# -*- coding: shift_jis -*- # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. # special mode for modulobe.com $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' require 'qwik/modulobe' require 'qwik/act-metadata' require 'qwik/act-files' module Qwik class Action # ============================== model MODULOBE_MODEL_STYLE = ' /* ==================== modulobe model */ div.modulobe_model { margin: 1em 0; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #999; background-color: #fff; } div.modulobe_model table { margin: 0; width: 100%; border: 0; } div.modulobe_model td { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; line-height: 1.0; } div.modulobe_model td.img { margin: 0; border: 0; text-align: center; } div.modulobe_model td.img a { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 0; } div.modulobe_model td.img img { border: 0; } div.modulobe_model td.desc { border: 0; } div.modulobe_model td.desc h3 { border-bottom: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; left: 0; color: #393; } div.modulobe_model td.desc p { margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 1.33; } div.modulobe_model td.desc strong { color: #060; font-weight: normal; } ' def plg_modulobe_model(model) div = [:div, {:class=>'modulobe_model'}] # image files = @site.files(@req.base) file = files.path(model) return [:div, 'No file exist.'] if ! file.exist? model = Modulobe::ModelFile.new(file) href, url, img = model.prepare_link(self, "#{@req.base}.files") # description content = yield #tokens = c_tokenize(content) tokens = TextTokenizer.tokenize(content) author = 'anonymous' title = 'no title' comment = 'no comment' tokens.each {|token| if token[0] == :dl author = token[2] if token[1] == 'author' title = token[2] if token[1] == 'title' comment = token[2] if token[1] == 'comment' end } comment.gsub!(/\\n/, "\n") comment = c_res(comment) desc = [[:h3, [:a, {:href=>href}, title]], [:p, _('Author'), ': ', [:strong, author]], [:p, comment]] table = [:table, [:tr, [:td, {:class=>'img'}, img], [:td, {:class=>'desc'}, desc]]] div << table if ! defined?(@modulobe_model_style) @modulobe_model_style = true div << [:style, MODULOBE_MODEL_STYLE] end return div end # ============================== list def plg_modulobe_model_list pagename = @req.base page = @site[pagename] return if page.nil? files = @site.files(pagename) page.cache[:modellist] ||= Modulobe::ModelList.new(files) modellist = page.cache[:modellist] return if modellist.empty? div = [:div, {:class=>'files'}] path = c_relative_to_root(pagename+'.files') div << modellist.get_table(self, path) div << modellist.get_style return div end # ============================== rss # Called from act-metadata.rb def metadata_model_xml # Check pages that has .mdlb file. page_keys = Hash.new(0) @site.each {|page| files = @site.files(page.key) files.each {|filename| if /\.mdlb\z/ =~ filename page_keys[page.key] += 1 end } } # Collect model files and check last_time. last_time = nil models = [] page_keys.keys.sort.each {|key| page = @site[key] str = page.load tokens = TextTokenizer.tokenize(str) tokens.each {|token| if token[0] == :plugin && token[1] == 'modulobe_model' filename = token[2] files = @site.files(page.key) file = files.path(filename) mtime = file.mtime last_time = mtime if last_time.nil? || last_time < mtime content = token[3] content_tokens = TextTokenizer.tokenize(content) title = author = comment = nil content_tokens.each {|ctoken| next if ctoken[0] != :dl title = ctoken[2] if ctoken[1] == 'title' author = ctoken[2] if ctoken[1] == 'author' comment = ctoken[2] if ctoken[1] == 'comment' } title ||= 'no title' author ||= 'no name' comment ||= 'no comment' models << [mtime, page, file, title, author, comment] end } } xml = [] xml << [:'?xml', '1.0', 'utf-8'] rss = [:rss, {:version=>'2.0', :'xmlns:creativeCommons'=> 'http://backend.userland.com/creativeCommonsRssModule'}] top_url = c_relative_to_absolute('/') channel = [:channel, [:title, 'Modulobe model gallery'], [:link, top_url], [:description, 'This is a model list of Modulobe Wiki.'], [:language, 'ja'], [:managingEditor, 'modulobe@qwik.jp'], [:webMaster, 'modulobe@qwik.jp'], [:lastBuildDate, last_time.rfc1123_date], [:ttl, '60']] models.sort.each {|mtime, page, file, title, author, comment| basename = file.basename url = c_relative_to_absolute(page.key+'.files/'+basename) # Check thumb is exist. thumb_file = file.dirname+'.thumb'+(file.basename('.mdlb').to_s+'.gif') if ! thumb_file.exist? # make it. end thumb = page.key+'.files/.thumb/'+file.basename('.mdlb').to_s+'.gif' thumb_url = c_relative_to_absolute(thumb) html = "
" length = file.size item = [:item, [:title, title], [:link, url], [:description, html], [:author, author], [:pubDate, mtime.rfc1123_date], [:enclosure, {:url=>url, :length=>length, :type=>'application/xml'}], [:'creativeCommons:license', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.1/jp/']] channel << item } rss << channel xml << rss return xml end def pre_ext_mdlbrss xml = [] xml << [:'?xml', '1.0', 'utf-8'] rss = [:rss, {:version=>'2.0'}] moved_url = c_relative_to_absolute('/model.xml') channel = [:channel, [:title, 'moved'], [:link, moved_url], [:description, 'moved.'], [:lastBuildDate, Time.at(0).rfc1123_date], [:ttl, '60']] item = [:item, [:title, 'moved'], [:link, moved_url], [:description, 'moved'], [:pubDate, Time.at(0).rfc1123_date]] channel << item rss << channel xml << rss @res['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' @res.body = xml @res.body = @res.body.format_xml.page_to_xml if ! @config.test return nil end # ============================== upload def plg_modulobe_files_form(pagename=nil) base = @req.base base = pagename if pagename ar = [] ar << [:style, ' div.modulobe_uploader { margin: 10px 0; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; } div.modulobe_uploader table { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; width: 100%; } div.modulobe_uploader td, div.modulobe_uploader th { margin: 0; padding: 2px 10px; border: 0; } div.modulobe_uploader th { text-align: right; } div.modulobe_uploader td input { font-size: small; } '] ar << [:div, {:class=>'modulobe_uploader'}, [:form, {:method=>'POST', :action=>base+'.modulobe_files_upload', :enctype=>'multipart/form-data'}, [:table, [:tr, [:th, _('Model file'), ' : '], [:td, [:input, {:type=>'file', :name=>'content', :size=>'30'}]]], [:tr, [:th, _('Image file'), ' : '], [:td, [:input, {:type=>'file', :name=>'image', :size=>'30'}]]], [:tr, [:td, ''], [:td, [:input, {:type=>'submit', :value=>_('Attach')}]]]]]] return ar end def ext_modulobe_files_upload content = @req.query['content'] # WEBrick::HTTPUtils::FormData image = @req.query['image'] return modulobe_files_put(content, image) if content return modulobe_files_error(_('Please specify file.')) end def modulobe_files_put(content, image) c_require_post files = @site.files(@req.base) fullfilename = content.filename if fullfilename.empty? return modulobe_files_error(_('Please contact the administrator.')) end # Get basename. filename = fullfilename.sub(/\A.*[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)\z/) { $1 } result_filename = files.fput(filename, content) list = [] if filename == result_filename list << [:p, [:strong, filename], ' : ', _('The file is saved.')] else list << [:p, [:strong, filename], ' -> ', [:strong, result_filename], ' : ', _('The file is saved with this filename.')] end if image img_fullfilename = image.filename if img_fullfilename && ! img_fullfilename.empty? img_filename = img_fullfilename.sub(/\A.*[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)\z/) { $1 } ext = Filename.extname(img_filename) if ext == 'gif' img_filename = File.basename(result_filename, '.mdlb')+'.gif' files.put(img_filename, image) list << [:p, _('The image is also saved.')] end end end c_make_log('modulobe file attach') # Modulobe FILE ATTACH files = @site.files(@req.base) file = files.path(result_filename) model = Modulobe::ModelFile.new(file) model.get_internal_info name = model.name author = model.author comment = model.comment comment ||= '' comment.gsub!(/\n/, "\\n") page = @site[@req.base] v = page.load page.add(" * #{name} {{modulobe_model(#{result_filename}) :title: #{name} :author: #{author} :comment: #{comment} }} {{mcomment}} ") list << [:hr] url = @req.base+'.html' list << [:p,_('Go next'),' : ',[:a,{:href=>url},url]] return c_surface(_('File attachment completed')){list} end def modulobe_files_error(msg) return c_surface(_('Error')){ [[:h2, {:style=>'margin:2em;text-align:center;'}, msg], [:p, {:style=>'margin:2em;text-align:center;'}, [:a, {:href=>@req.base+'.html'}, _('Go back')]]] } end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'qwik/test-common' $test = true end if defined?($test) && $test class TestActModulobe < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestSession include Modulobe::Sample # ============================== model def test_model t_add_user # test_modulobe_model page = @site.create('c') page.store('{{modulobe_model(test1.mdlb) :author: Modulobe Project :title: Test1 Model :comment: This is a sample model by Modulobe Project. http://www.modulobe.com/ }} {{hcomment}} ') model = MODULOBE_TEST_MODEL @site.files('c').put('test1.mdlb', model, nil, 0) image = TEST_PNG_DATA @site.files('c').put('test1.gif', image, nil, 1) res = session('/test/c.html') ok_xp([:table, [:tr, [:td, {:class=>'img'}, [:a, {:href=>'c.files/test1.mdlb'}, [:img, {:src=>'c.files/.thumb/test1.gif'}]]], [:td, {:class=>'desc'}, [[:h3, [:a, {:href=>'c.files/test1.mdlb'}, 'Test1 Model']], [:p, 'Author', ': ', [:strong, 'Modulobe Project']], [:p, [[:p, 'This is a sample model by Modulobe Project.']]]]]]], "//div[@class='modulobe_model']/table") end def test_with_minus t_add_user page = @site.create('c') page.store('{{modulobe_model(test-2.mdlb) :author: Modulobe Project :title: Test-2 Model :comment: This is a sample. }} {{hcomment}} ') model = MODULOBE_TEST_MODEL @site.files('c').put('test-2.mdlb', model, nil, 0) image = TEST_PNG_DATA @site.files('c').put('test-2.gif', image, nil, 1) res = session('/test/c.html') ok_xp([:table, [:tr, [:td, {:class=>'img'}, [:a, {:href=>'c.files/test-2.mdlb'}, [:img, {:src=>'c.files/.thumb/test-2.gif'}]]], [:td, {:class=>'desc'}, [[:h3, [:a, {:href=>'c.files/test-2.mdlb'}, 'Test-2 Model']], [:p, 'Author', ': ', [:strong, 'Modulobe Project']], [:p, [[:p, 'This is a sample.']]]]]]], "//div[@class='modulobe_model']/table") end # ============================== list def test_modulobe_list t_add_user # test_modulobe_model_list page = @site.create('c') model = MODULOBE_TEST_MODEL1 @site.files('c').put('test1.mdlb', model, nil, 0) image = TEST_PNG_DATA @site.files('c').put('test1.gif', image, nil, 1) page.store("{{modulobe_model_list}}") res = session('/test/c.html') list = res.body.get_path("//div[@class='files']") ok_xp([:tr, {:class=>'model'}, [:td, [:a, {:href=>'c.files/test1.mdlb'}, [:img, {:src=>'c.files/.thumb/test1.gif'}]]], [:td, [:div, {:class=>'author'}, 'Alice'], [:div, {:class=>'name'}, [:a, {:href=>'c.files/test1.mdlb'}, 't1 model']], [:pre, {:class=>'comment'}, "This is a comment.\n"]]], "//div[@class='files']/table/tr[2]") end # ============================== rss def setup_models t_add_user # Prepare a page. page = @site.create('a') page.store("* a * t1 model {{modulobe_model(test1.mdlb) :title: t1 model :author: Alice :comment: This is a comment.\n }} {{hcomment}} ") files = @site.files('a') files.put('test1.mdlb', MODULOBE_TEST_MODEL1, nil, 0) files.put('test1.gif', TEST_PNG_DATA, nil, 1) # Prepare another page. page = @site.create('b') page.store("* b * t2 model {{modulobe_model(test2.mdlb) :title: t2 model :author: Bob :comment: This is a comment, too.\n }} {{hcomment}} ") files = @site.files('b') files.put('test2.mdlb', MODULOBE_TEST_MODEL2, nil, 2) files.put('test2.gif', TEST_PNG_DATA, nil, 3) end def test_ext_mdlbrss setup_models res = session('/test/nosuch.mdlbrss') ok_xp([:title, 'moved'], '//title') res = session('/test/a.mdlbrss') ok_eq([[:'?xml', '1.0', 'utf-8'], [:rss, {:version=>'2.0'}, [:channel, [:title, 'moved'], [:link, 'http://example.com/model.xml'], [:description, 'moved.'], [:lastBuildDate, 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 09:00:00 GMT'], [:ttl, '60'], [:item, [:title, 'moved'], [:link, 'http://example.com/model.xml'], [:description, 'moved'], [:pubDate, 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 09:00:00 GMT']]]]], res.body) end def nu_test_metadata_model_xml setup_models res = session('/test/model.xml') ok_eq([[:'?xml', '1.0', 'utf-8'], [:rss, {:'xmlns:creativeCommons'=> 'http://backend.userland.com/creativeCommonsRssModule', :version=>'2.0'}, [:channel, [:title, 'Modulobe model gallery'], [:link, 'http://example.com/'], [:description, 'This is a model list of Modulobe Wiki.'], [:language, 'ja'], [:managingEditor, 'modulobe@qwik.jp'], [:webMaster, 'modulobe@qwik.jp'], [:lastBuildDate, 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 09:00:02 GMT'], [:ttl, '60'], [:item, [:title, 't1 model'], [:link, 'http://example.com/test/a.files/test1.mdlb'], [:description, "This is a comment.
"], [:author, 'Alice'], [:pubDate, 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 09:00:00 GMT'], [:enclosure, {:url=>'http://example.com/test/a.files/test1.mdlb', :length=>563, :type=>'application/xml'}], [:'creativeCommons:license', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.1/jp/']], [:item, [:title, 't2 model'], [:link, 'http://example.com/test/b.files/test2.mdlb'], [:description, "This is a comment, too.
"], [:author, 'Bob'], [:pubDate, 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 09:00:02 GMT'], [:enclosure, {:url=>'http://example.com/test/b.files/test2.mdlb', :length=>1395, :type=>'application/xml'}], [:'creativeCommons:license', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.1/jp/']]]]], res.body) end # ============================== upload def prepare(con, im) content = WEBrick::HTTPUtils::FormData.new(MODULOBE_TEST_MODEL) content.filename = con image = WEBrick::HTTPUtils::FormData.new(TEST_PNG_DATA) image.filename = im return content, image end def test_upload t_add_user # test_modulobe_files_form page = @site.create('c') page.store('{{modulobe_files_form}}') res = session('/test/c.html') # See the form. form = @res.body.get_path("//div[@class='section']/form") ok_eq({:method=>'POST', :action=>'c.modulobe_files_upload', :enctype=>'multipart/form-data'}, form[1]) ok_eq([:form, {:enctype=>'multipart/form-data', :method=>'POST', :action=>'c.modulobe_files_upload'}, [:table, [:tr, [:th, 'Model file', ' : '], [:td, [:input, {:size=>'30', :type=>'file', :name=>'content'}]]], [:tr, [:th, 'Image file', ' : '], [:td, [:input, {:size=>'30', :type=>'file', :name=>'image'}]]], [:tr, [:td, ''], [:td, [:input, {:value=>'Attach', :type=>'submit'}]]]]], form) # test_upload content, image = prepare('test1.mdlb', 'test1.gif') session('POST /test/c.modulobe_files_upload') {|req| # Put a file. req.query.update({'content'=>content, 'image'=>image}) } ok_title('File attachment completed') sitelog = @site.sitelog # Check log. ok_eq(",0.000000,user@e.com,modulobe file attach,c\n", @site['_SiteLog'].load) # The model is attached. ok_eq("{{modulobe_files_form}} * {{modulobe_model(test1.mdlb) :title:\t\t :author:\t :comment:\t }} {{mcomment}} ", page.load) # Get the file. res = session('/test/c.files/test1.mdlb') assert_match(/\A<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="utf-8"\?>/, res.body) ok_eq('application/x-modulobe', res['Content-Type']) # Get the image file. res = session('/test/c.files/test1.gif') ok_eq('image/gif', res['Content-Type']) end def test_with_invalid_character t_add_user page = @site.create('c') content, image = prepare('test 2.mdlb', 'test 2.gif') res = session('POST /test/c.modulobe_files_upload') {|req| # Put a file. req.query.update({'content'=>content, 'image'=>image}) } ok_title('File attachment completed') ok_xp([:p, [:strong, 'test 2.mdlb'], ' : ', 'The file is saved.'], "//div[@class='body_main']/p") # test_modulobe_files_upload_with_invalid_character content, image = prepare('test+2.mdlb', 'test 2.gif') res = session('POST /test/c.modulobe_files_upload') {|req| req.query.update({'content'=>content, 'image'=>image}) } ok_title('File attachment completed') ok_xp([:p, [:strong, 'test+2.mdlb'], ' : ', 'The file is saved.'], "//div[@class='body_main']/p") # Get the file. res = session('/test/c.files/test+2.mdlb') assert_match(/\A<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="utf-8"\?>/, res.body) ok_eq('application/x-modulobe', res['Content-Type']) # Get the image file. res = session('/test/c.files/test+2.gif') ok_eq('image/gif', res['Content-Type']) end def test_with_japanese_character t_add_user page = @site.create('c') # Put files. content, image = prepare('c:\い\あ.mdlb', 'c:\い\あ.gif') res = session('POST /test/c.modulobe_files_upload') {|req| req.query.update({'content'=>content, 'image'=>image}) } ok_title('File attachment completed') ok_xp([:p, [:strong, 'あ.mdlb'], ' : ', 'The file is saved.'], "//div[@class='body_main']/p") # Get the file. res = session('/test/c.files/=E3=81=82.mdlb') assert_match(/\A<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="utf-8"\?>/, res.body) ok_eq('application/x-modulobe', res['Content-Type']) # Put files again. # content and image are same. res = session('POST /test/c.modulobe_files_upload') {|req| req.query.update({'content'=>content, 'image'=>image}) } ok_title('File attachment completed') ok_xp([:p, [:strong, 'あ.mdlb'], ' -> ', [:strong, '1-あ.mdlb'], ' : ', 'The file is saved with this filename.'], "//div[@class='body_main']/p") # Get the file. res = session('/test/c.files/1-=E3=81=82.mdlb') assert_match(/\A<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="utf-8"\?>/, res.body) ok_eq('application/x-modulobe', res['Content-Type']) end end end