namespace :brisk_bills do desc "Initiliaze a new Billing System Database" task :first_time_setup => :environment do require 'pp' class UserAbort < StandardError; end def agree_to?(msg) begin print msg end until /^(y[e]?[s]?|n[o]?)$/i.match STDIN.gets.downcase.chomp ($1 =~ /^y/) ? true : false end # Let's get started ! begin puts I18n.t(:first_time_setup_welcome) envconf = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV] # Have the User Confirm the config puts I18n.t(:first_time_setup_confirm_env) envconf.each_pair {|k,v| puts " %s: %s" % [k,v]} raise UserAbort, I18n.t(:first_time_setup_user_abort) unless agree_to? I18n.t(:first_time_setup_confirm_env_prompt) # Empty Password? let's discourage them from continuing: raise UserAbort, I18n.t(:first_time_setup_user_abort) unless envconf[:password] =~ /.+/ or agree_to? I18n.t(:first_time_setup_empty_pass) begin db_version = ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version rescue end # Make sure we can connect. If not - try to create the db and user raise UserAbort, I18n.t( :first_time_setup_connection_fail, :sql => [ "CREATE DATABASE `%s`;" % envconf[:database], "USE `%s`;" % envconf[:database], "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `%s`.* TO `%s`@`%s` IDENTIFIED BY '%s';" % [envconf[:database], envconf[:username],envconf[:host],envconf[:password]] ].join("\n ") ) if db_version.nil? # Let's run migrations? if db_version == 0 raise UserAbort, I18n.t(:first_time_setup_user_abort) unless agree_to? I18n.t(:first_time_setup_run_migration_prompt) Rake::Task['db:migrate'].invoke puts I18n.t(:first_time_setup_migration_complete) end # Create the first employee? if Employee.count(:all) == 0 and agree_to? I18n.t(:first_time_setup_create_first_employee) begin puts I18n.t(:first_time_setup_employee_enter) employee_fields = [ I18n.t(:first_time_setup_first_name), I18n.t(:first_time_setup_last_name), I18n.t(:first_time_setup_email), I18n.t(:first_time_setup_password) ] employee_values = [] indent_width = employee_fields.sort{|a,b| a.size <=> b.size }.last.size employee_fields.each_with_index do |field,i| print "%#{indent_width + 4}s: " % field employee_values[i] = STDIN.gets.chomp end puts I18n.t(:first_time_setup_first_employee_msg) employee_fields.each_with_index {|k,i| puts " %#{indent_width+2}s: %s" % [k,employee_values[i]]} end until agree_to? I18n.t(:first_time_setup_first_employee_confirm) Employee.create!( :first_name => employee_values[0], :last_name => employee_values[1], :email_address => employee_values[2], :password => employee_values[3], :login_enabled => true ) end puts I18n.t(:first_time_setup_complete) rescue UserAbort puts $! exit end end end