stuff') assert_equal BSON::ObjectId, @coll_default_pk.pk_factory # Create a db with a pk_factory. @db =['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_HOST'] || 'localhost', ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_PORT'] || Connection::DEFAULT_PORT).db(MONGO_TEST_DB, :pk => @coll = @db.collection('coll-with-pk') assert @coll.pk_factory.is_a?(Object) @coll = @db.create_collection('created_coll_with_pk') assert @coll.pk_factory.is_a?(Object) end class TestPK def self.create_pk end end def test_pk_factory_on_collection silently do @coll ='foo', @@db, TestPK) assert_equal TestPK, @coll.pk_factory end @coll2 ='foo', @@db, :pk => TestPK) assert_equal TestPK, @coll2.pk_factory end def test_valid_names assert_raise Mongo::InvalidNSName do @@db["te$t"] end assert_raise Mongo::InvalidNSName do @@db['$main'] end assert @@db['$cmd'] assert @@db['oplog.$main'] end def test_collection assert_kind_of Collection, @@db["test"] assert_equal @@db["test"].name(), @@db.collection("test").name() assert_equal @@db["test"].name(), @@db[:test].name() assert_kind_of Collection, @@db["test"]["foo"] assert_equal @@db["test"]["foo"].name(), @@db.collection("").name() assert_equal @@db["test"]["foo"].name(), @@db[""].name() @@db["test"]["foo"].remove @@db["test"]["foo"].insert("x" => 5) assert_equal 5, @@db.collection("").find_one()["x"] end def test_rename_collection @@db.drop_collection('foo1') @@db.drop_collection('bar1') @col = @@db.create_collection('foo1') assert_equal 'foo1', @col.rename('bar1') assert_equal 'bar1', end def test_nil_id assert_equal 5, @@test.insert({"_id" => 5, "foo" => "bar"}, {:safe => true}) assert_equal 5,{"_id" => 5, "foo" => "baz"}, {:safe => true}) assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one("foo" => "bar") assert_equal "baz", @@test.find_one(:_id => 5)["foo"] assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.insert({"_id" => 5, "foo" => "bar"}, {:safe => true}) end assert_equal nil, @@test.insert({"_id" => nil, "foo" => "bar"}, {:safe => true}) assert_equal nil,{"_id" => nil, "foo" => "baz"}, {:safe => true}) assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one("foo" => "bar") assert_equal "baz", @@test.find_one(:_id => nil)["foo"] assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.insert({"_id" => nil, "foo" => "bar"}, {:safe => true}) end assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.insert({:_id => nil, "foo" => "bar"}, {:safe => true}) end end if @@version > "1.1" def setup_for_distinct @@test.remove @@test.insert([{:a => 0, :b => {:c => "a"}}, {:a => 1, :b => {:c => "b"}}, {:a => 1, :b => {:c => "c"}}, {:a => 2, :b => {:c => "a"}}, {:a => 3}, {:a => 3}]) end def test_distinct_queries setup_for_distinct assert_equal [0, 1, 2, 3], @@test.distinct(:a).sort assert_equal ["a", "b", "c"], @@test.distinct("b.c").sort end if @@version >= "1.2" def test_filter_collection_with_query setup_for_distinct assert_equal [2, 3], @@test.distinct(:a, {:a => {"$gt" => 1}}).sort end def test_filter_nested_objects setup_for_distinct assert_equal ["a", "b"], @@test.distinct("b.c", {"b.c" => {"$ne" => "c"}}).sort end end end def test_safe_insert @@test.create_index("hello", :unique => true) a = {"hello" => "world"} @@test.insert(a) @@test.insert(a) assert(@@db.get_last_error['err'].include?("11000")) assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.insert(a, :safe => true) end end def test_bulk_insert docs = [] docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:foo => 2} docs << {:foo => 3} response = @@test.insert(docs) assert_equal 3, response.length assert response.all? {|id| id.is_a?(BSON::ObjectId)} assert_equal 3, @@test.count end def test_bulk_insert_with_continue_on_error if @@version >= "2.0" @@test.create_index([["foo", 1]], :unique => true) docs = [] docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:foo => 2} docs << {:foo => 3} assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.insert(docs, :safe => true) end assert_equal 1, @@test.count @@test.remove docs = [] docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:foo => 2} docs << {:foo => 3} assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.insert(docs, :safe => true, :continue_on_error => true) end assert_equal 3, @@test.count @@test.remove @@test.drop_index("foo_1") end end def test_bson_valid_with_collect_on_error docs = [] docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:bar => 1} doc_ids, error_docs = @@test.insert(docs, :collect_on_error => true) assert_equal 2, @@test.count assert_equal 2, doc_ids.count assert_equal error_docs, [] end def test_bson_invalid_key_serialize_error_with_collect_on_error docs = [] docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:bar => 1} invalid_docs = [] invalid_docs << {'$invalid-key' => 1} invalid_docs << {'invalid.key' => 1} docs += invalid_docs assert_raise BSON::InvalidKeyName do @@test.insert(docs, :collect_on_error => false) end assert_equal 0, @@test.count doc_ids, error_docs = @@test.insert(docs, :collect_on_error => true) assert_equal 2, @@test.count assert_equal 2, doc_ids.count assert_equal error_docs, invalid_docs end def test_bson_invalid_encoding_serialize_error_with_collect_on_error # Broken for current JRuby if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' then return end docs = [] docs << {:foo => 1} docs << {:bar => 1} invalid_docs = [] invalid_docs << {"\223\372\226}" => 1} # non utf8 encoding docs += invalid_docs assert_raise BSON::InvalidStringEncoding do @@test.insert(docs, :collect_on_error => false) end assert_equal 0, @@test.count doc_ids, error_docs = @@test.insert(docs, :collect_on_error => true) assert_equal 2, @@test.count assert_equal 2, doc_ids.count assert_equal error_docs, invalid_docs end def test_maximum_insert_size docs = [] 16.times do docs << {'foo' => 'a' * 1024 * 1024} end assert_raise InvalidOperation do @@test.insert(docs) end end if @@version >= "1.5.1" def test_safe_mode_with_advanced_safe_with_invalid_options assert_raise_error ArgumentError, "Unknown key(s): wtime" do @@test.insert({:foo => 1}, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtime => 1, :fsync => true}) end assert_raise_error ArgumentError, "Unknown key(s): wtime" do @@test.update({:foo => 1}, {:foo => 2}, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtime => 1, :fsync => true}) end assert_raise_error ArgumentError, "Unknown key(s): wtime" do @@test.remove({:foo => 2}, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtime => 1, :fsync => true}) end end end if @@version >= "2.0.0" def test_safe_mode_with_journal_commit_option @@test.insert({:foo => 1}, :safe => {:j => true}) @@test.update({:foo => 1}, {:foo => 2}, :safe => {:j => true}) @@test.remove({:foo => 2}, :safe => {:j => true}) end end def test_update id1 ="x" => 5) @@test.update({}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}) assert_equal 1, @@test.count() assert_equal 6, @@test.find_one(:_id => id1)["x"] id2 ="x" => 1) @@test.update({"x" => 6}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}) assert_equal 7, @@test.find_one(:_id => id1)["x"] assert_equal 1, @@test.find_one(:_id => id2)["x"] end def test_update_check_keys"x" => 1) @@test.update({"x" => 1}, {"$set" => {"a.b" => 2}}) assert_equal 2, @@test.find_one("x" => 1)["a"]["b"] assert_raise_error BSON::InvalidKeyName, "key a.b must not contain '.'" do @@test.update({"x" => 1}, {"a.b" => 3}) end end if @@version >= "1.1.3" def test_multi_update"num" => 10)"num" => 10)"num" => 10) assert_equal 3, @@test.count @@test.update({"num" => 10}, {"$set" => {"num" => 100}}, :multi => true) @@test.find.each do |doc| assert_equal 100, doc["num"] end end end def test_upsert @@test.update({"page" => "/"}, {"$inc" => {"count" => 1}}, :upsert => true) @@test.update({"page" => "/"}, {"$inc" => {"count" => 1}}, :upsert => true) assert_equal 1, @@test.count() assert_equal 2, @@test.find_one()["count"] end if @@version < "1.1.3" def test_safe_update @@test.create_index("x") @@test.insert("x" => 5) @@test.update({}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}) assert @@db.error? # Can't change an index. assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.update({}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}, :safe => true) end @@test.drop end else def test_safe_update @@test.create_index("x", :unique => true) @@test.insert("x" => 5) @@test.insert("x" => 10) # Can update an indexed collection. @@test.update({}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}) assert !@@db.error? # Can't duplicate an index. assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.update({}, {"x" => 10}, :safe => true) end @@test.drop end end def test_safe_save @@test.create_index("hello", :unique => true)"hello" => "world")"hello" => "world") assert_raise OperationFailure do{"hello" => "world"}, :safe => true) end @@test.drop end def test_mocked_safe_remove @conn = standard_connection @db = @conn[MONGO_TEST_DB] @test = @db['test-safe-remove']{:a => 20}) @conn.stubs(:receive).returns([[{'ok' => 0, 'err' => 'failed'}], 1, 0]) assert_raise OperationFailure do @test.remove({}, :safe => true) end @test.drop end def test_safe_remove @conn = standard_connection @db = @conn[MONGO_TEST_DB] @test = @db['test-safe-remove'] @test.remove{:a => 50}) assert_equal 1, @test.remove({}, :safe => true)["n"] @test.drop end def test_remove_return_value assert_equal true, @@test.remove({}) end def test_count @@test.drop assert_equal 0, @@test.count => 1) => 2) assert_equal 2, @@test.count assert_equal 1, @@test.count(:query => {:x => 1}) assert_equal 1, @@test.count(:limit => 1) assert_equal 0, @@test.count(:skip => 2) end # Note: #size is just an alias for #count. def test_size @@test.drop assert_equal 0, @@test.count assert_equal @@test.size, @@test.count"x" => 1)"x" => 2) assert_equal @@test.size, @@test.count end def test_no_timeout_option @@test.drop assert_raise ArgumentError, "Timeout can be set to false only when #find is invoked with a block." do @@test.find({}, :timeout => false) end @@test.find({}, :timeout => false) do |cursor| assert_equal 0, cursor.count end"x" => 1)"x" => 2) @@test.find({}, :timeout => false) do |cursor| assert_equal 2, cursor.count end end def test_defualt_timeout cursor = @@test.find assert_equal true, cursor.timeout end def test_fields_as_hash => 1, :b => 1, :c => 1) doc = @@test.find_one({:a => 1}, :fields => {:b => 0}) assert_nil doc['b'] assert doc['a'] assert doc['c'] doc = @@test.find_one({:a => 1}, :fields => {:a => 1, :b => 1}) assert_nil doc['c'] assert doc['a'] assert doc['b'] assert_raise Mongo::OperationFailure do @@test.find_one({:a => 1}, :fields => {:a => 1, :b => 0}) end end if @@version >= "1.5.1" def test_fields_with_slice{:foo => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], :test => 'slice'}) doc = @@test.find_one({:test => 'slice'}, :fields => {'foo' => {'$slice' => [0, 3]}}) assert_equal [1, 2, 3], doc['foo'] @@test.remove end end def test_find_one id ="hello" => "world", "foo" => "bar") assert_equal "world", @@test.find_one()["hello"] assert_equal @@test.find_one(id), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one(nil), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one({}), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one("hello" => "world"), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one(BSON::OrderedHash["hello", "world"]), @@test.find_one() assert @@test.find_one(nil, :fields => ["hello"]).include?("hello") assert !@@test.find_one(nil, :fields => ["foo"]).include?("hello") assert_equal ["_id"], @@test.find_one(nil, :fields => []).keys() assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one("hello" => "foo") assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one(BSON::OrderedHash["hello", "foo"]) assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one( assert_raise TypeError do @@test.find_one(6) end end def test_insert_adds_id doc = {"hello" => "world"} @@test.insert(doc) assert(doc.include?(:_id)) docs = [{"hello" => "world"}, {"hello" => "world"}] @@test.insert(docs) docs.each do |d| assert(d.include?(:_id)) end end def test_save_adds_id doc = {"hello" => "world"} assert(doc.include?(:_id)) end def test_optional_find_block 10.times do |i|"i" => i) end x = nil @@test.find("i" => 2) { |cursor| x = cursor.count() } assert_equal 1, x i = 0 @@test.find({}, :skip => 5) do |cursor| cursor.each do |doc| i = i + 1 end end assert_equal 5, i c = nil @@test.find() do |cursor| c = cursor end assert c.closed? end def setup_aggregate_data # save some data { "_id" => 1, "title" => "this is my title", "author" => "bob", "posted" => Time.utc(1500), "pageViews" => 5 , "tags" => [ "fun" , "good" , "fun" ], "comments" => [ { "author" => "joe", "text" => "this is cool" }, { "author" => "sam", "text" => "this is bad" } ], "other" => { "foo" => 5 } } ) { "_id" => 2, "title" => "this is your title", "author" => "dave", "posted" => Time.utc(1600), "pageViews" => 7, "tags" => [ "fun" , "nasty" ], "comments" => [ { "author" => "barbara" , "text" => "this is interesting" }, { "author" => "jenny", "text" => "i like to play pinball", "votes" => 10 } ], "other" => { "bar" => 14 } }) { "_id" => 3, "title" => "this is some other title", "author" => "jane", "posted" => Time.utc(1700), "pageViews" => 6 , "tags" => [ "nasty", "filthy" ], "comments" => [ { "author" => "will" , "text" => "i don't like the color" } , { "author" => "jenny" , "text" => "can i get that in green?" } ], "other" => { "bar" => 14 } }) end if @@version > '2.1.1' def test_reponds_to_aggregate assert_respond_to @@test, :aggregate end def test_aggregate_requires_arguments assert_raise MongoArgumentError do @@test.aggregate() end end def test_aggregate_requires_valid_arguments assert_raise MongoArgumentError do @@test.aggregate({}) end end def test_aggregate_pipeline_operator_format assert_raise Mongo::OperationFailure do @@test.aggregate([{"$project" => "_id"}]) end end def test_aggregate_pipeline_operators_using_strings setup_aggregate_data desired_results = [ {"_id"=>1, "pageViews"=>5, "tags"=>["fun", "good", "fun"]}, {"_id"=>2, "pageViews"=>7, "tags"=>["fun", "nasty"]}, {"_id"=>3, "pageViews"=>6, "tags"=>["nasty", "filthy"]} ] results = @@test.aggregate([{"$project" => {"tags" => 1, "pageViews" => 1}}]) assert_equal desired_results, results end def test_aggregate_pipeline_operators_using_symbols setup_aggregate_data desired_results = [ {"_id"=>1, "pageViews"=>5, "tags"=>["fun", "good", "fun"]}, {"_id"=>2, "pageViews"=>7, "tags"=>["fun", "nasty"]}, {"_id"=>3, "pageViews"=>6, "tags"=>["nasty", "filthy"]} ] results = @@test.aggregate([{"$project" => {:tags => 1, :pageViews => 1}}]) assert_equal desired_results, results end def test_aggregate_pipeline_multiple_operators setup_aggregate_data results = @@test.aggregate([{"$project" => {"tags" => 1, "pageViews" => 1}}, {"$match" => {"pageViews" => 7}}]) assert_equal 1, results.length end def test_aggregate_pipeline_unwind setup_aggregate_data desired_results = [ {"_id"=>1, "title"=>"this is my title", "author"=>"bob", "posted"=>Time.utc(1500), "pageViews"=>5, "tags"=>"fun", "comments"=>[{"author"=>"joe", "text"=>"this is cool"}, {"author"=>"sam", "text"=>"this is bad"}], "other"=>{"foo"=>5 } }, {"_id"=>1, "title"=>"this is my title", "author"=>"bob", "posted"=>Time.utc(1500), "pageViews"=>5, "tags"=>"good", "comments"=>[{"author"=>"joe", "text"=>"this is cool"}, {"author"=>"sam", "text"=>"this is bad"}], "other"=>{"foo"=>5 } }, {"_id"=>1, "title"=>"this is my title", "author"=>"bob", "posted"=>Time.utc(1500), "pageViews"=>5, "tags"=>"fun", "comments"=>[{"author"=>"joe", "text"=>"this is cool"}, {"author"=>"sam", "text"=>"this is bad"}], "other"=>{"foo"=>5 } }, {"_id"=>2, "title"=>"this is your title", "author"=>"dave", "posted"=>Time.utc(1600), "pageViews"=>7, "tags"=>"fun", "comments"=>[{"author"=>"barbara", "text"=>"this is interesting"}, {"author"=>"jenny", "text"=>"i like to play pinball", "votes"=>10 }], "other"=>{"bar"=>14 } }, {"_id"=>2, "title"=>"this is your title", "author"=>"dave", "posted"=>Time.utc(1600), "pageViews"=>7, "tags"=>"nasty", "comments"=>[{"author"=>"barbara", "text"=>"this is interesting"}, {"author"=>"jenny", "text"=>"i like to play pinball", "votes"=>10 }], "other"=>{"bar"=>14 } }, {"_id"=>3, "title"=>"this is some other title", "author"=>"jane", "posted"=>Time.utc(1700), "pageViews"=>6, "tags"=>"nasty", "comments"=>[{"author"=>"will", "text"=>"i don't like the color"}, {"author"=>"jenny", "text"=>"can i get that in green?"}], "other"=>{"bar"=>14 } }, {"_id"=>3, "title"=>"this is some other title", "author"=>"jane", "posted"=>Time.utc(1700), "pageViews"=>6, "tags"=>"filthy", "comments"=>[{"author"=>"will", "text"=>"i don't like the color"}, {"author"=>"jenny", "text"=>"can i get that in green?"}], "other"=>{"bar"=>14 } } ] results = @@test.aggregate([{"$unwind"=> "$tags"}]) assert_equal desired_results, results end end if @@version > "1.1.1" def test_map_reduce @@test << { "user_id" => 1 } @@test << { "user_id" => 2 } m = "function() { emit(this.user_id, 1); }" r = "function(k,vals) { return 1; }" res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :out => 'foo'); assert res.find_one({"_id" => 1}) assert res.find_one({"_id" => 2}) end def test_map_reduce_with_code_objects @@test << { "user_id" => 1 } @@test << { "user_id" => 2 } m ="function() { emit(this.user_id, 1); }") r ="function(k,vals) { return 1; }") res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :out => 'foo'); assert res.find_one({"_id" => 1}) assert res.find_one({"_id" => 2}) end def test_map_reduce_with_options @@test.remove @@test << { "user_id" => 1 } @@test << { "user_id" => 2 } @@test << { "user_id" => 3 } m ="function() { emit(this.user_id, 1); }") r ="function(k,vals) { return 1; }") res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :query => {"user_id" => {"$gt" => 1}}, :out => 'foo'); assert_equal 2, res.count assert res.find_one({"_id" => 2}) assert res.find_one({"_id" => 3}) end def test_map_reduce_with_raw_response m ="function() { emit(this.user_id, 1); }") r ="function(k,vals) { return 1; }") res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :raw => true, :out => 'foo') assert res["result"] assert res["counts"] assert res["timeMillis"] end def test_map_reduce_with_output_collection output_collection = "test-map-coll" m ="function() { emit(this.user_id, 1); }") r ="function(k,vals) { return 1; }") res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :raw => true, :out => output_collection) assert_equal output_collection, res["result"] assert res["counts"] assert res["timeMillis"] end if @@version >= "1.8.0" def test_map_reduce_with_collection_merge @@test << {:user_id => 1} @@test << {:user_id => 2} output_collection = "test-map-coll" m ="function() { emit(this.user_id, {count: 1}); }") r ="function(k,vals) { var sum = 0;" + " vals.forEach(function(v) { sum += v.count;} ); return {count: sum}; }") res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :out => output_collection) @@test.remove @@test << {:user_id => 3} res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :out => {:merge => output_collection}) assert res.find.to_a.any? {|doc| doc["_id"] == 3 && doc["value"]["count"] == 1} @@test.remove @@test << {:user_id => 3} res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :out => {:reduce => output_collection}) assert res.find.to_a.any? {|doc| doc["_id"] == 3 && doc["value"]["count"] == 2} assert_raise ArgumentError do @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :out => {:inline => 1}) end @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :raw => true, :out => {:inline => 1}) assert res["results"] end def test_map_reduce_with_collection_output_to_other_db @@test << {:user_id => 1} @@test << {:user_id => 2} m ="function() { emit(this.user_id, 1); }") r ="function(k,vals) { return 1; }") oh = oh[:replace] = 'foo' oh[:db] = 'somedb' res = @@test.map_reduce(m, r, :out => (oh)) assert res["result"] assert res["counts"] assert res["timeMillis"] assert res.find.to_a.any? {|doc| doc["_id"] == 2 && doc["value"] == 1} end end end if @@version > "1.3.0" def test_find_and_modify @@test << { :a => 1, :processed => false } @@test << { :a => 2, :processed => false } @@test << { :a => 3, :processed => false } @@test.find_and_modify(:query => {}, :sort => [['a', -1]], :update => {"$set" => {:processed => true}}) assert @@test.find_one({:a => 3})['processed'] end def test_find_and_modify_with_invalid_options @@test << { :a => 1, :processed => false } @@test << { :a => 2, :processed => false } @@test << { :a => 3, :processed => false } assert_raise Mongo::OperationFailure do @@test.find_and_modify(:blimey => {}) end end end if @@version >= "1.3.5" def test_coll_stats @@test << {:n => 1} @@test.create_index("n") assert_equal "#{MONGO_TEST_DB}.test", @@test.stats['ns'] end end def test_saving_dates_pre_epoch if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ then return true end begin{'date' => Time.utc(1600)}) assert_in_delta Time.utc(1600), @@test.find_one()["date"], 2 rescue ArgumentError # See note in test_date_before_epoch (BSONTest) end end def test_save_symbol_find_string => :mike) assert_equal :mike, @@test.find_one(:foo => :mike)["foo"] assert_equal :mike, @@test.find_one("foo" => :mike)["foo"] # TODO enable these tests conditionally based on server version (if >1.0) # assert_equal :mike, @@test.find_one(:foo => "mike")["foo"] # assert_equal :mike, @@test.find_one("foo" => "mike")["foo"] end def test_limit_and_skip 10.times do |i| => i) end assert_equal 5, @@test.find({}, :skip => 5).next_document()["foo"] assert_equal nil, @@test.find({}, :skip => 10).next_document() assert_equal 5, @@test.find({}, :limit => 5).to_a.length assert_equal 3, @@test.find({}, :skip => 3, :limit => 5).next_document()["foo"] assert_equal 5, @@test.find({}, :skip => 3, :limit => 5).to_a.length end def test_large_limit 2000.times do |i| @@test.insert("x" => i, "y" => "mongomongo" * 1000) end assert_equal 2000, @@test.count i = 0 y = 0 @@test.find({}, :limit => 1900).each do |doc| i += 1 y += doc["x"] end assert_equal 1900, i assert_equal 1804050, y end def test_small_limit @@test.insert("x" => "hello world") @@test.insert("x" => "goodbye world") assert_equal 2, @@test.count x = 0 @@test.find({}, :limit => 1).each do |doc| x += 1 assert_equal "hello world", doc["x"] end assert_equal 1, x end def test_find_with_transformer klass =, :a) transformer = { |doc|['_id'], doc['a']) } cursor = @@test.find({}, :transformer => transformer) assert_equal(transformer, cursor.transformer) end def test_find_one_with_transformer klass =, :a) transformer = { |doc|['_id'], doc['a']) } id = @@test.insert('a' => 1) doc = @@test.find_one(id, :transformer => transformer) assert_instance_of(klass, doc) end def test_ensure_index @@test.drop_indexes @@test.insert("x" => "hello world") assert_equal 1, @@test.index_information.keys.count #default index @@test.ensure_index([["x", Mongo::DESCENDING]], {}) assert_equal 2, @@test.index_information.keys.count assert @@test.index_information.keys.include?("x_-1") @@test.ensure_index([["x", Mongo::ASCENDING]]) assert @@test.index_information.keys.include?("x_1") @@test.ensure_index([["type", 1], ["date", -1]]) assert @@test.index_information.keys.include?("type_1_date_-1") @@test.drop_index("x_1") assert_equal 3, @@test.index_information.keys.count @@test.drop_index("x_-1") assert_equal 2, @@test.index_information.keys.count @@test.ensure_index([["x", Mongo::DESCENDING]], {}) assert_equal 3, @@test.index_information.keys.count assert @@test.index_information.keys.include?("x_-1") # Make sure that drop_index expires cache properly @@test.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) assert @@test.index_information.keys.include?("a_1") @@test.drop_index("a_1") assert !@@test.index_information.keys.include?("a_1") @@test.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) assert @@test.index_information.keys.include?("a_1") @@test.drop_index("a_1") end def test_ensure_index_timeout @@db.cache_time = 2 coll = @@db['ensure_test'] coll.expects(:generate_indexes).twice coll.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) # These will be cached coll.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) coll.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) coll.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) coll.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) sleep(3) # This won't be, so generate_indexes will be called twice coll.ensure_index([['a', 1]]) end if @@version > '2.0.0' def test_show_disk_loc{:a => 1}){:a => 2}) assert @@test.find({:a => 1}, :show_disk_loc => true).show_disk_loc assert @@test.find({:a => 1}, :show_disk_loc => true).next['$diskLoc'] @@test.remove end def test_max_scan 1000.times do |n|{:a => n}) end assert @@test.find({:a => 999}).next assert !@@test.find({:a => 999}, :max_scan => 500).next @@test.remove end end context "Grouping" do setup do @@test.remove"a" => 1)"b" => 1) @initial = {"count" => 0} @reduce_function = "function (obj, prev) { prev.count += inc_value; }" end should "fail if missing required options" do assert_raise MongoArgumentError do => {}) end assert_raise MongoArgumentError do => "foo") end end should "group results using eval form" do assert_equal 1, => @initial, :reduce =>, {"inc_value" => 0.5}))[0]["count"] assert_equal 2, => @initial, :reduce =>, {"inc_value" => 1}))[0]["count"] assert_equal 4, => @initial, :reduce =>, {"inc_value" => 2}))[0]["count"] end should "finalize grouped results" do @finalize = "function(doc) {doc.f = doc.count + 200; }" assert_equal 202, => @initial, :reduce =>, {"inc_value" => 1}), :finalize => @finalize)[0]["f"] end end context "Grouping with key" do setup do @@test.remove"a" => 1, "pop" => 100)"a" => 1, "pop" => 100)"a" => 2, "pop" => 100)"a" => 2, "pop" => 100) @initial = {"count" => 0, "foo" => 1} @reduce_function = "function (obj, prev) { prev.count += obj.pop; }" end should "group" do result = => :a, :initial => @initial, :reduce => @reduce_function) assert result.all? { |r| r['count'] == 200 } end end context "Grouping with a key function" do setup do @@test.remove"a" => 1)"a" => 2)"a" => 3)"a" => 4)"a" => 5) @initial = {"count" => 0} @keyf = "function (doc) { if(doc.a % 2 == 0) { return {even: true}; } else {return {odd: true}} };" @reduce = "function (obj, prev) { prev.count += 1; }" end should "group results" do results = => @keyf, :initial => @initial, :reduce => @reduce).sort {|a, b| a['count'] <=> b['count']} assert results[0]['even'] && results[0]['count'] == 2.0 assert results[1]['odd'] && results[1]['count'] == 3.0 end should "group filtered results" do results = => @keyf, :cond => {:a => {'$ne' => 2}}, :initial => @initial, :reduce => @reduce).sort {|a, b| a['count'] <=> b['count']} assert results[0]['even'] && results[0]['count'] == 1.0 assert results[1]['odd'] && results[1]['count'] == 3.0 end end context "A collection with two records" do setup do @collection = @@db.collection('test-collection') @collection.remove @collection.insert({:name => "Jones"}) @collection.insert({:name => "Smith"}) end should "have two records" do assert_equal 2, @collection.size end should "remove the two records" do @collection.remove() assert_equal 0, @collection.size end should "remove all records if an empty document is specified" do @collection.remove({}) assert_equal 0, @collection.find.count end should "remove only matching records" do @collection.remove({:name => "Jones"}) assert_equal 1, @collection.size end end context "Drop index " do setup do @@db.drop_collection('test-collection') @collection = @@db.collection('test-collection') end should "drop an index" do @collection.create_index([['a', Mongo::ASCENDING]]) assert @collection.index_information['a_1'] @collection.drop_index([['a', Mongo::ASCENDING]]) assert_nil @collection.index_information['a_1'] end should "drop an index which was given a specific name" do @collection.create_index([['a', Mongo::DESCENDING]], {:name => 'i_will_not_fear'}) assert @collection.index_information['i_will_not_fear'] @collection.drop_index([['a', Mongo::DESCENDING]]) assert_nil @collection.index_information['i_will_not_fear'] end should "drops an composite index" do @collection.create_index([['a', Mongo::DESCENDING], ['b', Mongo::ASCENDING]]) assert @collection.index_information['a_-1_b_1'] @collection.drop_index([['a', Mongo::DESCENDING], ['b', Mongo::ASCENDING]]) assert_nil @collection.index_information['a_-1_b_1'] end should "drops an index with symbols" do @collection.create_index([['a', Mongo::DESCENDING], [:b, Mongo::ASCENDING]]) assert @collection.index_information['a_-1_b_1'] @collection.drop_index([['a', Mongo::DESCENDING], [:b, Mongo::ASCENDING]]) assert_nil @collection.index_information['a_-1_b_1'] end end context "Creating indexes " do setup do @@db.drop_collection('geo') @@db.drop_collection('test-collection') @collection = @@db.collection('test-collection') @geo = @@db.collection('geo') end should "create index using symbols" do @collection.create_index :foo, :name => :bar @geo.create_index :goo, :name => :baz assert @collection.index_information['bar'] @collection.drop_index :bar assert_nil @collection.index_information['bar'] assert @geo.index_information['baz'] @geo.drop_index(:baz) assert_nil @geo.index_information['baz'] end should "create a geospatial index" do{'loc' => [-100, 100]}) @geo.create_index([['loc', Mongo::GEO2D]]) assert @geo.index_information['loc_2d'] end should "create a unique index" do @collection.create_index([['a', Mongo::ASCENDING]], :unique => true) assert @collection.index_information['a_1']['unique'] == true end should "drop duplicates" do @collection.insert({:a => 1}) @collection.insert({:a => 1}) assert_equal 2, @collection.find({:a => 1}).count @collection.create_index([['a', Mongo::ASCENDING]], :unique => true, :dropDups => true) assert_equal 1, @collection.find({:a => 1}).count end should "drop duplicates with ruby-like drop_dups key" do @collection.insert({:a => 1}) @collection.insert({:a => 1}) assert_equal 2, @collection.find({:a => 1}).count @collection.create_index([['a', Mongo::ASCENDING]], :unique => true, :drop_dups => true) assert_equal 1, @collection.find({:a => 1}).count end should "drop duplicates with ensure_index and drop_dups key" do @collection.insert({:a => 1}) @collection.insert({:a => 1}) assert_equal 2, @collection.find({:a => 1}).count @collection.ensure_index([['a', Mongo::ASCENDING]], :unique => true, :drop_dups => true) assert_equal 1, @collection.find({:a => 1}).count end should "create an index in the background" do if @@version > '1.3.1' @collection.create_index([['b', Mongo::ASCENDING]], :background => true) assert @collection.index_information['b_1']['background'] == true else assert true end end should "require an array of arrays" do assert_raise MongoArgumentError do @collection.create_index(['c', Mongo::ASCENDING]) end end should "enforce proper index types" do assert_raise MongoArgumentError do @collection.create_index([['c', 'blah']]) end end should "raise an error if index name is greater than 128" do assert_raise Mongo::OperationFailure do @collection.create_index([['a' * 25, 1], ['b' * 25, 1], ['c' * 25, 1], ['d' * 25, 1], ['e' * 25, 1]]) end end should "allow for an alternate name to be specified" do @collection.create_index([['a' * 25, 1], ['b' * 25, 1], ['c' * 25, 1], ['d' * 25, 1], ['e' * 25, 1]], :name => 'foo_index') assert @collection.index_information['foo_index'] end should "generate indexes in the proper order" do @collection.expects(:insert_documents) do |sel, coll, safe| assert_equal 'b_1_a_1', sel[:name] end @collection.create_index([['b', 1], ['a', 1]]) end should "allow multiple calls to create_index" do end should "allow creation of multiple indexes" do assert @collection.create_index([['a', 1]]) assert @collection.create_index([['a', 1]]) end context "with an index created" do setup do @collection.create_index([['b', 1], ['a', 1]]) end should "return properly ordered index information" do assert @collection.index_information['b_1_a_1'] end end end context "Capped collections" do setup do @@db.drop_collection('log') @capped = @@db.create_collection('log', :capped => true, :size => 1024) 10.times { |n| @capped.insert({:n => n}) } end should "find using a standard cursor" do cursor = @capped.find 10.times do assert cursor.next_document end assert_nil cursor.next_document @capped.insert({:n => 100}) assert_nil cursor.next_document end should "fail tailable cursor on a non-capped collection" do col = @@db['regular-collection'] col.insert({:a => 1000}) tail =, :tailable => true, :order => [['$natural', 1]]) assert_raise OperationFailure do tail.next_document end end should "find using a tailable cursor" do tail =, :tailable => true, :order => [['$natural', 1]]) 10.times do assert tail.next_document end assert_nil tail.next_document @capped.insert({:n => 100}) assert tail.next_document end end end