# This gem is obsolete. See [Hilbert](https://github.com/gogotanaka/Hilbert) ### Since you report a bug, I will fix it within 24 hours. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gogotanaka/dydx.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gogotanaka/dydx) Q makes it possible to enjoy mathematics on PC without losing the feeling that you can get from using Pen and Paper. ex. limit, trigonometric functions and logarithmic. ## We can enjoy mathematics even using PC. (to say nothing of using pen.) After `inlcude Dydx` , ruby become like other language. ## Outline ```ruby: require 'dydx' include Dydx # Define the function. syntax is not good enough... f(x, y) <= x + x*y + y # simplify f(x, y) == x * (1 + y) + y => true #part substitution f(a, 2) == 3*a + 2 => true f(1, a + b) == 1 + 2 * ( a + b ) => true # Differentiate d/dx(f(x, y)) == 1 + y => true g(x) <= sin(x) d/dx(g(x)) == cos(x) # Integrate S(g(x), dx)[0, pi/2] => 1.0 ``` #### limit, trigonometric functions and logarithmic. ```ruby: f(z) <= log(z) S(f(z), dz)[0,1] => -Infinity d/dx(log(x)) == 1 / x => true d/dx(cos(x)) == -cos(x) => true d/dx(e ** x) == e ** x => true # standard normal distribution; f(x) <= (1.0 / ( 2.0 * pi ) ** 0.5) * e ** (- x ** 2 / 2) S(f(x), dx)[-oo, oo] => 1.0 ``` ## Documents I'm going to write now...cominng soon.... ### Module, class configuration ``` Dydx |- Algebra | |- Operator | | |- Interface | | |- .... | | | |- Set | |- Formula | |- inverse | |- Function |- Delta |- Integrand ``` ## Test run `bundle exec rake spec` ``` Finished in 3.76 seconds 325 examples, 0 failures ```