# CHANGELOG ## main ## 2.31.1 * Fix `DEPRECATION WARNING: before_render_check` when compiling `ViewComponent::Base` *Dave Kroondyk* ## 2.31.0 * Add `#with_content` to allow setting content without a block. *Jordan Raine, Manuel Puyol* * Add `with_request_url` test helper. *Mario Schüttel* * Improve feature parity with Rails translations * Don't create a translation backend if the component has no translation file * Mark translation keys ending with `html` as HTML-safe * Always convert keys to String * Support multiple keys *Elia Schito* * Fix errors on `asset_url` helpers when `asset_host` has no protocol. *Elia Schito* * Prevent slots from overriding the `#content` method when registering a slot with that name. *Blake Williams* * Deprecate `with_slot` in favor of the new [slots API](https://viewcomponent.org/guide/slots.html). *Manuel Puyol* ## 2.30.0 * Deprecate `with_content_areas` in favor of [slots](https://viewcomponent.org/guide/slots.html). *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.29.0 * Allow Slot lambdas to share data from the parent component and allow chaining on the returned component. *Sjors Baltus, Blake Williams* * Experimental: Add `ViewComponent::Translatable` * `t` and `translate` now will look first into the sidecar YAML translations file. * `helpers.t` and `I18n.t` still reference the global Rails translation files. * `l` and `localize` will still reference the global Rails translation files. *Elia Schito* * Fix rendering output of pass through slots when using HAML. *Alex Robbin, Blake Williams* * Experimental: call `._sidecar_files` to fetch the sidecar files for a given list of extensions, e.g. passing `["yml", "yaml"]`. *Elia Schito* * Fix bug where a single `jbuilder` template matched multiple template handlers. *Niels Slot* ## 2.28.0 * Include SlotableV2 by default in Base. **Note:** It's no longer necessary to include `ViewComponent::SlotableV2` to use Slots. *Joel Hawksley* * Prepend Preview routes instead of appending, accounting for cases where host application has catchall route. *Joel Hawksley* * Fix bug where blocks passed to lambda slots will render incorrectly in certain situations. *Blake Williams* ## 2.27.0 * Allow customization of the controller used in component tests. *Alex Robbin* * Generate preview at overridden path if one exists when using `--preview` flag. *Nishiki Liu* ## 2.26.1 * Fix bug that raises when trying to use a collection before the component has been compiled. *Blake Williams* ## 2.26.0 * Lazily evaluate component `content` in `render?`, preventing the `content` block from being evaluated when `render?` returns false. *Blake Williams* * Do not generate template when using `--inline` flag. *Hans Lemuet* * Add `--inline` option to the Haml and Slim generators *Hans Lemuet* ## 2.25.1 * Experimental: call `._after_compile` class method after a component is compiled. *Joel Hawksley* * Fix bug where SlotV2 was rendered as an HTML string when using Slim. *Manuel Puyol* ## 2.25.0 * Add `--preview` generator option to create an associated preview file. *Bob Maerten* * Add argument validation to avoid `content` override. *Manuel Puyol* ## 2.24.0 * Add `--inline` option to the erb generator. Prevents default erb template from being created and creates a component with a call method. *Nachiket Pusalkar* * Add test case for checking presence of `content` in `#render?`. *Joel Hawksley* * Rename `master` branch to `main`. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.23.2 * Fix bug where rendering a component `with_collection` from a controller raised an error. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.23.1 * Fixed out-of-order rendering bug in `ActionView::SlotableV2` *Blake Williams* ## 2.23.0 * Add `ActionView::SlotableV2` * `with_slot` becomes `renders_one`. * `with_slot collection: true` becomes `renders_many`. * Slot definitions now accept either a component class, component class name, or a lambda instead of a `class_name:` keyword argument. * Slots now support positional arguments. * Slots no longer use the `content` attribute to render content, instead relying on `to_s`. e.g. `<%= my_slot %>`. * Slot values are no longer set via the `slot` method, and instead use the name of the slot. *Blake Williams* * Add `frozen_string_literal: true` to generated component template. *Max Beizer* ## 2.22.1 * Revert refactor that broke rendering for some users. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.22.0 * Add #with_variant to enable inline component variant rendering without template files. *Nathan Jones* ## 2.21.0 * Only compile components at application initialization if eager loading is enabled. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.20.0 * Don't add `/test/components/previews` to preview_paths if directory doesn't exist. *Andy Holland* * Add `preview_controller` option to override the controller used for component previews. *Matt Swanson, Blake Williams, Juan Manuel Ramallo* ## 2.19.1 * Check if `Rails.application` is loaded. *Gleydson Tavares* * Add documentation for webpack configuration when using Stimulus controllers. *Ciprian Redinciuc* ## 2.19.0 * Extend documentation for using Stimulus within sidecar directories. *Ciprian Redinciuc* * Subclassed components inherit templates from parent. *Blake Williams* * Fix uninitialized constant error from `with_collection` when `eager_load` is disabled. *Josh Gross* ## 2.18.2 * Raise an error if controller or view context is accessed during initialize as they are only available in render. *Julian Nadeau* * Collate test coverage across CI builds, ensuring 100% test coverage. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.18.1 * Fix bug where previews didn't work when monkey patch was disabled. *Mixer Gutierrez* ## 2.18.0 * Fix auto-loading of previews (changes no longer require a server restart) *Matt Brictson* * Add `default_preview_layout` configuration option to load custom app/views/layouts. *Jared White, Juan Manuel Ramallo* * Calculate virtual_path once for all instances of a component class to improve performance. *Brad Parker* ## 2.17.1 * Fix bug where rendering Slot with empty block resulted in error. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.17.0 * Slots return stripped HTML, removing leading and trailing whitespace. *Jason Long, Joel Hawksley* ## 2.16.0 * Add `--sidecar` option to the erb, haml and slim generators. Places the generated template in the sidecar directory. *Michael van Rooijen* ## 2.15.0 * Add support for templates as ViewComponent::Preview examples. *Juan Manuel Ramallo ## 2.14.1 * Allow using `render_inline` in test when the render monkey patch is disabled with `config.view_component.render_monkey_patch_enabled = false` in versions of Rails < 6.1. *Clément Joubert* * Fix kwargs warnings in slotable. Fixes: ```console view_component/lib/view_component/slotable.rb:98: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call view_component/test/app/components/slots_component.rb:18: warning: The called method `initialize' is defined here ``` *Eileen M. Uchitelle* ## 2.14.0 * Add `config.preview_paths` to support multiple locations of component preview files. Deprecate `config.preview_path`. *Tomas Celizna* * Only print warning about a missing capybara dependency if the `DEBUG` environment variable is set. *Richard Macklin* ## 2.13.0 * Add the ability to disable the render monkey patch with `config.view_component.render_monkey_patch_enabled`. In versions of Rails < 6.1, add `render_component` and `render_component_to_string` methods which can be used for rendering components instead of `render`. *Johannes Engl* ## 2.12.0 * Implement Slots as potential successor to Content Areas. *Jens Ljungblad, Brian Bugh, Jon Palmer, Joel Hawksley* ## 2.11.1 * Fix kwarg warnings in Ruby 2.7. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.11.0 * Ensure Rails configuration is available within components. *Trevor Broaddus* * Fix bug where global Rails helpers are inaccessible from nested components. Before, `helpers` was pointing to parent component. *Franco Sebregondi* ## 2.10.0 * Raise an `ArgumentError` with a helpful message when Ruby cannot parse a component class. *Max Beizer* ## 2.9.0 * Cache components per-request in development, preventing unnecessary recompilation during a single request. *Felipe Sateler* ## 2.8.0 * Add `before_render`, deprecating `before_render_check`. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.7.0 * Add `rendered_component` method to `ViewComponent::TestHelpers` which exposes the raw output of the rendered component. *Richard Macklin* * Support sidecar directories for views and other assets. *Jon Palmer* ## 2.6.0 * Add `config.view_component.preview_route` to set the endpoint for component previews. By default `/rails/view_components` is used. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* * Raise error when initializer omits with_collection_parameter. *Joel Hawksley* ## 2.5.1 * Compile component before rendering collection. *Rainer Borene* ## v2.5.0 * Add counter variables when rendering collections. *Frank S* * Add the ability to access params from preview examples. *Fabio Cantoni* ## v2.4.0 * Add `#render_to_string` support. *Jarod Reid* * Declare explicit dependency on `activesupport`. *Richard Macklin* * Remove `autoload`s of internal modules (`Previewable`, `RenderMonkeyPatch`, `RenderingMonkeyPatch`). *Richard Macklin* * Remove `capybara` dependency. *Richard Macklin* ## v2.3.0 * Allow using inline render method(s) defined on a parent. *Simon Rand* * Fix bug where inline variant render methods would never be called. *Simon Rand* * ViewComponent preview index views use Rails internal layout instead of application's layout *Juan Manuel Ramallo* ## v2.2.2 * Add `Base.format` for better compatibility with `ActionView::Template`. *Joel Hawksley* ## v2.2.1 * Fix bug where template could not be found if `inherited` was redefined. *Joel Hawksley* ## v2.2.0 * Add support for `config.action_view.annotate_template_file_names` (coming in Rails 6.1). *Joel Hawksley* * Remove initializer requirement from the component. *Vasiliy Ermolovich* ## v2.1.0 * Support rendering collections (e.g., `render(MyComponent.with_collection(@items))`). *Tim Clem* ## v2.0.0 * Move to `ViewComponent` namespace, removing all references to `ActionView`. * The gem name is now `view_component`. * ViewComponent previews are now accessed at `/rails/view_components`. * ViewComponents can _only_ be rendered with the instance syntax: `render(MyComponent.new)`. Support for all other syntaxes has been removed. * ActiveModel::Validations have been removed. ViewComponent generators no longer include validations. * In Rails 6.1, no monkey patching is used. * `to_component_class` has been removed. * All gem configuration is now in `config.view_component`. ## v1.17.0 * Support Ruby 2.4 in CI. *Andrew Mason* * ViewComponent generators do not not prompt for content requirement. *Joel Hawksley* * Add post-install message that gem has been renamed to `view_component`. *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.16.0 * Add `refute_component_rendered` test helper. *Joel Hawksley* * Check for Rails before invocation. *Dave Paola* * Allow components to be rendered without a template file (aka inline component). *Rainer Borene* ## v1.15.0 * Re-introduce ActionView::Component::TestHelpers. *Joel Hawksley* * Bypass monkey patch on Rails 6.1 builds. *Joel Hawksley* * Make `ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper` available in Previews. ```ruby def with_html_content render(MyComponent.new) do tag.div do content_tag(:span, "Hello") end end end ``` *Sean Doyle* ## v1.14.1 * Fix bug where generator created invalid test code. *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.14.0 * Rename ActionView::Component::Base to ViewComponent::Base *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.13.0 * Allow components to be rendered inside controllers. *Joel Hawksley* * Improve backtraces from exceptions raised in templates. *Blake Williams* ## v1.12.0 * Revert: Remove initializer requirement for Ruby 2.7+ *Joel Hawksley* * Restructure Railtie into Engine *Sean Doyle* * Allow components to override before_render_check *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.11.1 * Relax Capybara requirement. *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.11.0 * Add support for Capybara matchers. *Joel Hawksley* * Add erb, haml, & slim template generators *Asger Behncke Jacobsen* ## v1.10.0 * Deprecate all `render` syntaxes except for `render(MyComponent.new(foo: :bar))` *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.9.0 * Remove initializer requirement for Ruby 2.7+ *Dylan Clark* ## v1.8.1 * Run validation checks before calling `#render?`. *Ash Wilson* ## v1.8.0 * Remove the unneeded ComponentExamplesController and simplify preview rendering. *Jon Palmer* * Add `#render?` hook to easily allow components to be no-ops. *Kyle Fox* * Don't assume ApplicationController exists. *Jon Palmer* * Allow some additional checks to overrided render? *Sergey Malykh* * Fix generator placing namespaced components in the root directory. *Asger Behncke Jacobsen* * Fix cache test. *Sergey Malykh* ## v1.7.0 * Simplify validation of templates and compilation. *Jon Palmer* * Add support for multiple content areas. *Jon Palmer* ## v1.6.2 * Fix Uninitialized Constant error. *Jon Palmer* * Add basic github issue and PR templates. *Dylan Clark* * Update readme phrasing around previews. *Justin Coyne* ## v1.6.1 * Allow Previews to have no layout. *Jon Palmer* * Bump rack from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8. *Dependabot* * Compile components on application boot when eager loading is enabled. *Joel Hawksley* * Previews support content blocks. *Cesario Uy* * Follow Rails conventions. (refactor) *Rainer Borene* * Fix edge case issue with extracting variants from less conventional source_locations. *Ryan Workman* ## v1.6.0 * Avoid dropping elements in the render_inline test helper. *@dark-panda* * Add test for helpers.asset_url. *Christopher Coleman* * Add rudimentary compatibility with better_html. *Joel Hawksley* * Template-less variants fall back to default template. *Asger Behncke Jacobsen*, *Cesario Uy* * Generated tests use new naming convention. *Simon Træls Ravn* * Eliminate sqlite dependency. *Simon Dawson* * Add support for rendering components via #to_component_class *Vinicius Stock* ## v1.5.3 * Add support for RSpec to generators. *Dylan Clark, Ryan Workman* * Require controllers as part of setting autoload paths. *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.5.2 * Disable eager loading initializer. *Kasper Meyer* ## v1.5.1 * Update railties class to work with Rails 6. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* ## v1.5.0 Note: `actionview-component` is now loaded by requiring `actionview/component`, not `actionview/component/base`. * Fix issue with generating component method signatures. *Ryan Workman, Dylan Clark* * Create component generator. *Vinicius Stock* * Add helpers proxy. *Kasper Meyer* * Introduce ActionView::Component::Previews. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* ## v1.4.0 * Fix bug where components broke in application paths with periods. *Anton, Joel Hawksley* * Add support for `cache_if` in component templates. *Aaron Patterson, Joel Hawksley* * Add support for variants. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* * Fix bug in virtual path lookup. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* * Preselect the rendered component in render_inline. *Elia Schito* ## v1.3.6 * Allow template file names without format. *Joel Hawksley* * Add support for translations. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* ## v1.3.5 * Re-expose `controller` method. *Michael Emhofer, Joel Hawksley* * Gem version numbers are now accessible through `ActionView::Component::VERSION` *Richard Macklin* * Fix typo in README *ars moriendi* ## v1.3.4 * Template errors surface correct file and line number. *Justin Coyne* * Allow access to `request` inside components. *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.3.3 * Do not raise error when sidecar files that are not templates exist. *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.3.2 * Support rendering views from inside component templates. *Patrick Sinclair* ## v1.3.1 * Fix bug where rendering nested content caused an error. *Joel Hawksley, Aaron Patterson* ## v1.3.0 * Components are rendered with enough controller context to support rendering of partials and forms. *Patrick Sinclair, Joel Hawksley, Aaron Patterson* ## v1.2.1 * `actionview-component` is now tested against Ruby 2.3/2.4 and Rails 5.0.0. ## v1.2.0 * The `render_component` test helper has been renamed to `render_inline`. `render_component` has been deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. *Joel Hawksley* * Components are now rendered with `render MyComponent, foo: :bar` syntax. The existing `render MyComponent.new(foo: :bar)` syntax has been deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.1.0 * Components now inherit from ActionView::Component::Base *Joel Hawksley* ## v1.0.1 * Always recompile component templates outside production. *Joel Hawksley, John Hawthorn* ## v1.0.0 This release extracts the `ActionView::Component` library from the GitHub application. It will be published on RubyGems under the existing `actionview-component` gem name, as @chancancode has passed us ownership of the gem.