en: mno_enterprise: templates: dashboard: organization: arrears: title: Sorry we couldn't process this payment explanation: Your account is currently in arrears as we were unable to charge your designated credit card. recommendation: "Please make sure your credit card details are up to date, then click the button below." warning: "Unfortunately if we are unable to charge your credit card by {date}, your applications will be automatically shut down." retry: Retry Payment audit_log: export: Export billing: current_billing_html: "Your billing for the current invoicing period is: {amount}" current_credit_html: "You have {amount} credit on your account to be used for the next payment. Note that this credit account will also be linked to any organization you create." disclaimer: Note that the amount for your current invoicing period is indicative and might not reflect the latest changes in your current billing. about_title: About our billing cycle about_body: Our invoicing period runs from the 25th of the previous month to the 24th of the current month. Any amount due (current spending minus credit) is charged on the 2nd of the following month. credit_card: title: Credit Card Details subtitle: "This is a secured, 128-bit SSL encrypted credit card form" cancel: Cancel save: Save cc_form: title: Title title_select: "-- SELECT --" name: Name on card placeholder_name: Name placeholder_surname: Surname number: Card Number unaccepted_type: This card type is not accepted cvv: CVV country: Country country_select: "-- SELECT --" expiry: Expiry month_select: "-- MONTH --" year_select: "-- YEAR --" billing_form: header: Billing Address street: Street Address city: City postcode: Postcode country: Country country_select: "-- SELECT --" index: title: Company audit_log: title: Audit Log billing: title: Billing current_billing: Current Billing billing_details: Billing Details past_invoices: Past Invoices account_statement: Account Statements members: title: Members teams: title: Teams subtitle: Team Management control_access: Control access to your apps settings: title: Settings invoices: disclaimer: All amounts are displayed in {currency} period: Period amount: Amount paid: Paid download: Download members: invite_users: Invite Users name: Name surname: Surname email: Email role: Role team: Team team_select: "-- Select Team --" edit: Edit remove: Remove invite_modal: title_name: "Edit Member: {name} {surname}" title_email: "Edit Member: {email}" description: Enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite in your company example: "One address per line, e.g.:" disclaimer: Please note that for security reasons unaccepted invites will automatically expire after 3 days. cancel: Cancel next: Next invite: Invite edition_modal: cancel: Cancel change: Change roles: member: A member can see other members and access the company apps power_user: A Power User can see other members and start idle company apps (on per hour plan) admin: An Admin can manage other members (except Super Admin users) and manage the company apps super_admin: A Super Admin has all power within the company including access to billing management removal_modal: title: Confirm action body_name: Are you really sure you want to remove {name} {surname}? body_email: Are you really sure you want to remove {email}? cancel: Cancel remove: Remove settings: company_name: Company name connec_data_sharing: Connec!™ Data Sharing enable: "On" disable: "Off" cancel: Cancel save: Save