var I18n = require("../../app/assets/javascripts/i18n") , Translations = require("./translations") ; describe("Extend", function () { it("should return an object", function () { expect(typeof I18n.extend()).toBe('object'); }); it("should merge 2 objects into 1", function () { var obj1 = { test1: "abc" } , obj2 = { test2: "xyz" } , expected = { test1: "abc" , test2: "xyz" }; expect(I18n.extend(obj1,obj2)).toEqual(expected); }); it("should overwrite a property from obj1 with the same property of obj2", function () { var obj1 = { test1: "abc" , test3: "def" } , obj2 = { test2: "xyz" , test3: "uvw" } , expected = { test1: "abc" , test2: "xyz" , test3: "uvw" }; expect(I18n.extend(obj1,obj2)).toEqual(expected); }); it("should merge deeply from obj1 with the same key of obj2", function() { var obj1 = { test1: { test2: "abc" } } , obj2 = { test1: { test3: "xyz" } } , expected = { test1: { test2: "abc" , test3: "xyz" } } expect(I18n.extend(obj1, obj2)).toEqual(expected); }); it("should correctly merge string, numberic and boolean values", function() { var obj1 = { test1: { test2: false } } , obj2 = { test1: { test3: 23, test4: 'abc' } } , expected = { test1: { test2: false , test3: 23 , test4: 'abc' } } expect(I18n.extend(obj1, obj2)).toEqual(expected); }); it("should merge array values", function() { var obj1 = { array1: [1, 2] }, obj2 = { array2: [1, 2], obj3: { array3: [1, 2], array4: [{obj4: 1}, 2] } }, expected = { array1: [1, 2], array2: [1, 2], obj3: { array3: [1, 2], array4: [{obj4: 1}, 2] } } expect(JSON.stringify(I18n.extend(obj1, obj2))).toEqual(JSON.stringify(expected)); }); });