require File.expand_path('../../../../spec/helper', __FILE__) spec_require 'erector' # Define what view and layout we'll need to load Ramaze::App.options.views = 'erector' Ramaze::App.options.layouts = 'erector' ## # Core spec class for the test. # This class is nothing more than a regular controller but is called using Bacon instead of a browser. # class SpecErector < Ramaze::Controller # Map the controller to the root of the server. map '/' # Set the engine to Erector. We can't test Erector if we're not using it can we? engine :erector helper :erector, :thread layout :layout # The index method loads a very basic view in a layout. def index end # The tables method loads a view that contains a html table. def tables @users = [{:name => 'Yorick Peterse', :age => 18}, {:name => 'Chuck Norris', :age => 9000}, {:name => 'Bob Ross', :age => 53}] end # Render a view inside a view def view end end # Testing time! describe Ramaze::View::Erector do # The test type is a basic Rack based test. behaves_like :rack_test # Render the index view. This is a basic view wrapped in a layout it 'Render a basic layout and view' do got = get '/' got.status.should.equal 200 got['Content-Type'].should.equal 'text/html' got.body.strip.should.equal 'erector

paragraph text

' end # Render the tables view it 'Render a view with an HTML table' do got = get '/tables' got.status.should.equal 200 got['Content-Type'].should.equal 'text/html' got.body.strip.should.equal 'erector
Yorick Peterse18
Chuck Norris9000
Bob Ross53
' end # Render a view inside a view it 'Render a view inside a view' do got = get '/view' got.status.should.equal 200 got['Content-Type'].should.equal 'text/html' got.body.strip.should.equal 'erector

Hello, view!

view body.

' end end