Protobuf::Nats ============== An rpc client and server library built using the `protobuf` gem and the NATS protocol. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'protobuf-nats' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install protobuf-nats ## Configuring ### Environment Variables You can also use the following environment variables to tune parameters: `PB_NATS_SERVER_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE` - The size of the queue in front of your thread pool (default: thread count passed to CLI). `PB_NATS_SERVER_PAUSE_FILE_PATH` - If this file exists, the server will pause by unsubscribing all services. When the file is removed it will resubscribe and restart slow start (default: `nil`). `PB_NATS_SERVER_SLOW_START_DELAY` - Seconds to wait before adding another round of subscriptions (default 10). `PB_NATS_SERVER_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PER_RPC_ENDPOINT` - Number of subscriptions to create for each rpc endpoint. This number is used to allow JVM based servers to warm-up slowly to prevent jolts in runtime performance across your RPC network (default: 10). `PB_NATS_CLIENT_ACK_TIMEOUT` - Seconds to wait for an ACK from the rpc server (default: 5 seconds). `PB_NATS_CLIENT_NACK_BACKOFF_INTERVALS` - Array of milliseconds to wait between NACK retries (default: "0,1,3,5,10"). `PB_NATS_CLIENT_NACK_BACKOFF_SPLAY_LIMIT` - Milliseconds to add to the NACK backoff timeout to avoid bursting retries (default: 10 milliseconds). `PB_NATS_CLIENT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT` - Seconds to wait for a non-ACK response from the rpc server (default: 60 seconds). `PB_NATS_CLIENT_RECONNECT_DELAY` - If we detect a reconnect delay, we will wait this many seconds (default: the ACK timeout). `PB_NATS_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTION_POOL_SIZE` - If subscription pooling is desired for the request/response cycle then the pool size maximum should be set; the pool is lazy and therefore will only start new subscriptions as necessary (default: 0) `PROTOBUF_NATS_CONFIG_PATH` - Custom path to the config yaml (default: "config/protobuf_nats.yml"). ### YAML Config The client and server are configured via environment variables defined in the `pure-ruby-nats` gem. However, there are a few params which cannot be set: `servers`, `uses_tls`, `subscription_key_replacements`, and `connect_timeout`, so those my be defined in a yml file. The library will automatically look for a file with a relative path of `config/protobuf_nats.yml`, but you may override this by specifying a different file via the `PROTOBUF_NATS_CONFIG_PATH` env variable. The `subscription_key_replacements` feature is something we have found useful for local testing, but it is subject to breaking changes. An example config looks like this: ``` # Stored at config/protobuf_nats.yml --- production: servers: - "nats://" - "nats://" - "nats://" max_reconnect_attempts: 500 uses_tls: true tls_client_cert: "/path/to/client-cert.pem" tls_client_key: "/path/to/client-key.pem" tls_ca_cert: "/path/to/ca.pem" connect_timeout: 2 server_subscription_key_only_subscribe_to_when_includes_any_of: - "search" - "create" server_subscription_key_do_not_subscribe_to_when_includes_any_of: - "old_search" - "old_create" subscription_key_replacements: - "original_service": "replacement_service" ``` ## Usage This library is designed to be an alternative transport implementation used by the `protobuf` gem. In order to make `protobuf` use this library, you need to set the following env variable: ``` PB_SERVER_TYPE="protobuf/nats/runner" PB_CLIENT_TYPE="protobuf/nats/client" ``` ## Example NOTE: For a more detailed example, look at the `warehouse` app in the `examples` directory of this project. Here's a tl;dr example. You might have a protobuf definition and implementation like this: ```ruby require "protobuf/nats" class User < ::Protobuf::Message optional :int64, :id, 1 optional :string, :username, 2 end class UserService < ::Protobuf::Rpc::Service rpc :create, User, User def create respond_with => 123, :username => request.username) end end ``` Let's assume we saved this in a file called `app.rb` We can now start an rpc server using the protobuf-nats runner and client: ``` $ export PB_SERVER_TYPE="protobuf/nats/runner" $ export PB_CLIENT_TYPE="protobuf/nats/client" $ bundle exec rpc_server start ./app.rb ... I, [2017-03-24T12:16:02.539930 #12512] INFO -- : Creating subscriptions: I, [2017-03-24T12:16:02.543927 #12512] INFO -- : - rpc.user_service.create ... ``` And we can start a client and begin communicating: ``` $ export PB_SERVER_TYPE="protobuf/nats/runner" $ export PB_CLIENT_TYPE="protobuf/nats/client" $ bundle exec irb -r ./app irb(main):001:0> UserService.client.create( => "testing 123")) => # ``` And we can see the message was sent to the server and the server replied with a user which now has an `id`. If we were to add another service endpoint called `search` to the `UserService` but fail to define an instance method `search`, then `protobuf-nats` will not subscribe to that route. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to []( The java-nats client is temporarily forked to support jruby > The living branch for that is here: This will be removed when we upgrade to the new client. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](