require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper" describe Bonsai::Exporter do after :suite do FileUtils.rm_rf Bonsai::Exporter.path end it "should have a path" do Bonsai::Exporter.path.should_not be_nil end it "should set the path" do Bonsai::Exporter.path = 'support/exporter/test' Bonsai::Exporter.path.should == 'support/exporter/test' Bonsai::Exporter.path = BONSAI_PATH + "/output" end shared_examples_for "css generators" do it "should process .scss files to .css" do File.exists?("#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/stylesheets/sassy.css").should be_true end it "should log an error when badly formatted less is supplied (and not raise an exception)" do Bonsai.should_receive(:log) lambda { Bonsai::Exporter.send(:generate_css) }.should_not raise_error(Sass::SyntaxError) end end describe "process!" do describe "tasks" do before :all do FileUtils.rm_rf Bonsai::Exporter.path Bonsai::Exporter.process! end it_should_behave_like "css generators" # Uncompressed CSS it "should be processed with sass" do"#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/stylesheets/sassy.css").should == "#content {\n display: block; }\n" end end describe "expectations" do after do Bonsai::Exporter.process! end it "should copy assets" do Bonsai::Exporter.should_receive(:copy_assets) end it "should copy public" do Bonsai::Exporter.should_receive(:copy_public) end it "should generate css via lesscss" do Bonsai::Exporter.should_receive(:generate_css) end end end describe "publish!" do describe "actions" do before :all do FileUtils.rm_rf Bonsai::Exporter.path Bonsai::Exporter.publish! end it_should_behave_like "css generators" # Compressed CSS it "should be processed with sass" do"#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/stylesheets/sassy.css").should == "#content{display:block;}" end it "should create the output directory" do File.exists?(Bonsai::Exporter.path).should be_true end it "should render pages to the output directory" do # Index is rendered to index.html and index/index.html Dir[Bonsai::Exporter.path + "/**/*.html"].size.should == Bonsai::Page.all.size + 1 end it "should copy the images of each page to its directory" do File.exists?("#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/about-us/history/images/image001.jpg").should be_true end it 'should copy the assets of each page to its directory' do File.exists?("#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/about-us/history/1_a_file_asset.txt").should be_true end it "should copy the contents of the public directory to the root export path" do File.exists?("#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/.htaccess").should be_true end it "should write the index file to output/index.html" do File.exists?("#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/index.html").should be_true end it "should write a sitemap.xml" do File.exists?("#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/sitemap.xml").should be_true end it "should write a readme file to explain how the site was generated" do File.exists?("#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/ABOUT-THIS-SITE.txt").should be_true end describe "asset compression" do it "should compress the css file" do"#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/stylesheets/sassy.css").should == "#content{display:block;}" end it "should compress the css file" do"#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/stylesheets/sassy.css").should == "#content{display:block;}" end it "should compress the js file" do"#{Bonsai::Exporter.path}/js/script.js").should == "$(function(){$(\".default-value\").each(function(){var a=this.value;$(this).focus(function(){if(this.value==a){this.value=\"\"}});$(this).blur(function(){if(this.value==\"\"){this.value=a}})});$(\".details dd:empty\").hide().prev(\"dt\").hide()});" end end end describe "expectations" do after do Bonsai::Exporter.publish! end it "should remove the output directory before re-creating it" do FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).with(Bonsai::Exporter.path) end it "should process css with less or sass" do Bonsai::Exporter.should_receive(:generate_css) end it "should compress assets" do Bonsai::Exporter.should_receive(:compress_assets) end end end end