require 'ap' require 'colorize' require 'fileutils' require 'time' require_relative 'note' class Notes def initialize(config) @config = config @notes = Dir[File.join(@config.note_path, '**', '*')].select do |file| File.extname(file) == '.md' do |file| end end #/================================\# # REPL type thing # #\================================/# def await_command(message = nil) puts message if message print "#{@config.cursor} ".bold.magenta input = STDIN.gets.chomp # Strip and process action, *params = input.strip.gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ').split(' ') run_command(action || 'help', params) end def run_command(action, params) case action.downcase when 'new', 'create', 'n', 'c' create(params) when 'edit', 'open', 'e', 'o' open(params) when 'delete', 'd', 'rm' delete(params) when 'peek', 'p' peek(params) when 'tag', 't' tag(params) when 'untag', 'ut' untag(params) when 'search', 'find', 's', 'f' search(params.join(' ')) when 'list', 'l', 'ls' list when 'help', 'h' help when 'quit', 'exit', 'close', 'q' exit else puts "Sorry, didn't quite get that..." help end await_command # Drop back to REPL end #/================================\# # The Commands # #\================================/# def search(term) term = term.downcase # Search is case insensitive matches = @notes if term.include? '+t ' term, tags = term.split('+t ') tags = tags.split(' ') puts "\n Searching: '#{term.strip}' with tags: #{tags}" matches = do |note| has_all_tags(note, tags) end elsif term.include? '-t ' term, tags = term.split('-t ') tags = tags.split(' ') puts "\n Searching: '#{term.strip}' without tags: #{tags}" matches = do |note| has_none_tags(note, tags) end end term.strip! @filtered = do |note| note.title.downcase.include?(term) || note.content.downcase.include?(term) end # TODO: Sort by most relevant # TODO: Highlight keywords where found len = @filtered.length print_list("Found #{len} Match#{'es' if len != 1}", @filtered) end def create(params) if params.first dirname = File.dirname(params.first) new_filename = File.basename(params.first, File.extname(params.first)) + '.md' rel_path = '' tags = [] if params.include? '+t' tags = params.slice(params.index('+t') + 1, params.length) puts "CREATING WITH TAGS: #{tags}" end if dirname != '.' rel_path = dirname .gsub(@config.note_path, '') .gsub(File.basename(params.first), '') end full_path = File.join(@config.note_path, rel_path, new_filename) if File.exists?(full_path) if confirm("#{'Whoa!'} That file already exists. Overwrite it?") File.delete(full_path) @notes.each do |note| if note.path == full_path @notes.delete(note) puts 'Removed!' end end else return end end system "#{@config.editor} '#{full_path}'" note = note.add_tags(tags) if tags.length > 0 note.created = note.update @notes << print_list('Created', [note]) @filtered = [note] else puts "Please enter a filename as the first parameter" end end def open(params) num = params.first.to_i note = @filtered[num - 1] if note system "#{@config.editor} '#{note.path}'" note.update else puts "Hey! There is no note #{num}! Nice try." end end def delete(params) num = params.first.to_i note = @filtered[num - 1] if note if confirm("You're #{'sure'.italic} you want to delete note #{num.to_s.bold.white} with title #{note.title.bold.white}?") FileUtils.rm(note.path) @notes.delete(note) @filtered.delete(note) puts "Deleted!" else puts "Whew! That was close." end else puts "Looks like my job is done here, since note #{num} doesn't exist anyway!" end end def peek(params) note = @filtered[params.first.to_i - 1] if note puts puts '-' * 40 puts note.title.bold.white puts note.content.split("\n").slice(0, 10) puts puts "... (cont'd) ...".italic.gray puts '-' * 40 puts else puts "Note doesn't exist!" end end def tag(params) notes = multi_note(params) notes.each do |note| tags = params.slice(1, params.length) note.add_tags(tags) end print_list('Changed', notes) @filtered = notes puts "Added #{params.length - 1} tag#{'s' if params.length != 2} to #{notes.length} note#{'s' if notes.length != 1}." end def untag(params) notes = multi_note(params) notes.each do |note| tags = params.slice(1, params.length) note.remove_tags(tags) end print_list('Changed', notes) @filtered = notes puts "Removed #{params.length - 1} tag#{'s' if params.length != 2} from #{notes.length} note#{'s' if notes.length != 1}." end def help puts puts "Enter a command with the structure:" puts " #{'>'.bold.magenta} action parameter(s)" puts puts "Actions:" puts " - #{'new'.bold.white} #{'filename'.italic}" puts " - #{'edit'.bold.white} #{'note_number'.italic}" puts " - #{'delete'.bold.white} #{'note_number'.italic}" puts " - #{'peek'.bold.white} #{'note_number'.italic}" puts " - #{'tag'.bold.white} #{'note_number'.italic}" puts " - #{'untag'.bold.white} #{'note_number'.italic}" puts " - #{'search'.bold.white} #{'search_term'.italic}" puts " - #{'list'.bold.white}" puts " - #{'exit'.bold.white}" puts " - #{'help'.bold.white}" puts puts "Alternate actions:" puts " Most actions also have aliases that do the same thing." puts " These are listed for each command:" puts " - new: create, c, n" puts " - edit: e, open, o" puts " - delete: d, rm" puts " - peek: p" puts " - tag: t" puts " - untag: ut" puts " - search: find, f, s" puts " - list: l, ls" puts " - exit: quit, q, close" puts " - help: h" puts end def list @filtered = recently_edited_first(@notes) print_list('All Notes', @filtered) end #/================================\# # Utilities # #\================================/# private def print_list(title, notes) path_length = @config.note_path.split('/').length i = 0 puts puts " #{title}".bold puts " #{'-' * title.length}" puts notes.each do |note| i += 1 puts "#{i}.".ljust(4) + note.title.bold puts " #{note.path.gsub(@config.note_path, '')}".italic.light_magenta if note.tags.length > 0 tags = { |tag| tag.yellow } puts " tags: " + "[#{tags.join('] [')}]" else puts " ".gray end puts ' modified: ' + note.modified.strftime('%a, %b %e %Y, %l:%M%P').italic puts ' created: ' + note.created.strftime('%a, %b %e %Y, %l:%M%P').italic puts end puts " Listed #{i.to_s.bold} Notes" puts end private def confirm(message = 'Confirm') print "#{message} [y/n]" case gets.chomp.strip.downcase when 'y', 'yes', 'yeah', 'sure', 'yep', 'okay', 'aye' return true when 'n', 'no', 'nope', 'nay' return false else return confirm("Sorry, didn't quite get that...") end end private def multi_note(params) notes = [] params.first.split(',').each do |num| note = @filtered[num.to_i - 1] if note notes << note else puts "Note #{num} doesn't exist!" end end notes end private def recently_edited_first(notes) notes.sort_by { |note| note.modified }.reverse end private def has_all_tags(note, tags) has = true note_tags = note.tags tags.each do |tag| if !note_tags.include? tag has = false break end end has end private def has_none_tags(note, tags) doesnt_have = true note_tags = note.tags tags.each do |tag| if note_tags.include? tag doesnt_have = false break end end doesnt_have end end