module CSVImporter # Define a column. Called from the DSL via `column. # # Examples # # # the csv column "email" will be assigned to the `email` attribute # column :email # # # the csv column matching /email/i will be assigned to the `email` attribute # column :email, as: /email/i # # # the csv column matching "First name" or "Prénom" will be assigned to the `first_name` attribute # column :first_name, as: [/first ?name/i, /pr(é|e)nom/i] # # # the csv column "first_name" will be assigned to the `f_name` attribute # column :first_name, to: :f_name # # # email will be downcased # column :email, to: ->(email) { email.downcase } # # # transform `confirmed` to `confirmed_at` # column :confirmed, to: ->(confirmed, model) do # model.confirmed_at = confirmed == "true" ? : nil # end # class ColumnDefinition include Virtus.model attribute :name, Symbol attribute :to # Symbol or Proc attribute :as # Symbol, String, Regexp, Array attribute :required, Virtus::Attribute::Boolean # The model attribute that this column targets def attribute if to.is_a?(Symbol) to else name end end # Return true if column definition matches the column name passed in. def match?(column_name, search_query=(as || name)) return false if column_name.nil? downcased_column_name = column_name.downcase underscored_column_name = downcased_column_name.gsub(/\s+/, '_') case search_query when Symbol underscored_column_name == search_query.to_s when String downcased_column_name == search_query.downcase when Regexp column_name =~ search_query when Array search_query.any? { |query| match?(column_name, query) } else raise Error, "Invalid `as`. Should be a Symbol, String, Regexp or Array - was #{as.inspect}" end end end end