module TfIdfSimilarity::MatrixMethods private # @return [GSL::Matrix,NArray,NMatrix,Matrix] all document vectors as unit vectors # # @note Lucene normalizes document length differently. def normalize case @library when :gsl @matrix.clone.each_col do |column| unless column.isnull? column.normalize! end end when :narray # @see norm = NMath.sqrt((@matrix ** 2).sum(1).reshape(@matrix.shape[0], 1)) norm[norm.where2[1]] = 1.0 # avoid division by zero NMatrix.refer(@matrix / norm) # must be NMatrix for matrix multiplication when :nmatrix # @see normal =, @matrix.shape, 0, :float64) (0...@matrix.shape[1]).each do |j| column = @matrix.column(j) norm = Math.sqrt([0, 0]) (0...@matrix.shape[0]).each do |i| normal[i, j] = ? 0 : @matrix[i, j] / norm end end normal else Matrix.columns( do |column| if column.to_a.all?(&:zero?) column elsif column.respond_to?(:normalize) column.normalize else column * (1 / Math.sqrt(column.inner_product(column))) # 1.8 does define division end end) end end # @param [Integer] row index # @param [Integer] column index def get(i, j) case @library when :narray @matrix[j, i] else @matrix[i, j] end end # @param [Integer] index the row index # @return [GSL::Vector::View,NArray,NMatrix,Vector] a row def row(index) case @library when :narray @matrix[true, index] else @matrix.row(index) end end # @param [Integer] index the column index # @return [GSL::Vector::View,NArray,NMatrix,Vector] a column def column(index) case @library when :narray @matrix[index, true] else @matrix.column(index) end end # @return [Float] the number of rows in the matrix def row_size case @library when :gsl, :nmatrix @matrix.shape[0] when :narray @matrix.shape[1] else @matrix.row_size end end # @return [Float] the number of columns in the matrix def column_size case @library when :gsl, :nmatrix @matrix.shape[1] when :narray @matrix.shape[0] else @matrix.column_size end end # @return [Array] the matrix's values def values case @library when :nmatrix @matrix.each.to_a # faster than NMatrix's `to_a` and `to_flat_a` else @matrix.to_a.flatten end end # @return [Float] the sum of all values in the matrix def sum case @library when :narray @matrix.sum else values.reduce(0, :+) end end # @param [Array] array matrix rows # @return [GSL::Matrix,NArray,NMatrix,Matrix] a matrix def initialize_matrix(array) case @library when :gsl GSL::Matrix[*array] when :narray NArray[*array] when :nmatrix # @see, [array.size, array.empty? ? 0 : array[0].size], array.flatten, :float64) else Matrix[*array] end end # @param [GSL::Matrix,NArray,NMatrix,Matrix] matrix a matrix # @return [GSL::Matrix,NArray,NMatrix,Matrix] the product def multiply_self(matrix) case @library when :nmatrix else matrix.transpose * matrix end end def log(number) case @library when :gsl GSL::Sf::log(number) when :narray NMath.log(number) else Math.log(number) end end def sqrt(number) case @library when :narray NMath.sqrt(number) else Math.sqrt(number) end end end