module Jets::Cfn class Builder extend Memoist include Jets::AwsServices def initialize(options) @options = options end def build puts "Building CloudFormation templates" clean_templates build_minimal_parent_template if @options[:stack_type] == :full build_all_templates build_full_parent_template # must be called at the end end Jets::Router::State.save_apigw_state if ENV['JETS_API_STATE_DEBUG'] puts "Built CloudFormation templates at #{Jets.build_root}/templates" end def build_minimal_parent_template :minimal)).build end def build_all_templates # CloudFormation templates # 1. Shared and authorizer templates - child templates needs them build_api_gateway_templates unless Jets::Router.no_routes? build_authorizer_templates # controllers can use these # 2. Child templates - parent template needs them build_one_lambda_for_all_controllers build_app_child_templates # 3. Child templates - parent template needs them build_shared_resources_templates end def build_full_parent_template :full)).build end def build_api_gateway_templates Api::Resources.build_pages(@options) Api::Methods.build_pages(@options) end def build_authorizer_templates authorizer_files.each do |path| end end def build_one_lambda_for_all_controllers return if Jets.config.mode == "job" return unless Jets.one_lambda_for_all_controllers? end def build_app_child_templates app_files.each do |path| build_child_template(path) end end def build_shared_resources_templates Jets::Stack.subclasses.each do |subclass| end end # path: app/controllers/comments_controller.rb # path: app/jobs/easy_job.rb def build_child_template(path) return if authorizer?(path) # AuthorizerBuilder is built earlier md = path.match(%r{app/(.*?)/}) # extract: controller, job or function app_class = md[1].classify if app_class == "Controller" && Jets.one_lambda_for_all_controllers? # app/controllers return end builder_class = "Jets::Cfn::Builder::#{app_class}".constantize app_class = Jets::Klass.from_path(path) if !Jets.gem_layer? && app_class == Jets::PreheatJob return # No prewarm when there's only poly functions and no gem layer end # Builder class fully qualified name: # Controller => Jets::Cfn::Builder::Controller # Examples: # # # # # end def authorizer?(path) path.include?("app/authorizers") end def clean_templates FileUtils.rm_rf("#{Jets.build_root}/templates") end def app_files self.class.app_files end def shared_files self.class.shared_files end def authorizer_files self.class.authorizer_files end class << self # Crucial that the Dir.pwd is in the tmp_code because for because Jets.boot set ups autoload_paths and this is # how project classes are loaded. # TODO: rework code so that Dir.pwd does not have to be in tmp_code for build to work. # # app_files used to determine what CloudFormation templates to build. # app_files also used to determine what handlers to build. def app_files paths = [] expression = "#{Jets.root}/app/**/**/*.rb" Dir.glob(expression).each do |path| next unless app_file?(path) relative_path = path.sub("#{Jets.root}/", '') # rid of the Jets.root at beginning paths << relative_path end paths end APP_FOLDERS = %w[authorizers controllers functions jobs rules] def app_file?(path) return false unless File.extname(path) == ".rb" return false unless File.file?(path) unless Jets.env.test? return false if application_abstract_classes.detect { |p| path.include?(p) } return false if concerns?(path) return true if APP_FOLDERS.detect { |p| path.include?("app/#{p}") } false end # Do not define lamda functions for abstract application parent classes. Examples: # # application_controller.rb # application_job.rb # application_authorizer.rb def application_abstract_classes { |a| "application_#{a.singularize}.rb" } end def concerns?(path) path =~ %r{app/\w+/concerns/} end def authorizer_files { |p| p.include?("app/authorizers") } end def shared_files find_app_paths("shared/resources") end def find_app_paths(app_path) paths = [] expression = "#{Jets.root}/app/#{app_path}/**/*.rb" Dir.glob(expression).each do |path| return false unless File.file?(path) relative_path = path.sub("#{Jets.root}/", '') # Rids of the Jets.root at beginning paths << relative_path end paths end # Finds out of the app has polymorphic functions only and zero ruby functions. # In this case, we can skip a lot of the ruby related building and speed up the # deploy process. def poly_only? !app_has_ruby? && !shared_has_ruby? end def app_has_ruby? has_ruby = app_files.detect do |path| app_class = Jets::Klass.from_path(path) # IE: PostsController, Jets::PublicController langs = langs.include?(:ruby) && app_class != Jets::PreheatJob end !!has_ruby end def shared_has_ruby? has_ruby = false Jets::Stack.subclasses.each do |klass| klass.functions.each do |fun| if fun.lang == :ruby has_ruby = true break end end end has_ruby end def router_has?(controller) Jets::Router.has_controller?(controller) end def tmp_code(full_build_path=false) full_build_path ? "#{Jets.build_root}/stage/code" : "stage/code" end end end end