--- en: activemodel: attributes: config: available_methods: Available methods offline: Offline offline_explanation: Instructions for offline verification online: Online confirmation: verification_code: Verification code id_document_information: document_number: Document number (with letter) document_type: Type of the document id_document_upload: document_number: Document number (with letter) document_type: Type of your document user: Participant verification_attachment: Scanned copy of your document mobile_phone: mobile_phone_number: Mobile phone number offline_confirmation: email: Participant email postal_letter_address: full_address: Full address postal_letter_confirmation: verification_code: Verification code postal_letter_postage: full_address: Full address verification_code: Verification code errors: models: census_data: attributes: file: malformed: Malformed import file, please read through the instructions carefully and make sure the file is UTF-8 encoded. decidim: admin: menu: authorization_revocation: before_date_info: Useful if the process has already begun and you want to revoke the permissions of the previous process. button: Revoke all button_before: Revoke before date destroy: confirm: Revoke before date authorizations cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue? confirm_all: Revoke all the authorizations cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue? destroy_nok: There has been a problem while revoking authorizations. destroy_ok: All matched authorizations have been revocated successfully. info: There are a total of %{count} verified participants. no_data: No verified participants. title: Authorizations revocation authorization_workflows: Authorizations admin_log: organization: update_id_documents_config: "%{user_name} updated the Identity Documents authorization configuration" user: grant_id_documents_offline_verification: "%{user_name} verified %{resource_name} using an offline Identity Documents authorization" authorization_handlers: admin: csv_census: help: - Admins upload a CSV with the emails of the accepted participants. - Only participants with an email in that CSV file can get verified. id_documents: help: - Users fill in their identity information and upload a copy of their document. - You fill in the information present in the uploaded image. - The information should match whatever the user filled in. - If you cannot clearly see the information or you cannot get it verified, you can reject the request and the user will be able to fix it. postal_letter: help: - Participants request a verification code to be sent to their address. - You send the letter to their address with the verification code. - You mark the letter as sent. - Once you mark the letter as sent, the participant will be able to introduce the code and get verified. csv_census: explanation: Get verified using the organization's census. name: Organization's census direct: Direct help: Help id_documents: explanation: Upload your identity documents so we can check your identity. name: Identity documents multistep: Multi-Step name: Name postal_letter: explanation: We will send you a postal letter with a code that you will have to enter so we can verify your address. name: Code by postal letter events: verifications: verify_with_managed_user: email_intro: The participant %{resource_title} has tried to verify themself with the data of another participant (%{managed_user_name}). email_outro: Check the Verifications's conflicts list and contact the participant to verify their details and solve the issue. email_subject: Failed verification attempt against another participant notification_title: The participant %{resource_title} has tried to verify themself with the data of another participant (%{managed_user_name}). verifications: authorizations: authorization_metadata: info: 'This is the data of the current verification:' no_data_stored: No data stored. create: error: There was a problem creating the authorization. success: You have been successfully authorized. transferred: 'We have recovered the following participation data based on your authorization:' unconfirmed: You need to confirm your email in order to authorize yourself. destroy: error: There was a problem deleting the authorization. success: You have successfully deleted the authorization. first_login: actions: another_dummy_authorization_handler: Verify against another example of authorization handler csv_census: Verify against the organization's census dummy_authorization_handler: Verify against the example authorization handler dummy_authorization_workflow: Verify against the example authorization workflow id_documents: Get verified by uploading your identity document postal_letter: Get verified by receiving a verification code through postal mail sms: Get verified by receiving a SMS verification code title: Verify your identity verify_with_these_options: 'These are the available options to verify your identity:' index: expired_verification: Verification expired granted_verification: Granted verification introduce_code: Introduce code pending_verification: Pending verification show_renew_info: Click to renew verification subscribe: Subscribe unauthorized_methods: Verification methods new: authorize: Send authorize_with: Verify with %{authorizer} renew_modal: cancel: Cancel continue: Continue info_renew: If you want to update the data, continue with the renewal. title: Renew Verification skip_verification: You can skip this for now and %{link} start_exploring: start exploring csv_census: admin: census: create: error: There was an error importing census. success: Successfully imported %{count} items (%{errors} errors). destroy_all: success: All census data have been deleted. destroy: confirm: Delete all the census cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue? title: Delete all census data index: data: There are %{count} records loaded in total. Last upload date was on %{due_date}. empty: There are no census data. Use the form below to import it using a CSV file. title: Current census data instructions: body: To do this you must enter system administration and add the csv_census authorizations to the organization title: You need to activate the CSV census for this organization new: example: | john.doe@example.org jane.doe@example.org file: ".csv file with emails data" info: 'Must be a file in CSV format with only one column with the email address:' submit: Upload file title: Upload a new census authorizations: new: error: We could not verify your account or you are not in the organization's census. success: Your account has been successfully verified. dummy_authorization: extra_explanation: postal_codes: one: Participation is restricted to participants with the postal code %{postal_codes}. other: 'Participation is restricted to participants with any of the following postal codes: %{postal_codes}.' scope: Participation is restricted to participants with the scope %{scope_name}. user_postal_codes: one: Participation is restricted to participants with the postal code %{postal_codes}, and your postal code is %{user_postal_code}. other: 'Participation is restricted to participants with any of the following postal codes: %{postal_codes}. Your postal code is %{user_postal_code}.' user_scope: Participation is restricted to participants with the scope %{scope_name}, and your scope is %{user_scope_name}. id_documents: admin: config: edit: title: Identity documents configuration update: Update update: error: There was a problem updating the configuration. success: Configuration successfully updated. confirmations: create: error: Verification does not match. Please try again or reject the verification so the participant can amend it. success: Participant successfully verified. new: introduce_user_data: Introduce the data in the picture reject: Reject verify: Verify offline_confirmations: create: error: Verification does not match. Please try again or tell the participant to amend it. success: Participant successfully verified. new: cancel: Cancel introduce_user_data: Introduce the participant email and the document data verify: Verify pending_authorizations: index: config: Config offline_verification: Offline verification title: Pending online verifications verification_number: 'Verification #%{n}' rejections: create: success: Verification rejected. Participant will be prompted to amend their documents. authorizations: choose: choose_a_type: 'Please select how you want to be verified:' offline: Offline online: Online title: Verify yourself using your identity document create: error: There was a problem uploading your document. success: Document successfully uploaded. edit: being_reviewed: We are reviewing your documents. You will be verified shortly. offline: Use offline verification online: Use online verification rejection_clarity: Make sure the information is clearly visible in the uploaded image. rejection_correctness: Make sure the information entered is correct. rejection_notice: There was a problem with your verification. Please try again. send: Request verification again new: send: Request verification title: Upload your identity document update: error: There was a problem reuploading your document. success: Document successfully reuploaded. identification_number: Identification number passport: Passport postal_letter: admin: pending_authorizations: index: address: Address letter_sent_at: Letter sent at mark_as_sent: Mark as sent not_yet_sent: Not yet sent title: Ongoing verifications username: Nickname verification_code: Verification code postages: create: error: Error marking letter as sent. success: Letter successfully marked as sent. authorizations: create: error: There was a problem with your request. success: Thanks! We will send a verification code to your address. edit: send: Confirm title: Introduce the verification code you received. waiting_for_letter: We will send a letter to your address with your verification code soon. new: send: Send me a letter title: Request your verification code update: error: Your verification code does not match ours. Please double-check the letter we sent to you. success: Congratulations. You have been successfully verified. sms: authorizations: create: error: There was a problem with your request. success: Thanks! We have sent an SMS to your phone. destroy: success: Verification code sucessfully reset. Please re-enter your phone number. edit: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to reset the verification code? destroy: Reset verification code resend: Did not receive the verification code? send: Confirm title: Introduce the verification code you received new: send: Send me an SMS title: Request your verification code update: error: Your verification code does not match ours. Please double-check the SMS we sent you. success: Congratulations. You have been successfully verified. errors: messages: uppercase_only_letters_numbers: must be all uppercase and contain only letters and/or numbers