require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") describe Sequel::Model::Validation::Errors do setup do @errors = end specify "should be clearable using #clear" do @errors.add(:a, 'b') @errors.should == {:a=>['b']} @errors.clear @errors.should == {} end specify "should be empty if no errors are added" do @errors.should be_empty @errors[:blah] << "blah" @errors.should_not be_empty end specify "should return errors for a specific attribute using #on or #[]" do @errors[:blah].should == [] @errors.on(:blah).should == [] @errors[:blah] << 'blah' @errors[:blah].should == ['blah'] @errors.on(:blah).should == ['blah'] @errors[:bleu].should == [] @errors.on(:bleu).should == [] end specify "should accept errors using #[] << or #add" do @errors[:blah] << 'blah' @errors[:blah].should == ['blah'] @errors.add :blah, 'zzzz' @errors[:blah].should == ['blah', 'zzzz'] end specify "should return full messages using #full_messages" do @errors.full_messages.should == [] @errors[:blow] << 'blieuh' @errors[:blow] << 'blich' @errors[:blay] << 'bliu' msgs = @errors.full_messages msgs.size.should == 3 msgs.should include('blow blieuh', 'blow blich', 'blay bliu') end specify "should return the number of error messages using #count" do @errors.count.should == 0 @errors.add(:a, 'b') @errors.count.should == 1 @errors.add(:a, 'c') @errors.count.should == 2 @errors.add(:b, 'c') @errors.count.should == 3 end specify "should return the array of error messages for a given attribute using #on" do @errors.add(:a, 'b') @errors.on(:a).should == ['b'] @errors.add(:a, 'c') @errors.on(:a).should == ['b', 'c'] @errors.add(:b, 'c') @errors.on(:a).should == ['b', 'c'] end specify "should return nil if there are no error messages for a given attribute using #on" do @errors.on(:a).should == nil @errors.add(:b, 'b') @errors.on(:a).should == nil end end describe Sequel::Model do setup do @c = do def self.validates_coolness_of(attr) validates_each(attr) {|o, a, v| o.errors[a] << 'is not cool' if v != :cool} end end end specify "should respond to validates, validations, has_validations?" do @c.should respond_to(:validations) @c.should respond_to(:has_validations?) end specify "should acccept validation definitions using validates_each" do @c.validates_each(:xx, :yy) {|o, a, v| o.errors[a] << 'too low' if v < 50} o = o.should_receive(:xx).once.and_return(40) o.should_receive(:yy).once.and_return(60) o.valid?.should == false o.errors.full_messages.should == ['xx too low'] end specify "should return true/false for has_validations?" do @c.has_validations?.should == false @c.validates_each(:xx) {1} @c.has_validations?.should == true end specify "should validate multiple attributes at once" do o = def o.xx 1 end def o.yy 2 end vals = nil atts = nil @c.validates_each([:xx, :yy]){|obj,a,v| atts=a; vals=v} o.valid? vals.should == [1,2] atts.should == [:xx, :yy] end specify "should respect allow_missing option when using multiple attributes" do o = def o.xx self[:xx] end def o.yy self[:yy] end vals = nil atts = nil @c.validates_each([:xx, :yy], :allow_missing=>true){|obj,a,v| atts=a; vals=v} o.values[:xx] = 1 o.valid? vals.should == [1,nil] atts.should == [:xx, :yy] vals = nil atts = nil o.values.clear o.values[:yy] = 2 o.valid? vals.should == [nil, 2] atts.should == [:xx, :yy] vals = nil atts = nil o.values.clear o.valid?.should == true vals.should == nil atts.should == nil end specify "should overwrite existing validation with the same tag and attribute" do @c.validates_each(:xx, :xx, :tag=>:low) {|o, a, v|; o.errors[a] << 'too low' if v < 50} @c.validates_each(:yy, :yy) {|o, a, v| o.yyy; o.errors[a] << 'too low' if v < 50} @c.validates_presence_of(:zz, :zz) @c.validates_length_of(:aa, :aa, :tag=>:blah) o = def o.zz @a ||= 0 @a += 1 end def o.aa @b ||= 0 @b += 1 end o.should_receive(:xx).once.and_return(40) o.should_receive(:yy).once.and_return(60) o.should_receive(:xxx).once o.should_receive(:yyy).twice o.valid?.should == false o.zz.should == 2 o.aa.should == 2 o.errors.full_messages.should == ['xx too low'] end specify "should provide a validates method that takes block with validation definitions" do @c.validates do coolness_of :blah end @c.validations[:blah].should_not be_empty o = o.should_receive(:blah).once.and_return(nil) o.valid?.should == false o.errors.full_messages.should == ['blah is not cool'] end end describe Sequel::Model do setup do @c = do columns :score validates_each :score do |o, a, v| o.errors[a] << 'too low' if v < 87 end end @o = end specify "should supply a #valid? method that returns true if validations pass" do @o.score = 50 @o.should_not be_valid @o.score = 100 @o.should be_valid end specify "should provide an errors object" do @o.score = 100 @o.should be_valid @o.errors.should be_empty @o.score = 86 @o.should_not be_valid @o.errors[:score].should == ['too low'] @o.errors[:blah].should be_empty end end describe Sequel::Model::Validation::Generator do setup do $testit = nil @c = do def self.validates_blah $testit = 1324 end end end specify "should instance_eval the block, sending everything to its receiver" do do blah end $testit.should == 1324 end end describe Sequel::Model do setup do @c = do columns :value def self.filter(*args) o = def o.count; 2; end o end def skip; false; end def dont_skip; true; end end @m = end specify "should validate acceptance_of" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value @m.should be_valid @m.value = '1' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with accept" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :accept => 'true' @m.value = '1' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 'true' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with allow_nil => false" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :allow_nil => false @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with allow_missing => true" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :allow_missing => true @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with allow_missing => true and allow_nil => false" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :allow_missing => true, :allow_nil => false @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with if => true" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :if => :dont_skip @m.value = '0' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with if => false" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :if => :skip @m.value = '0' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with if proc that evaluates to true" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :if => proc{true} @m.value = '0' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate acceptance_of with if proc that evaluates to false" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :if => proc{false} @m.value = '0' @m.should be_valid end specify "should raise an error if :if option is not a Symbol, Proc, or nil" do @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :if => 1 @m.value = '0' proc{@m.valid?}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should validate confirmation_of" do @c.send(:attr_accessor, :value_confirmation) @c.validates_confirmation_of :value @m.value = 'blah' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value_confirmation = 'blah' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate confirmation_of with if => true" do @c.send(:attr_accessor, :value_confirmation) @c.validates_confirmation_of :value, :if => :dont_skip @m.value = 'blah' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate confirmation_of with if => false" do @c.send(:attr_accessor, :value_confirmation) @c.validates_confirmation_of :value, :if => :skip @m.value = 'blah' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate confirmation_of with allow_missing => true" do @c.send(:attr_accessor, :value_confirmation) @c.validates_acceptance_of :value, :allow_missing => true @m.should be_valid @m.value_confirmation = 'blah' @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate format_of" do @c.validates_format_of :value, :with => /.+_.+/ @m.value = 'abc_' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 'abc_def' @m.should be_valid end specify "should raise for validate_format_of without regexp" do proc {@c.validates_format_of :value}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) proc {@c.validates_format_of :value, :with => :blah}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end specify "should validate format_of with if => true" do @c.validates_format_of :value, :with => /_/, :if => :dont_skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate format_of with if => false" do @c.validates_format_of :value, :with => /_/, :if => :skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate format_of with allow_missing => true" do @c.validates_format_of :value, :allow_missing => true, :with=>/./ @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with maximum" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :maximum => 5 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123456' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with minimum" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :minimum => 5 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '1234' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with within" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :within => 2..5 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '1' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123456' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with is" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :is => 3 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '12' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '1234' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with allow_nil" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :is => 3, :allow_nil => true @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with if => true" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :is => 3, :if => :dont_skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with if => false" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :is => 3, :if => :skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate length_of with allow_missing => true" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :allow_missing => true, :minimum => 5 @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should allow multiple calls to validates_length_of with different options without overwriting" do @c.validates_length_of :value, :maximum => 5 @c.validates_length_of :value, :minimum => 5 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123456' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '12345' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '1234' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate numericality_of" do @c.validates_numericality_of :value @m.value = 'blah' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123.1231' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '+1' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '-1' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '+1.123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '-0.123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '-0.123E10' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '32.123e10' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '+32.123E10' @m.should be_valid @m.should be_valid @m.value = '.0123' end specify "should validate numericality_of with only_integer" do @c.validates_numericality_of :value, :only_integer => true @m.value = 'blah' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '123' @m.should be_valid @m.value = '123.1231' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate numericality_of with if => true" do @c.validates_numericality_of :value, :if => :dont_skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate numericality_of with if => false" do @c.validates_numericality_of :value, :if => :skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate numericality_of with allow_missing => true" do @c.validates_numericality_of :value, :allow_missing => true @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate presence_of" do @c.validates_presence_of :value @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = '' @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 1234 @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = true @m.should be_valid @m.value = false @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate inclusion_of with an array" do @c.validates_inclusion_of :value, :in => [1,2] @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 1 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 1.5 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 2 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 3 @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate inclusion_of with a range" do @c.validates_inclusion_of :value, :in => 1..4 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 1 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 1.5 @m.should be_valid @m.value = 0 @m.should_not be_valid @m.value = 5 @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should raise an error if inclusion_of doesn't receive a valid :in option" do lambda { @c.validates_inclusion_of :value }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @c.validates_inclusion_of :value, :in => 1 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end specify "should raise an error if inclusion_of handles :allow_nil too" do @c.validates_inclusion_of :value, :in => 1..4, :allow_nil => true @m.value = nil @m.should be_valid @m.value = 0 @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate presence_of with if => true" do @c.validates_presence_of :value, :if => :dont_skip @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate presence_of with if => false" do @c.validates_presence_of :value, :if => :skip @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate presence_of with allow_missing => true" do @c.validates_presence_of :value, :allow_missing => true @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate uniqueness_of with if => true" do @c.validates_uniqueness_of :value, :if => :dont_skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should_not be_valid end specify "should validate uniqueness_of with if => false" do @c.validates_uniqueness_of :value, :if => :skip @m.value = 'a' @m.should be_valid end specify "should validate uniqueness_of with allow_missing => true" do @c.validates_uniqueness_of :value, :allow_missing => true @m.should be_valid @m.value = nil @m.should_not be_valid end end context "Superclass validations" do setup do @c1 = do columns :value validates_length_of :value, :minimum => 5 end @c2 = do columns :value validates_format_of :value, :with => /^[a-z]+$/ end end specify "should be checked when validating" do o = o.value = 'ab' o.valid?.should == false o.errors.full_messages.should == [ 'value is too short' ] o.value = '12' o.valid?.should == false o.errors.full_messages.should == [ 'value is too short', 'value is invalid' ] o.value = 'abcde' o.valid?.should be_true end specify "should be skipped if skip_superclass_validations is called" do @c2.skip_superclass_validations o = o.value = 'ab' o.valid?.should be_true o.value = '12' o.valid?.should == false o.errors.full_messages.should == [ 'value is invalid' ] o.value = 'abcde' o.valid?.should be_true end end context ".validates with block" do specify "should support calling .each" do @c = do columns :vvv validates do each :vvv do |o, a, v| o.errors[a] << "is less than zero" if v.to_i < 0 end end end o = o.vvv = 1 o.should be_valid o.vvv = -1 o.should_not be_valid end end describe Sequel::Model, "Validations" do before(:all) do class ::Person < Sequel::Model columns :id,:name,:first_name,:last_name,:middle_name,:initials,:age, :terms end class ::Smurf < Person end class ::Cow < Sequel::Model columns :id, :name, :got_milk end class ::User < Sequel::Model columns :id, :username, :password end class ::Address < Sequel::Model columns :id, :zip_code end end it "should validate the acceptance of a column" do class ::Cow < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates_acceptance_of :got_milk, :accept => 'blah', :allow_nil => false end @cow = @cow.should_not be_valid @cow.errors.full_messages.should == ["got_milk is not accepted"] @cow.got_milk = "blah" @cow.should be_valid end it "should validate the confirmation of a column" do class ::User < Sequel::Model def password_confirmation "test" end validations.clear validates_confirmation_of :password end @user = @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ["password is not confirmed"] @user.password = "test" @user.should be_valid end it "should validate format of column" do class ::Person < Sequel::Model validates_format_of :first_name, :with => /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ end @person = :first_name => "Lancelot99" @person.valid?.should be_false @person = :first_name => "Anita" @person.valid?.should be_true end it "should validate length of column" do class ::Person < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates_length_of :first_name, :maximum => 30 validates_length_of :last_name, :minimum => 30 validates_length_of :middle_name, :within => 1..5 validates_length_of :initials, :is => 2 end @person = :first_name => "Anamethatiswaytofreakinglongandwayoverthirtycharacters", :last_name => "Alastnameunderthirtychars", :initials => "LGC", :middle_name => "danger" ) @person.should_not be_valid @person.errors.full_messages.size.should == 4 @person.errors.full_messages.should include( 'first_name is too long', 'last_name is too short', 'middle_name is the wrong length', 'initials is the wrong length' ) @person.first_name = "Lancelot" @person.last_name = "1234567890123456789012345678901" @person.initials = "LC" @person.middle_name = "Will" @person.should be_valid end it "should validate that a column doesn't have a string value" do p = p.class_eval do columns :age, :price, :confirmed self.raise_on_typecast_failure = false validates_not_string :age validates_not_string :confirmed validates_not_string :price, :message=>'is not valid' @db_schema = {:age=>{:type=>:integer}} end @person = @person.should be_valid @person.confirmed = 't' @person.should_not be_valid @person.errors.full_messages.should == ['confirmed is a string'] @person.confirmed = true @person.should be_valid @person.age = 'a' @person.should_not be_valid @person.errors.full_messages.should == ['age is not a valid integer'] @person.db_schema[:age][:type] = :datetime @person.should_not be_valid @person.errors.full_messages.should == ['age is not a valid datetime'] @person.age = 20 @person.should be_valid @person.price = 'a' @person.should_not be_valid @person.errors.full_messages.should == ['price is not valid'] @person.price = 20 @person.should be_valid end it "should validate numericality of column" do class ::Person < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates_numericality_of :age end @person = :age => "Twenty" @person.should_not be_valid @person.errors.full_messages.should == ['age is not a number'] @person.age = 20 @person.should be_valid end it "should validate the presence of a column" do class ::Cow < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates_presence_of :name end @cow = @cow.should_not be_valid @cow.errors.full_messages.should == ['name is not present'] = "Betsy" @cow.should be_valid end it "should validate the uniqueness of a column" do class ::User < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates do uniqueness_of :username end end User.dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows(sql) @db << sql case sql when /COUNT.*username = '0records'/ yield({:v => 0}) when /COUNT.*username = '2records'/ yield({:v => 2}) when /COUNT.*username = '1record'/ yield({:v => 1}) when /username = '1record'/ yield({:id => 3, :username => "1record", :password => "test"}) end end }) @user = => "2records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username is already taken'] @user = => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username is already taken'] @user = User.load(:id=>4, :username => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username is already taken'] @user = User.load(:id=>3, :username => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == [] @user = => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == [] end it "should validate the uniqueness of multiple columns" do class ::User < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates do uniqueness_of [:username, :password] end end User.dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows(sql) @db << sql case sql when /COUNT.*username = '0records'/ yield({:v => 0}) when /COUNT.*username = '2records'/ yield({:v => 2}) when /COUNT.*username = '1record'/ yield({:v => 1}) when /username = '1record'/ if sql =~ /password = 'anothertest'/ yield({:id => 3, :username => "1record", :password => "anothertest"}) else yield({:id => 4, :username => "1record", :password => "test"}) end end end }) @user = => "2records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username and password is already taken'] @user = => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username and password is already taken'] @user = User.load(:id=>4, :username => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username and password is already taken'] @user = User.load(:id=>3, :username => "1record", :password => "test") @user.should_not be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == ['username and password is already taken'] @user = User.load(:id=>3, :username => "1record", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == [] @user = => "0records", :password => "anothertest") @user.should be_valid @user.errors.full_messages.should == [] end it "should have a validates block that contains multiple validations" do class ::Person < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates do format_of :first_name, :with => /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ length_of :first_name, :maximum => 30 end end Person.validations[:first_name].size.should == 2 @person = :first_name => "Lancelot99" @person.valid?.should be_false @person2 = :first_name => "Wayne" @person2.valid?.should be_true end it "should allow 'longhand' validations direcly within the model." do lambda { class ::Person < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates_length_of :first_name, :maximum => 30 end }.should_not raise_error Person.validations.length.should eql(1) end it "should define a has_validations? method which returns true if the model has validations, false otherwise" do class ::Person < Sequel::Model validations.clear validates do format_of :first_name, :with => /\w+/ length_of :first_name, :maximum => 30 end end class ::Smurf < Person validations.clear end Person.should have_validations Smurf.should_not have_validations end it "should validate correctly instances initialized with string keys" do class ::Can < Sequel::Model columns :id, :name validates_length_of :name, :minimum => 4 end'name' => 'ab').should_not be_valid'name' => 'abcd').should be_valid end end describe "Model#save!" do setup do @c = do def columns; [:id]; end validates_each :id do |o, a, v| o.errors[a] << 'blah' unless v == 5 end end @m = @c.load(:id => 4) MODEL_DB.reset end specify "should save regardless of validations" do @m.should_not be_valid! MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['UPDATE people SET id = 4 WHERE (id = 4)'] end end describe "Model#save" do setup do @c = do columns :id validates_each :id do |o, a, v| o.errors[a] << 'blah' unless v == 5 end end @m = @c.load(:id => 4) MODEL_DB.reset end specify "should save only if validations pass" do @m.raise_on_save_failure = false @m.should_not be_valid MODEL_DB.sqls.should be_empty = 5 @m.should be_valid be_false MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['UPDATE people SET id = 5 WHERE (id = 5)'] end specify "should raise error if validations fail and raise_on_save_faiure is true" do proc{}.should raise_error(Sequel::ValidationFailed) end specify "should return nil if validations fail and raise_on_save_faiure is false" do @m.raise_on_save_failure = false == nil end end