class AppDelegate def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions) @window = UIWindow.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) @form = Formotion::Form.persist({ title: "Persist Example", persist_as: "example", sections: [{ title: "Section Title", footer: "This is the footer for the section. It's good for displaying detailed data about the section.", rows: [{ title: "Static", type: :static, }, { title: "Email", key: :email, placeholder: "", type: :email, auto_correction: :no, auto_capitalization: :none }, { title: "Gender", key: :gender, type: :options, items: ['Female', 'Male'] }, { title: "Password", key: :password, placeholder: "required", type: :string, secure: true }, { title: "Phone", key: :phone, placeholder: "555-555-5555", type: :phone, auto_correction: :no, auto_capitalization: :none }, { title: "Number", key: :number, placeholder: "12345", type: :number, auto_correction: :no, auto_capitalization: :none }, { title: "Subtitle", subtitle: "Confirmation", key: :confirm, placeholder: "required", type: :string, secure: true }, { title: "Row Height", key: :row_height, placeholder: "60px", type: :string, row_height: 60 }, { title: "Text", key: :text, type: :text, placeholder: "Enter your text here", row_height: 100 }, { title: "Check", key: :check, type: :check, value: true }, { title: "Remember?", key: :remember, type: :switch, }, { title: "Date Full", subtitle: "w/ :value", value: 326937600, key: :date_long, type: :date, format: :full }, { title: "Date Medium", subtitle: "w/ :value", value: 1341273600, key: :date_medium, type: :date, format: :medium }, { title: "Date Short", subtitle: "w/ :placeholder", placeholder: "DOB", key: :date_short, type: :date, format: :short }, { title: "Slider", key: :slider, type: :slider, range: (1..100), value: 25 }] }, { title: "Subforms", rows: [{ title: "Subform", subtitle: "With display_key", type: :subform, key: :subform, display_key: :type, subform: { title: "Account Type", sections: [{ key: :type, select_one: true, rows: [{ title: "Free", key: :Free, type: :check, }, { title: "Basic", value: true, key: :Basic, type: :check, }, { title: "Pro", key: :Pro, type: :check, }] }, { rows: [{ title: "Advanced", type: :subform, key: :advanced, subform: { title: "Advanced", sections: [{ key: :currency, select_one: true, rows: [{ title: "USD", value: true, key: :usd, type: :check, }, { title: "EUR", key: :eur, type: :check, }, { title: "CHF", key: :chf, type: :check, }] }, { rows: [{ title: 'Back', type: :back }] }] } }] }, { rows: [{ title: 'Back', type: :back }] }] } }] }] }) @view_controller = Formotion::FormController.alloc.initWithForm(@form) @view_controller.form.on_submit do |form| form.active_row && form.active_row.text_field.resignFirstResponder alert = UIAlertView.alloc.init alert.title = "@form.render" alert.message = @form.render.to_s alert.addButtonWithTitle("OK") end @view_controller.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithTitle("Reset", style: UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered, target:self, action:'reset_form') @navigation_controller = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController(@view_controller) @window.rootViewController = @navigation_controller @window.makeKeyAndVisible true end def submit @form.submit end def reset_form @form.reset end end