require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb' describe "Translator" do before do @t = end it "should translate files" do from = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..' to = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../translated_specs' @t.translate_dir(from, to) end it "should translate context_setup do" do @t.translate_line( "context_setup do\n" ).should eql( "before(:all) do\n" ) end it "should translate context_setup {foo}" do @t.translate_line( "context_setup {foo}\n" ).should eql( "before(:all) {foo}\n" ) end it "should translate context ' to describe '" do @t.translate_line( "context 'Translator' do\n" ).should eql( "describe 'Translator' do\n" ) end it 'should translate context " to describe "' do @t.translate_line( 'context "Translator"' ).should eql( 'describe "Translator"' ) end it 'should translate spaces then context " to describe "' do @t.translate_line( ' context "Translator"' ).should eql( ' describe "Translator"' ) end it "should not translate context=foo" do @t.translate_line(' context=foo').should eql(' context=foo') end it "should not translate context = foo" do @t.translate_line(' context = foo').should eql(' context = foo') end it "should not translate context = foo" do @t.translate_line(' context = foo').should eql(' context = foo') end it "should translate should_be_close" do @t.translate_line('5.0.should_be_close(5.0, 0.5)').should eql('5.0.should be_close(5.0, 0.5)') end it "should translate should_not_raise" do @t.translate_line('lambda { }.should_not_raise').should eql('lambda { }.should_not raise_error') end it "should translate should_throw" do @t.translate_line('lambda { }.should_throw').should eql('lambda { }.should throw_symbol') end it "should not translate 0.9 should_not" do @t.translate_line('@target.should_not @matcher').should eql('@target.should_not @matcher') end it "should leave should_not_receive" do @t.translate_line('@mock.should_not_receive(:not_expected).with("unexpected text")').should eql('@mock.should_not_receive(:not_expected).with("unexpected text")') end it "should leave should_receive" do @t.translate_line('@mock.should_receive(:not_expected).with("unexpected text")').should eql('@mock.should_receive(:not_expected).with("unexpected text")') end it "should translate multi word predicates" do @t.translate_line('foo.should_multi_word_predicate').should eql('foo.should be_multi_word_predicate') end it "should translate multi word predicates prefixed with be" do @t.translate_line('foo.should_be_multi_word_predicate').should eql('foo.should be_multi_word_predicate') end it "should translate be(expected) to equal(expected)" do @t.translate_line('foo.should_be :cool').should eql('foo.should equal :cool') end it "should translate instance_of" do @t.translate_line('5.should_be_an_instance_of(Integer)').should eql('5.should be_an_instance_of(Integer)') end it "should translate should_be <" do @t.translate_line('3.should_be < 4').should eql('3.should be < 4') end it "should translate should_be <=" do @t.translate_line('3.should_be <= 4').should eql('3.should be <= 4') end it "should translate should_be >=" do @t.translate_line('4.should_be >= 3').should eql('4.should be >= 3') end it "should translate should_be >" do @t.translate_line('4.should_be > 3').should eql('4.should be > 3') end it "should translate should_be_happy" do @t.translate_line("4.should_be_happy").should eql("4.should be_happy") end it "should translate custom method taking regexp with parenthesis" do @t.translate_line("@browser.should_contain_text(/Sn.rrunger og annet rusk/)").should eql("@browser.should be_contain_text(/Sn.rrunger og annet rusk/)") end it "should translate custom method taking regexp without parenthesis" do @t.translate_line("@browser.should_contain_text /Sn.rrunger og annet rusk/\n").should eql("@browser.should be_contain_text(/Sn.rrunger og annet rusk/)\n") end it "should translate should_not_be_nil" do @t.translate_line("foo.should_not_be_nil\n").should eql("foo.should_not be_nil\n") end it "should translate kind of" do @t.translate_line('@object.should_be_kind_of(MessageExpectation)').should( eql('@object.should be_kind_of(MessageExpectation)')) end it "should translate should_be_true" do @t.translate_line("foo.should_be_true\n").should eql("foo.should be_true\n") end # [#9674] spec_translate incorrectly handling shoud_match, when regexp in a var, in a block # it "should translate should_match on a regexp, in a var, in a block" do @t.translate_line("collection.each { |c| c.should_match a_regexp_in_a_var }\n").should eql("collection.each { |c| c.should match(a_regexp_in_a_var) }\n") @t.translate_line("collection.each{|c| c.should_match a_regexp_in_a_var}\n").should eql("collection.each{|c| c.should match(a_regexp_in_a_var) }\n") end # From Rubinius specs it "should translate close_to without parens" do @t.translate_line("end.should_be_close 3.14159_26535_89793_23846, TOLERANCE\n").should eql("end.should be_close(3.14159_26535_89793_23846, TOLERANCE)\n") end # [#9882] 0.9 Beta 1 - translator bugs # it "should support symbol arguments" do @t.translate_line( "lambda { sequence.parse('bar') }.should_throw :ZeroWidthParseSuccess\n" ).should eql( "lambda { sequence.parse('bar') }.should throw_symbol(:ZeroWidthParseSuccess)\n" ) end # [#9882] 0.9 Beta 1 - translator bugs # it "should support instance var arguments" do @t.translate_line( "a.should_eql @local" ).should eql( "a.should eql(@local)" ) end # [#9882] 0.9 Beta 1 - translator bugs # it "should support lambdas as expecteds" do @t.translate_line( "@parslet.should_not_eql lambda { nil }.to_parseable" ).should eql( "@parslet.should_not eql(lambda { nil }.to_parseable)" ) end # [#9882] 0.9 Beta 1 - translator bugs # it "should support fully qualified names" do @t.translate_line( "results.should_be_kind_of SimpleASTLanguage::Identifier" ).should eql( "results.should be_kind_of(SimpleASTLanguage::Identifier)" ) end # [#9882] 0.9 Beta 1 - translator bugs # # it "should leave whitespace between expression and comments" do # @t.translate_line( # "lambda { = foo }.should_raise NoMethodError # no writer defined" # ).should eql( # "lambda { = foo }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) # no writer defined" # ) # end it "should translate redirects" do @t.translate_line( "controller.should_redirect_to ''" ).should eql( "controller.should redirect_to('')" ) end end