Rails.application.routes.draw do # --- Cambium's Routes --- # # The following are Cambium's default routes. Feel free to # customize (or delete) these to fit your needs. # # ------------------------------------------ Users (Devise) # # Learn more about Devise at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise # devise_for :users, :skip => [:sessions, :registrations] devise_scope :user do get '/login' => 'devise/sessions#new', :as => :new_user_session post '/login' => 'devise/sessions#create', :as => :user_session get '/logout' => 'devise/sessions#destroy', :as => :destroy_user_session end # # ------------------------------------------ Admin # # Cambium already namespaces all its own routes, so it's # best to just mount it at the root. This is the base # setup if you are using Cambium's CMS # mount Cambium::Engine => '/' # # ------------------------------------------ JSON # # If you plan to use any public json routes, it's good to # nest them in their own scope. We use a scope instead of # a namespace because a controller action can have routes # to it in different formats, so namespacing is # unecessary. # # scope 'json' do # 'users' => 'users#index' # end # # ------------------------------------------ Public # # After we define all namespaced routes, we can move on to # those routes that are not namespaced. # # resources :users # # ------------------------------------------ Home Page # # This is your application's home page. Feel free to # delete the home controller and change this if you want a # different home page. # root :to => 'home#index' end