require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) describe "Array#initialize" do before :each do ScratchPad.clear end it "is private" do Array.should have_private_instance_method("initialize") end it "is called on subclasses" do b = :size_or_array, :obj b.should == [] ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:size_or_array, :obj] end it "preserves the object's identity even when changing its value" do a = [1, 2, 3] a.send(:initialize).should equal(a) a.should_not == [1, 2, 3] end it "raise an ArgumentError if passed 3 or more arguments" do lambda do [1, 2].send :initialize, 1, 'x', true end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda do [1, 2].send(:initialize, 1, 'x', true) {} end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end ruby_version_is '' ... '1.9' do it "raises a TypeError on frozen arrays even if the array would not be modified" do lambda do ArraySpecs.frozen_array.send :initialize end.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda do ArraySpecs.frozen_array.send :initialize, ArraySpecs.frozen_array end.should raise_error(TypeError) end end ruby_version_is '1.9' do it "raises a RuntimeError on frozen arrays" do lambda do ArraySpecs.frozen_array.send :initialize end.should raise_error(RuntimeError) lambda do ArraySpecs.frozen_array.send :initialize, ArraySpecs.frozen_array end.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe "Array#initialize with no arguments" do it "makes the array empty" do [1, 2, 3].send(:initialize).should be_empty end it "does not use the given block" do lambda{ [1, 2, 3].send(:initialize) { raise } }.should_not raise_error end end describe "Array#initialize with (array)" do it "replaces self with the other array" do b = [4, 5, 6] [1, 2, 3].send(:initialize, b).should == b end it "does not use the given block" do lambda{ [1, 2, 3].send(:initialize) { raise } }.should_not raise_error end it "calls #to_ary to convert the value to an array" do a = mock("array") a.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return([1, 2]) a.should_not_receive(:to_int) [].send(:initialize, a).should == [1, 2] end it "does not call #to_ary on instances of Array or subclasses of Array" do a = [1, 2] a.should_not_receive(:to_ary) [].send(:initialize, a).should == a end it "raises a TypeError if an Array type argument and a default object" do lambda { [].send(:initialize, [1, 2], 1) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "Array#initialize with (size, object=nil)" do it "sets the array to size and fills with the object" do a = [] obj = [3] a.send(:initialize, 2, obj).should == [obj, obj] a[0].should equal(obj) a[1].should equal(obj) end it "sets the array to size and fills with nil when object is omitted" do [].send(:initialize, 3).should == [nil, nil, nil] end it "raises an ArgumentError if size is negative" do lambda { [].send(:initialize, -1, :a) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { [].send(:initialize, -1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end platform_is :wordsize => 32 do it "raises an ArgumentError if size is too large" do max_size = ArraySpecs.max_32bit_size lambda { [].send(:initialize, max_size + 1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end platform_is :wordsize => 64 do it "raises an ArgumentError if size is too large" do max_size = ArraySpecs.max_64bit_size lambda { [].send(:initialize, max_size + 1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "calls #to_int to convert the size argument to an Integer when object is given" do obj = mock('1') obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(1) [].send(:initialize, obj, :a).should == [:a] end it "calls #to_int to convert the size argument to an Integer when object is not given" do obj = mock('1') obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(1) [].send(:initialize, obj).should == [nil] end it "raises a TypeError if the size argument is not an Integer type" do obj = mock('nonnumeric') obj.stub!(:to_ary).and_return([1, 2]) lambda{ [].send(:initialize, obj, :a) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "yields the index of the element and sets the element to the value of the block" do [].send(:initialize, 3) { |i| i.to_s }.should == ['0', '1', '2'] end it "uses the block value instead of using the default value" do [].send(:initialize, 3, :obj) { |i| i.to_s }.should == ['0', '1', '2'] end it "returns the value passed to break" do [].send(:initialize, 3) { break :a }.should == :a end it "sets the array to the values returned by the block before break is executed" do a = [1, 2, 3] a.send(:initialize, 3) do |i| break if i == 2 i.to_s end a.should == ['0', '1'] end end