module Fog module Compute class AWS class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/compute/run_instances' # Launch specified instances # # ==== Parameters # * image_id<~String> - Id of machine image to load on instances # * min_count<~Integer> - Minimum number of instances to launch. If this # exceeds the count of available instances, no instances will be # launched. Must be between 1 and maximum allowed for your account # (by default the maximum for an account is 20) # * max_count<~Integer> - Maximum number of instances to launch. If this # exceeds the number of available instances, the largest possible # number of instances above min_count will be launched instead. Must # be between 1 and maximum allowed for you account # (by default the maximum for an account is 20) # * options<~Hash>: # * 'Placement.AvailabilityZone'<~String> - Placement constraint for instances # * 'Placement.GroupName'<~String> - Name of existing placement group to launch instance into # * 'Placement.Tenancy'<~String> - Tenancy option in ['dedicated', 'default'], defaults to 'default' # * 'BlockDeviceMapping'<~Array>: array of hashes # * 'DeviceName'<~String> - where the volume will be exposed to instance # * 'VirtualName'<~String> - volume virtual device name # * 'Ebs.SnapshotId'<~String> - id of snapshot to boot volume from # * 'Ebs.VolumeSize'<~String> - size of volume in GiBs required unless snapshot is specified # * 'Ebs.DeleteOnTermination'<~Boolean> - specifies whether or not to delete the volume on instance termination # * 'Ebs.Encrypted'<~Boolean> - specifies whether or not the volume is to be encrypted unless snapshot is specified # * 'Ebs.VolumeType'<~String> - Type of EBS volue. Valid options in ['standard', 'io1'] default is 'standard'. # * 'Ebs.Iops'<~String> - The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. Required when VolumeType is 'io1' # * 'NetworkInterfaces'<~Array>: array of hashes # * 'NetworkInterfaceId'<~String> - An existing interface to attach to a single instance # * 'DeviceIndex'<~String> - The device index. Applies both to attaching an existing network interface and creating a network interface # * 'SubnetId'<~String> - The subnet ID. Applies only when creating a network interface # * 'Description'<~String> - A description. Applies only when creating a network interface # * 'PrivateIpAddress'<~String> - The primary private IP address. Applies only when creating a network interface # * 'SecurityGroupId'<~Array> or <~String> - ids of security group(s) for network interface. Applies only when creating a network interface. # * 'DeleteOnTermination'<~String> - Indicates whether to delete the network interface on instance termination. # * 'PrivateIpAddresses.PrivateIpAddress'<~String> - The private IP address. This parameter can be used multiple times to specify explicit private IP addresses for a network interface, but only one private IP address can be designated as primary. # * 'PrivateIpAddresses.Primary'<~Bool> - Indicates whether the private IP address is the primary private IP address. # * 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount'<~Bool> - The number of private IP addresses to assign to the network interface. # * 'AssociatePublicIpAddress'<~String> - Indicates whether to assign a public IP address to an instance in a VPC. The public IP address is assigned to a specific network interface # * 'ClientToken'<~String> - unique case-sensitive token for ensuring idempotency # * 'DisableApiTermination'<~Boolean> - specifies whether or not to allow termination of the instance from the api # * 'SecurityGroup'<~Array> or <~String> - Name of security group(s) for instances (not supported for VPC) # * 'SecurityGroupId'<~Array> or <~String> - id's of security group(s) for instances, use this or SecurityGroup # * 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehaviour'<~String> - specifies whether volumes are stopped or terminated when instance is shutdown, in [stop, terminate] # * 'InstanceType'<~String> - Type of instance to boot. Valid options # in ['t1.micro', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'c3.large', 'c3.xlarge', 'c3.2xlarge', 'c3.4xlarge', 'c3.8xlarge', 'g2.2xlarge', 'hs1.8xlarge', 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'm3.xlarge', 'm3.2xlarge', 'hi1.4xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cc2.8xlarge', 'cg1.4xlarge', 'i2.xlarge', 'i2.2xlarge', 'i2.4xlarge', 'i2.8xlarge'] # default is 'm1.small' # * 'KernelId'<~String> - Id of kernel with which to launch # * 'KeyName'<~String> - Name of a keypair to add to booting instances # * 'Monitoring.Enabled'<~Boolean> - Enables monitoring, defaults to # disabled # * 'PrivateIpAddress<~String> - VPC option to specify ip address within subnet # * 'RamdiskId'<~String> - Id of ramdisk with which to launch # * 'SubnetId'<~String> - VPC option to specify subnet to launch instance into # * 'UserData'<~String> - Additional data to provide to booting instances # * 'EbsOptimized'<~Boolean> - Whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'groupSet'<~Array>: groups the instances are members in # * 'groupName'<~String> - Name of group # * 'instancesSet'<~Array>: returned instances # * instance<~Hash>: # * 'amiLaunchIndex'<~Integer> - reference to instance in launch group # * 'architecture'<~String> - architecture of image in [i386, x86_64] # * 'blockDeviceMapping'<~Array> # * 'attachTime'<~Time> - time of volume attachment # * 'deleteOnTermination'<~Boolean> - whether or not to delete volume on termination # * 'deviceName'<~String> - specifies how volume is exposed to instance # * 'status'<~String> - status of attached volume # * 'volumeId'<~String> - Id of attached volume # * 'dnsName'<~String> - public dns name, blank until instance is running # * 'imageId'<~String> - image id of ami used to launch instance # * 'instanceId'<~String> - id of the instance # * 'instanceState'<~Hash>: # * 'code'<~Integer> - current status code # * 'name'<~String> - current status name # * 'instanceType'<~String> - type of instance # * 'ipAddress'<~String> - public ip address assigned to instance # * 'kernelId'<~String> - Id of kernel used to launch instance # * 'keyName'<~String> - name of key used launch instances or blank # * 'launchTime'<~Time> - time instance was launched # * 'monitoring'<~Hash>: # * 'state'<~Boolean - state of monitoring # * 'placement'<~Hash>: # * 'availabilityZone'<~String> - Availability zone of the instance # * 'privateDnsName'<~String> - private dns name, blank until instance is running # * 'privateIpAddress'<~String> - private ip address assigned to instance # * 'productCodes'<~Array> - Product codes for the instance # * 'ramdiskId'<~String> - Id of ramdisk used to launch instance # * 'reason'<~String> - reason for most recent state transition, or blank # * 'rootDeviceName'<~String> - specifies how the root device is exposed to the instance # * 'rootDeviceType'<~String> - root device type used by AMI in [ebs, instance-store] # * 'ebsOptimized'<~Boolean> - Whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O # * 'ownerId'<~String> - Id of owner # * 'requestId'<~String> - Id of request # * 'reservationId'<~String> - Id of reservation # # {Amazon API Reference}[] def run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, options = {}) if block_device_mapping = options.delete('BlockDeviceMapping') block_device_mapping.each_with_index do |mapping, index| for key, value in mapping options.merge!({ format("BlockDeviceMapping.%d.#{key}", index) => value }) end end end if security_groups = options.delete('SecurityGroup') options.merge!(Fog::AWS.indexed_param('SecurityGroup', [*security_groups])) end if security_group_ids = options.delete('SecurityGroupId') options.merge!(Fog::AWS.indexed_param('SecurityGroupId', [*security_group_ids])) end if options['UserData'] options['UserData'] = Base64.encode64(options['UserData']) end if network_interfaces = options.delete('NetworkInterfaces') network_interfaces.each_with_index do |mapping, index| iface = format("NetworkInterface.%d", index) for key, value in mapping case key when "SecurityGroupId" options.merge!(Fog::AWS.indexed_param("#{iface}.SecurityGroupId", [*value])) else options.merge!({ "#{iface}.#{key}" => value }) end end end end idempotent = !(options['ClientToken'].nil? || options['ClientToken'].empty?) request({ 'Action' => 'RunInstances', 'ImageId' => image_id, 'MinCount' => min_count, 'MaxCount' => max_count, :idempotent => idempotent, :parser => }.merge!(options)) end end class Mock def run_instances(image_id, min_count, max_count, options = {}) response = response.status = 200 group_set = [ (options['SecurityGroup'] || 'default') ].flatten instances_set = [] reservation_id = Fog::AWS::Mock.reservation_id if options['KeyName'] && describe_key_pairs('key-name' => options['KeyName']).body['keySet'].empty? raise"The key pair '#{options['KeyName']}' does not exist") end min_count.times do |i| instance_id = Fog::AWS::Mock.instance_id availability_zone = options['Placement.AvailabilityZone'] || Fog::AWS::Mock.availability_zone(@region) block_device_mapping = (options['BlockDeviceMapping'] || []).reduce([]) do |mapping, device| device_name = device.fetch("DeviceName", "/dev/sda1") volume_size = device.fetch("Ebs.VolumeSize", 15) # @todo should pull this from the image delete_on_termination = device.fetch("Ebs.DeleteOnTermination", true) # @todo should pull this from the image volume_id = create_volume(availability_zone, volume_size).data[:body]["volumeId"][:volumes][volume_id].merge!("DeleteOnTermination" => delete_on_termination) mapping << { "deviceName" => device_name, "volumeId" => volume_id, "status" => "attached", "attachTime" =>, "deleteOnTermination" => delete_on_termination, } end if options['SubnetId'] if options['PrivateIpAddress'] ni_options = {'PrivateIpAddress' => options['PrivateIpAddress']} else ni_options = {} end network_interface_id = create_network_interface(options['SubnetId'], ni_options).body['networkInterface']['networkInterfaceId'] end network_interfaces = (options['NetworkInterfaces'] || []).reduce([]) do |mapping, device| device_index = device.fetch("DeviceIndex", 0) subnet_id = device.fetch("SubnetId", options[:subnet_id] || Fog::AWS::Mock.subnet_id) private_ip_address = device.fetch("PrivateIpAddress", options[:private_ip_address] || Fog::AWS::Mock.private_ip_address) delete_on_termination = device.fetch("DeleteOnTermination", true) description = device.fetch("Description", "mock_network_interface") security_group_id = device.fetch("SecurityGroupId",[:security_groups]['default']['groupId']) interface_options = { "PrivateIpAddress" => private_ip_address, "GroupSet" => device.fetch("GroupSet", [security_group_id]), "Description" => description } interface_id = device.fetch("NetworkInterfaceId", create_network_interface(subnet_id, interface_options)) mapping << { "networkInterfaceId" => interface_id, "subnetId" => subnet_id, "status" => "attached", "attachTime" =>, "deleteOnTermination" => delete_on_termination, } end instance = { 'amiLaunchIndex' => i, 'associatePublicIP' => options['associatePublicIP'] || false, 'architecture' => 'i386', 'blockDeviceMapping' => block_device_mapping, 'networkInterfaces' => network_interfaces, 'clientToken' => options['clientToken'], 'dnsName' => nil, 'ebsOptimized' => options['EbsOptimized'] || false, 'hypervisor' => 'xen', 'imageId' => image_id, 'instanceId' => instance_id, 'instanceState' => { 'code' => 0, 'name' => 'pending' }, 'instanceType' => options['InstanceType'] || 'm1.small', 'kernelId' => options['KernelId'] || Fog::AWS::Mock.kernel_id, 'keyName' => options['KeyName'], 'launchTime' =>, 'monitoring' => { 'state' => options['Monitoring.Enabled'] || false }, 'placement' => { 'availabilityZone' => availability_zone, 'groupName' => nil, 'tenancy' => options['Placement.Tenancy'] || 'default' }, 'privateDnsName' => nil, 'productCodes' => [], 'reason' => nil, 'rootDeviceName' => block_device_mapping.first && block_device_mapping.first["deviceName"], 'rootDeviceType' => 'instance-store', 'virtualizationType' => 'paravirtual' } instances_set << instance[:instances][instance_id] = instance.merge({ 'groupIds' => [], 'groupSet' => group_set, 'iamInstanceProfile' => {}, 'ownerId' =>[:owner_id], 'reservationId' => reservation_id, 'stateReason' => {} }) if options['SubnetId'][:instances][instance_id]['vpcId'] =[:subnets].find{|subnet| subnet['subnetId'] == options['SubnetId'] }['vpcId'] attachment_id = attach_network_interface(network_interface_id, instance_id, '0').data[:body]['attachmentId'] modify_network_interface_attribute(network_interface_id, 'attachment', {'attachmentId' => attachment_id, 'deleteOnTermination' => 'true'}) end end response.body = { 'groupSet' => group_set, 'instancesSet' => instances_set, 'ownerId' =>[:owner_id], 'requestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id, 'reservationId' => reservation_id } response end end end end end