module ActiveScaffold module Helpers # All extra helpers that should be included in the View. # Also a dumping ground for uncategorized helpers. module ActionLinkHelpers # params which mustn't be copying to nested links NESTED_PARAMS = %i[eid embedded association parent_scaffold].freeze def skip_action_link?(link, *args) !link.ignore_method.nil? && controller.respond_to?(link.ignore_method, true) && controller.send(link.ignore_method, *args) end def action_link_authorized?(link, *args) auth, reason = if link.security_method_set? || controller.respond_to?(link.security_method, true) controller.send(link.security_method, *args) else args.empty? ? true : args.first.authorized_for?(:crud_type => link.crud_type, :action => link.action, :reason => true) end [auth, reason] end def display_dynamic_action_group(action_link, links, record_or_ul_options = nil, ul_options = nil) ul_options = record_or_ul_options if ul_options.nil? && record_or_ul_options.is_a?(Hash) record = record_or_ul_options unless record_or_ul_options.is_a?(Hash) html = content_tag :ul, ul_options do safe_join( { |link| content_tag :li, link }) end raw "ActiveScaffold.display_dynamic_action_group('#{get_action_link_id action_link, record}', '#{escape_javascript html}');" # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety end def display_action_links(action_links, record, options, &block) options[:level_0_tag] ||= nil options[:options_level_0_tag] ||= nil options[:level] ||= 0 options[:first_action] = true output = action_links.each(:reverse => options.delete(:reverse), :groups => true) do |link| if link.is_a? ActiveScaffold::DataStructures::ActionLinks unless link.empty? options[:level] += 1 content = display_action_links(link, record, options, &block) options[:level] -= 1 if content.present? output << display_action_link(link, content, record, options) options[:first_action] = false end end elsif !skip_action_link?(link, *Array(options[:for])) authorized, reason = action_link_authorized?(link, *Array(options[:for])) next if !authorized && options[:skip_unauthorized] output << display_action_link(link, nil, record, options.merge(:authorized => authorized, :not_authorized_reason => reason)) options[:first_action] = false end end output end def display_action_link(link, content, record, options) if content html_classes = hover_via_click? ? 'hover_click ' : '' if (options[:level]).zero? html_classes << 'action_group' group_tag = :div else html_classes << 'top' if options[:first_action] group_tag = :li end content = content_tag(group_tag, :class => html_classes.presence, :onclick => ('' if hover_via_click?)) do content_tag(:div, as_(link.label), :class => << content_tag(:ul, content) end else content = render_action_link(link, record, options) content = content_tag(:li, content, :class => ('top' if options[:first_action])) unless (options[:level]).zero? end content = content_tag(options[:level_0_tag], content, options[:options_level_0_tag]) if (options[:level]).zero? && options[:level_0_tag] content end def render_action_link(link, record = nil, options = {}) if link.action.nil? || link.column&.association&.polymorphic? link = action_link_to_inline_form(link, record) if link.column&.association options[:authorized] = false if link.action.nil? || link.controller.nil? options.delete :link if link.crud_type == :create end if link.action.nil? || (link.type == :member && options.key?(:authorized) && !options[:authorized]) html_class = "disabled #{link.action}#{" #{link.html_options[:class]}" if link.html_options[:class].present?}" html_options = {:link => action_link_text(link, options), :class => html_class, :title => options[:not_authorized_reason]} action_link_html(link, nil, html_options, record) else url = action_link_url(link, record) html_options = action_link_html_options(link, record, options) action_link_html(link, url, html_options, record) end end # setup the action link to inline form def action_link_to_inline_form(link, record) link = link.dup associated = record.send( if link.column.association&.polymorphic? link.controller = controller_path_for_activerecord(associated.class) return link if link.controller.nil? end link = configure_column_link(link, record, associated) if link.action.nil? link end def configure_column_link(link, record, associated, actions = nil) actions ||= link.controller_actions || [] if column_empty?(associated) # if association is empty, we only can link to create form if actions.include?(:new) link.action = 'new' link.crud_type = :create link.label ||= :create_new end elsif actions.include?(:edit) link.action = 'edit' link.crud_type = :update elsif actions.include?(:show) link.action = 'show' link.crud_type = :read elsif actions.include?(:list) link.action = 'index' link.crud_type = :read end unless column_link_authorized?(link, link.column, record, associated)[0] link.action = nil # if action is edit and is not authorized, fallback to show if it's enabled if link.crud_type == :update && actions.include?(:show) link = configure_column_link(link, record, associated, [:show]) end end link end def column_link_authorized?(link, column, record, associated) if column.association associated_for_authorized = if column.association.collection? || associated.nil? column.association.klass else associated end authorized, reason = associated_for_authorized.authorized_for?(:crud_type => link.crud_type, :reason => true) if link.crud_type == :create && authorized authorized, reason = record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :update, :column =>, :reason => true) end [authorized, reason] else action_link_authorized?(link, record) end end def sti_record?(record) return unless active_scaffold_config.active_record? model = active_scaffold_config.model record && model.columns_hash.include?(model.inheritance_column) && record[model.inheritance_column].present? && !record.instance_of?(model) end def cache_action_link_url?(link, record) active_scaffold_config.user.cache_action_link_urls && link.type == :member && !link.dynamic_parameters.is_a?(Proc) && !sti_record?(record) end def cached_action_link_url(link, record) @action_links_urls ||= {} @action_links_urls[link.name_to_cache.to_s] || begin url_options = cached_action_link_url_options(link, record) if cache_action_link_url?(link, record) @action_links_urls[link.name_to_cache.to_s] = url_for(url_options) else url_options.merge! eid: nil, embedded: nil if link.nested_link? url_for(params_for(url_options)) end end end def replace_id_params_in_action_link_url(link, record, url) url = record ? url.sub('--ID--', record.to_param.to_s) : url.clone if link.column&.association&.singular? child_id = record.send( if child_id.present? url.sub!('--CHILD_ID--', child_id) else url.sub!(/\w+=--CHILD_ID--&?/, '') url.sub!(/\?$/, '') end elsif nested? url.sub!('--CHILD_ID--', params[nested.param_name].to_s) end url end def add_query_string_to_cached_url(link, url) query_string, non_nested_query_string = query_string_for_action_links(link) nested_params = (!link.nested_link? && non_nested_query_string) if query_string || nested_params url << (url.include?('?') ? '&' : '?') url << query_string if query_string url << non_nested_query_string if nested_params end url end def action_link_url(link, record) url = replace_id_params_in_action_link_url(link, record, cached_action_link_url(link, record)) url = add_query_string_to_cached_url(link, url) if @action_links_urls[link.name_to_cache.to_s] url end def column_in_params_conditions?(key) if key =~ /!$/ conditions_from_params[1..-1].any? { |node| == key[0..-2] } else conditions_from_params[0].include?(key) end end def ignore_param_for_nested?(key) NESTED_PARAMS.include?(key) || column_in_params_conditions?(key) || (nested? && nested.param_name == key) end def query_string_for_action_links(link) if defined?(@query_string) && link.parameters.none? { |k, _| @query_string_params.include? k } return [@query_string, @non_nested_query_string] end keep = true @query_string_params ||= query_string_options = {} non_nested_query_string_options = {} params_for.except(:controller, :action, :id).each do |key, value| @query_string_params << key if link.parameters.include? key keep = false next end if ignore_param_for_nested?(key) non_nested_query_string_options[key] = value else query_string_options[key] = value end end if nested_singular_association? && action_name == 'index' # pass current path as return_to, for nested listing on singular association, so forms doesn't return to parent listing @query_string_params << :return_to non_nested_query_string_options[:return_to] = request.fullpath end query_string = query_string_options.to_query if query_string_options.present? if non_nested_query_string_options.present? non_nested_query_string = "#{'&' if query_string}#{non_nested_query_string_options.to_query}" end if keep @query_string = query_string @non_nested_query_string = non_nested_query_string end [query_string, non_nested_query_string] end def cache_action_link_url_options?(link, record) active_scaffold_config.user.cache_action_link_urls && (link.type == :collection || !link.dynamic_parameters.is_a?(Proc)) && !sti_record?(record) end def cached_action_link_url_options(link, record) @action_links_url_options ||= {} @action_links_url_options[link.name_to_cache.to_s] || begin options = action_link_url_options(link, record) if cache_action_link_url_options?(link, record) @action_links_url_options[link.name_to_cache.to_s] = options end options end end def action_link_url_options(link, record) url_options = {:action => link.action} url_options[:id] = '--ID--' unless record.nil? url_options[:controller] = link.controller.to_s if link.controller url_options.merge! link.parameters if link.parameters if link.dynamic_parameters.is_a?(Proc) if record.nil? url_options.merge! instance_exec(&link.dynamic_parameters) else url_options.merge! instance_exec(record, &link.dynamic_parameters) end end if link.nested_link? url_options_for_nested_link(link.column, record, link, url_options) elsif nested? url_options[nested.param_name] = '--CHILD_ID--' end url_options_for_sti_link(link.column, record, link, url_options) unless record.nil? || active_scaffold_config.sti_children.nil? url_options[:_method] = link.method if !link.confirm? && link.inline? && link.method != :get url_options end def action_link_text(link, options) text = image_tag(link.image[:name], :size => link.image[:size], :alt => options[:link] || link.label, :title => options[:link] || link.label) if link.image text || options[:link] end def replaced_action_link_url_options(link, record) url = cached_action_link_url_options(link, record) url[:controller] ||= params[:controller] missing_options, url_options = url.partition { |_, v| v.nil? } replacements = {} replacements['--ID--'] = if record if link.column&.association&.singular? replacements['--CHILD_ID--'] = record.send( elsif nested? replacements['--CHILD_ID--'] = params[nested.param_name].to_s end url_options.collect! do |k, v| [k.to_s, replacements[v] || v] end [missing_options, url_options] end def action_link_selected?(link, record) missing_options, url_options = replaced_action_link_url_options(link, record) safe_params = params.to_unsafe_h (url_options - safe_params.to_a).blank? && missing_options.all? { |k, _| params[k].nil? } end def action_link_html_options(link, record, options) link_id = get_action_link_id(link, record) html_options = link.html_options.merge(:class => [link.html_options[:class], link.action.to_s].compact.join(' ')) html_options[:link] = action_link_text(link, options) # Needs to be in html_options to as the adding _method to the url is no longer supported by Rails html_options[:method] = link.method if link.method != :get html_options[:data] ||= {} html_options[:data] = html_options[:data].deep_dup if html_options[:data].frozen? html_options[:data][:confirm] = link.confirm(h(record&.to_label)) if link.confirm? if !options[:page] && !options[:popup] && (options[:inline] || link.inline?) html_options[:class] << ' as_action' html_options[:data][:position] = link.position if link.position html_options[:data][:action] = link.action html_options[:data][:cancel_refresh] = true if link.refresh_on_close html_options[:data][:keep_open] = true if link.keep_open? html_options[:remote] = true end if link.toggle html_options[:class] << ' toggle' html_options[:class] << ' active' if action_link_selected?(link, record) end if !options[:page] && !options[:inline] && (options[:popup] || link.popup?) html_options[:target] = '_blank' html_options[:rel] = [html_options[:rel], 'noopener noreferrer'].compact.join(' ') end html_options[:id] = link_id if link.dhtml_confirm? unless link.inline? html_options[:class] << ' as_action' html_options[:page_link] = 'true' end html_options[:dhtml_confirm] = link.dhtml_confirm.value html_options[:onclick] = link.dhtml_confirm.onclick_function(controller, link_id) end html_options end def get_action_link_id(link, record = nil) column = link.column if column&.association && record associated = record.send( unless column.association.collection? id = if associated "#{}-#{}-#{}" else "#{}-#{}" end end id ||= record&.id&.to_s || (nested? ? nested_parent_id.to_s : '') action_link_id = ActiveScaffold::Registry.cache :action_link_id, link.name_to_cache.to_s do action_id = "#{id_from_controller("#{link.controller}-") if params[:parent_controller] || (link.controller && link.controller != controller.controller_path)}#{link.action}" action_link_id(action_id, '--ID--') end action_link_id.sub('--ID--', id) end def action_link_html(link, url, html_options, record) label = html_options.delete(:link) label ||= link.label if url.nil? content_tag(:a, label, html_options) else link_to(label, url, html_options) end end def url_options_for_nested_link(column, record, link, url_options) if column&.association url_options[:parent_scaffold] = controller_path url_options[] = url_options.delete(:id) url_options[:id] = if column.association.singular? && url_options[:action].to_sym != :index '--CHILD_ID--' end elsif link.parameters&.dig(:named_scope) url_options[:parent_scaffold] = controller_path url_options[] = url_options.delete(:id) url_options[:id] = nil end end def url_options_for_sti_link(column, record, link, url_options) # need to find out controller of current record type and set parameters # it's quite difficult to detect an sti link # if link.column.nil? we are sure that it isn't a singular association inline autolink # however that will not work if a sti parent is a singular association inline autolink return unless link.column.nil? return if (sti_controller_path = controller_path_for_activerecord(record.class)).nil? url_options[:controller] = sti_controller_path url_options[:parent_sti] = controller_path end end end end